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Grant Green "Am I Blue"

Soul Stream

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Guest ariceffron


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Any problems are due more to programming than the players. For me it's analogous to Blue Hour. Great players in both cases, but I have to be really be in a mood for it, or in a situation that calls for that kind of mood to be created.

I think I posted once on this on the bnbb something to the effect that I wouldn't want to have Blue Hour playing in the car at 3:00 AM while barrelling down Rt 95.

It's an listening experience you want for certain other situations.

Edited by Harold_Z
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This album took a while to grow on me. Before it was released as an RVG, a friend made a burn of the first four tracks (along with all of Green Street), so I missed out on the mammoth 14-minute “For All We Know,” which for me is worth the price of admission alone. Now THAT’S a track to listen to while cruising down the highway in the middle of the night. The way Big John just BURNS underneath Johnny C & Joe is just all sorts o’ soulful.

May not be the fieriest entry in the annals of the Holy Trinity of Greeeeaze, but it’s a grand album nonetheless! I’m gonna go put it on right now!

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I still don't like it. I've tried and tried but it still puts me to sleep. Nothing like "Blue Hour" in my book. I can listen to "Blue Hour" over & over. "Am I Blue" just can't keep my interest.

FWIW, it can't seem to keep the buying public's interest either. I bet this will be one of the first Grant Green dates deleted by BN in a long time.



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I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I don't think I've ever joined in on the bashings that have taken place, but I've never gone out of my way to "defend" it, either. It's a good session, IMO, but I don't react to it quite the way Soul Stream does (not "One of the greatest albums of all time" to my ears). On my own personal GG scale, if NIGERIA is a "10" and EASY is a "1", I would put AM I BLUE at about a 5.72584. B-)

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I'm glad to hear some people really enjoy this date. For me, however, Scott Yanow hit the nail on the head when he wrote: "The material is not all that exciting, and the laid-back feeling sometimes leads to dull moments...Although certainly listenable enough, this is one of Grant Green's lesser efforts from the 1960s."

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I still don't like it. I've tried and tried but it still puts me to sleep. Nothing like "Blue Hour" in my book. I can listen to "Blue Hour" over & over. "Am I Blue" just can't keep my interest.

FWIW, it can't seem to keep the buying public's interest either. I bet this will be one of the first Grant Green dates deleted by BN in a long time.



I totally agree. It remains the one original Blue Note LP that I just had to discard after two listens. Probably should have kept it if only to make more dough by selling it. But musically, everyone must have partaken of a little too much V&V (vodka and valium) by the time the date got under way. Can't figure out why it was released when Green's SOLID, a much stronger date, also with Joe, stayed in the can for so many years.

Edited by MartyJazz
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But musically, everyone must have partaken of a little too much V&V (vodka and valium) by the time the date got under way.

There's more MUSIC going on here than most high speed bop songs ever recorded. And on the contrary, the musicians seem to all be on top of their game. Once again we're arguing tempo not substance.

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With musicians of this quality - realisticaly the playing is always of great value within a certain variable. It's never going to be bad or unlistenable. Even if carried to extremes, there will always be something of value from players like this.

Soulstream has a point about tempo and I don't find it in conflict with mine. The question for me is were the tempos, or this concept, imposed upon the players as a production value or concept for the album (I think so) - and if so, that would put into jazz "mood" album context.

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I purchased 'Am I Blue,' when it was a new RVG, with great anticipation. I'd never heard the music. I figured, due to the style of the cover and the names of the tunes, the album might be a set of slower/mood songs. I also believed, due to the names of the players on the session, the tunes would have to be good, fast or slow, by default.

I played the album the first time and was surprised at how uninspired and dull the players and songs seemed. The last song, 'For All We Know,' is the highlight of the set. 'For All We Know' is good but not great.

The players on the 'Am I Blue' set cause me to think of a great sports team on a bad day. The players are falling on themselves, stumbling, and seemingly uninspired. At the end of the game (or on the last track in the case of 'Am I Blue') the players catch their second wind and begin, finally, to play. The fans cheer. The team has a chance to win but, ultimately, loses.

Due to other posts on the Organissimo and BNBB boards I've tried to enjoy 'Am I Blue.' I want to like it. I want to understand and appreciate what is good about it. During one of my many playings of 'Am I Blue' I started thinking I liked the music. But it was only a passing thing... I placed the 'Am I Blue' RVG back on my shelf and didn't get it out again till reading posts in this thread.

I am not a musician. The only music I know how to play comes from my stereo. As a listener I may not appreciate music in the same way as a player. I've played 'Am I Blue' three times, in its entirety, since this thread appeared. I've tried to take Soul Stream's post and listen to the MUSIC being played. I hear things going on... Patton's organ mixing around, Grant Green's signature playing, and the fading in/out of Joe Henderson and Johnny Coles.

In addition, I considered Soul Stream's words in regard to listening for substance rather than tempo. To me, the tempo isn't the problem nor is it a lack of substance. It's a lack of inspiration. These musicians seem like they can't wait for this session to be over so they can get back to doing whatever it is they'd rather be doing. I compared the tempo of the 'Am I Blue' album to that of the song 'Idle Moments.' 'Idle Moments' is about the same tempo, to my ears, as many of the songs on 'Am I Blue.' While the songs on 'Am I Blue' seem uninspired, draggy, and dull... the 'Idle Moments' tune, which also showcases Grant Green and Joe Henderson, is beautiful, inspired, stylistic, and refined.

'Am I Blue' is played well and very musical, I suppose. At the same time, to me, the music sounds clumsy, forced, and uninspired. As if the musicians were surrounded by a strange fog and couldn't quite get going. On the last track the fog thins but it's too late.

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But musically, everyone must have partaken of a little too much V&V (vodka and valium) by the time the date got under way.

There's more MUSIC going on here than most high speed bop songs ever recorded. And on the contrary, the musicians seem to all be on top of their game. Once again we're arguing tempo not substance.

No, we're not arguing tempo. I can listen to "Idle Moments" and "Django" from Green's IDLE MOMENTS session without any problem whatsoever as that is a consistently interesting date. On the other hand, AM I BLUE is a ponderously boring date IMO. What's more I had the temerity to personally say it to Joe Henderson 30 years ago when I casually knew him when he temporarily lived in the same neighborhood (Brooklyn Heights) as I did. He too felt that he had recorded better stuff with Green. That certainly doesn't cinch the case for my view, but it doesn't hurt either.

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I just wanted to voice my support for this LP. No big deal, I know the majority of people find this a rather dull and lifeless recording for their own reasons. However, as a musican myself, I've found a lot of lessons to be learned from repeated listenings here. That was all I wanted to say, and maybe those more on the fence about the session would give it another chance.... :)

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I've been listening to it a bit as a result of seeing this thread. Definitely not Green's best session by any means, but it's not bad. Very mellow. I've heard worst. I think it's better than Patton's "Along Came John," which is a weak session in my opinion.

The comparison to "Blue Hour" is appropriate. I think it's a keeper. I've got to listen a few more times in order to give a more comprehensive opinion.

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