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Posted (edited)

CD Universe has them available January 4th.

Has anyone ever spoken to Mosaic and get any info as to how retail sales of these sets is going? The CD Universe sales rank is something like 324,500 or thereabouts for the first 6 if that means anything

Has anyone ever seen any of the first six in a brick and mortar? I wonder if they see more action through the website with the exposure that retail might bring.

Edited by Ed Swinnich

When you can get Selects directly from Mosaic for less than $40, I can't imagine why anyone would go through CDU unless they were completely clueless. Given Mosaic's price, it also makes me wonder how CDU established their list price of $67.98. That would not appear to be based on much of anything other than the fact that they want you to belive you're getting some kind of deal. At this level, is it really any wonder that the sales ranking for the Selects is in the 300K range? CDU is usually pretty reasonable, but this is a ripoff.

Up over and out.


Has anyone ever seen any of the first six in a brick and mortar?  I wonder if they see more action through the website with the exposure that retail might bring.

I've seen the first 3 or 4 at a Borders-like bookstore in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

They are locked up behind glass, like all the other box sets, which unfortunately discourages casual browsing. The Moncur and Green sets both have a "Staff Recommendation" card describing the sets, so somebody there must have more than a passing interest in jazz.

I'm pretty sure the price is $39.95.

The sad thing is that I first noticed these sets almost a year ago! I don't think anybody has purchased one in that time. :unsure:


The sad thing is that I first noticed these sets almost a year ago! I don't think anybody has purchased one in that time. :unsure:

My two Border's stores are the same way.

Boxed sets are locked down and jammed together so that all you can see are the spines. And it looks like no one every buys them.

In fact, many of the sets and I have become good friends. I say hello to them every time I stop in. Some of them have been there for at least 7 years. :rolleyes:

I would consider liberating some of them if I couldn't get them for so much cheaper online. Even their 25% coupons don't level the playing field. :rmad:

  • 2 weeks later...

I'd recommend going to Amazon and buying it

from one of their "used" dealers that you see listed on the side.

no thanks. for only a couple of bucks more, i can support mosaic by buying from them directly.


I remember that when the first set of selects went retail, CD Universe had them priced with an introductory pre-order price of around $35. I sent Fred from Mosaic an email asking what was up with the pricing being cheaper than from Mosaic (even if it was a pre-order price).

Fred was shocked at the $35 price, remarking in his reply that is almost what Mosaic charges them for the set. Subsequently, the pricing was changed and they now sell for around $50 retail at CD universe.


This has probably already been discussed here on the board, but why would Mosaic want to sell these retail, at a higher price? Is it just for the added exposure?

The Selects are great products, but it seems that many of the artists would be quite obscure to casual jazz fans browsing at a bookstore.


Yes, of course, you can do that too, but to think that you're not supporting Mosaic by buying it from a retailer is not quite right either.

i really don't have a problem buying from another retailer. i trust that mosaic has received an acceptable wholesale price from them. my comment was prompted by the idea of saving only a couple of dollars by buying a used copy. again, i'd rather give mosaic my money. for me, it's an investment in mosaic's future, and in my future enjoyment.

Posted (edited)

Jeez, sending Fred that email was really swift.

Why get alarmed if/when a vendor sells a Mosaic for wholesale?

As long as Mosaic gets theirs, you should be emailing us, not Fred.

Jeez, jumping to conclusions without knowing one's intent is shall we charitably say - even swifter.

Here's my original post about the pricing posted May 26, 2004 (Bolding added to make my point)

When I emailed Fred with the pricing that they were originally listed at - which was $37 and change - he responded to me that he could not understand how or why they could sell them at that price as ir is very very close to the price that retailers are being charged for the set. I'm guessing that the newer $35.85 price gives the m little if any profit. I realize that this is standard procedure for CD Universe and that the price will rise a couple of days after release - so get 'em while they're hot. That is a great price.

I don't particularly give a rat's ass what a retail establishment will sell a Mosaic set for. If Mosaic has authorized retail sale of a set, I'll buy it wherever I can at the best price that I can get. Speaking of best price, Here's the reason I emailed Mosaic in the first place. Mosaic had led us to believe that their $39 price would be the best we'd see. So when some retail outfit comes up with a $35 price, I want to know how and why and whether or not Mosaic was feeding us a line of crap about their anticipated $49 retail pricing. In the process I got a piece of info to share with the board.

Edited by Ed Swinnich

This has probably already been discussed here on the board, but why would Mosaic want to sell these retail, at a higher price? Is it just for the added exposure?

The Selects are great products, but it seems that many of the artists would be quite obscure to casual jazz fans browsing at a bookstore.

That was kind of my point in starting the thread. I think originally, the idea was to get more exposure for Mosaic. I'm quite sure there a many folks who kind of discover them by accident or have never heard of them prior to seeing a set in a store. Personally, I knoew nothing of the company intil I started hanging out at the really old BNBB aroud '98 or '99. I was just kind of curious if the idea has paid off or if there are actually people out there buying them for close to $50.


It seems pretty clear that Mosaic is determined to get $35-39 for these sets. They sell them directly at $39, maybe 10% cheaper during a sale. They sell them "wholesale" at $35 and offer a list price of $49 so the retailer can get their cut as well. Remember, a lot of people still don't have internet access or know how (or are willing) to purchase things on-line.

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