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Posted (edited)

I recently pick up some Dexter Gordon broadcasts on Steeple Chase. I love them. I started wondering of all the radio broadcasts done from the 1930's to present, is there a place where they reside? There is probably hundreds of thousands of great AM and FM shows. I would like to get my hand on some of them. It seems to be just a handful that have made it to disc. I live now in NY. Would anyone know if the museum of TV and radio would house them?

Edited by Popper Lou

Many most likely just remain in radio stations shelves.

And in the hands of people smart enough to record them off the air or get into trade relationships with collectors of such material.


I've often fantasized about the ability in the near future to go out into space and harvest these signals somehow of those early thirties nightclub broadcasts by Ellington et al. . . . Some research I've made seems to indicate that could happen; some seems to indicate it couldn't. Either way a better expenditure of money than other "star wars" type space travel schemes.


That idea of old broadcasts lingering in space somewhere is great. Has anyone used that in a science fiction story? I think it has a lot of potential. Or maybe one of those forensic investigation kind of things.


Not exactly what you had in mind, but didn't the aliens in Galaxy Quest - that Tim Allen space sci-fi comedy movie base their rebellion angainst their oppressors around intercepted signals of the Galaxy Quest series?


there's actually an old Twilight Zone in which an old codger, whose mind lives in the past, turns on his radio and gets old big band broadcasts, like TOmmy Dorsey - the old guy was played by Dean Jagger, as I recall -


I swear this is true: Back when I was kid my dad had one of those ancient tube radios that only got AM... huge, massive thing with big knobs and a gigantic tuning dial.

Anyway, I used to fire it up without his permission (it was in my parents' bedroom) and I swear, the only music that would come out of it was old big band swing stuff. Here I was, 8 or 9 years old, looking for some rock n' roll, and all this thing would play, no matter where the dial was, was swing.

I thought it was haunted.

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