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What live music are you going to see tonight?


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Two bands comprising members of London's 'F-IRE Collective' - 'Oriole' (led by flamenco-influenced guitarist Jonny Philips) and the Ingrid Laubrock Quintet, featuring the playings and compositions of this fine player. Both Ingrid and drummer Seb Rochford from the Quintet also featured as members of 'Oriole'.

Both of these bands are absolutely unique in style and and their tour of the UK regions (Windsor Art Centre tonight, I believe). Some of the best live jazz currently being produced in the UK from these guys. The Laubrock Quintet is particularly well integrated, with Laubrock and cellist Ben Davis really gelling these days as a front-line team.


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Saw the Stones Wednesday night at Soldier Field. The wind chill was down to about 20 degrees, and there were wind gusts up to 35mph, but that didn't matter. They opened with "You Got Me Rocking", and debuted "She Was Hot"! There was an excellent "Midnight Rambler" followed by "Tumbling Dice". Great show!

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"She Was Hot" is 23 years old now. Was that really the first time it was played live??

According to the article in today's Chicago Tribune, it was the live debut of the song. Sounded great too. I'm surprised it was never in the repertoire before.

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shut up- jimmy cobb n george cables? i gotta try n go see that

Yeah - they were really good.

Talked with them after the show.

Javon & Jimmy signed their CD called New York Time (has Walton & McBride on it ) for me.

They were selling it for $10.

After the show was over, Cables sat down & played solo for about 30 minutes for a few of us.

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Friday, In Seattle:


Set list from last night:

Seattle, Washington

Key Arena

October 13, 2006

1. Maggie's Farm

2. She Belongs To Me

3. Lonesome Day Blues

4. Positively 4th Street

5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

6. Just Like A Woman

7. Highway 61 Revisited

8. When The Deal Goes Down

9. Tangled Up In Blue

10. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall

11. Watching The River Flow

12. Workingman's Blues #2

13. Summer Days


14. Thunder On The Mountain

15. Like A Rolling Stone

16. All Along The Watchtower

The Bobster was in awesome form last night. I lucked out and got a third row seat that was looking straight on to Dylan. The boys came out in the now traditional gray suits with black hats, Dylan in black (of course), who played keyboard/harmoncia. Dylan very much into the show last night, moved around a lot, smiles galore among the musicians, even plaing up to the crowd at times! Very nice vibe to the whole evening. Highlights for me were When the Deal Goes Down, Tangled Up In Blue, Workingman's Blues #2, and Thunder On The Mountain. This was one of the better concerts I've been to in a while -- even the opening act Kings of Leon were very good. I think having the new cd go #1 was a big boost to Dylan, gave some added enthusiasm to his music... and yes, that kind of stuff matter very much to Dylan. Go and see Dylan when he comes around, he and the band are in great shape right now.

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Chewy, you should check out the review in the PI, the Unintentional Comedy factor is off the chart!!! Here's my favorite:

Four decades into my Dylan obsession, I certainly didn't expect to hear any of my more obscure favorites, but in the middle of the concert, he swung into "Tangled Up in Blue," from the late 1970s.


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Highlights for me were When the Deal Goes Down, Tangled Up In Blue, Workingman's Blues #2, and Thunder On The Mountain. This was one of the better concerts I've been to in a while -- even the opening act Kings of Leon were very good. I think having the new cd go #1 was a big boost to Dylan, gave some added enthusiasm to his music... and yes, that kind of stuff matter very much to Dylan. Go and see Dylan when he comes around, he and the band are in great shape right now.

I am seeing him at the end of the month. Every couple of days I go to Bob's Links to check out the set list.

How were new songs? Did he try and keep them exactly like on the CD or did he change them up in anyway?

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Highlights for me were When the Deal Goes Down, Tangled Up In Blue, Workingman's Blues #2, and Thunder On The Mountain. This was one of the better concerts I've been to in a while -- even the opening act Kings of Leon were very good. I think having the new cd go #1 was a big boost to Dylan, gave some added enthusiasm to his music... and yes, that kind of stuff matter very much to Dylan. Go and see Dylan when he comes around, he and the band are in great shape right now.

I am seeing him at the end of the month. Every couple of days I go to Bob's Links to check out the set list.

How were new songs? Did he try and keep them exactly like on the CD or did he change them up in anyway?

The new songs sounded much better live, had a harder edge that on the cd. Thunder On The Mountain, for sure, was way better live. By the time you see him, I wouldn't be surprised if the set had six tunes from Modern Times. You should be in store for a great concert, it seems as if the band is getting better each night.

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Missed you at Twins the other night Weiz. To busy packing to come have a wiezen with your ol' pal Johnny E?

Naa, had a few kid matters to deal with and a houseguest from Europe who was leaving the next day and who wanted to do a couple of things before flying out. I'd already taken him to the 'O' show the week before so I was hesitant to drag him over there again. Next time I'll ditch him at the airport 24-hrs before his flight. :cool:special6.jpg

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Missed you at Twins the other night Weiz. To busy packing to come have a wiezen with your ol' pal Johnny E?

Naa, had a few kid matters to deal with and a houseguest from Europe who was leaving the next day and who wanted to do a couple of things before flying out. I'd already taken him to the 'O' show the week before so I was hesitant to drag him over there again. Next time I'll ditch him at the airport 24-hrs before his flight. :cool:becks.jpg

That's the spirit. :g

I'll tell ya though, we had more than a few board members salivating over the possibility of viewing a picture of me and you half shot in the ass, arm-in-arm, steins in hand (or one of us choking the other). cheers.gif

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The new songs sounded much better live, had a harder edge that on the cd. Thunder On The Mountain, for sure, was way better live. By the time you see him, I wouldn't be surprised if the set had six tunes from Modern Times. You should be in store for a great concert, it seems as if the band is getting better each night.

One can only hope. Though I will take less new songs if he still has Desolation Row in the set.

I was a little nervous because the first set list of the tour didn't have much variety from the Summer ballpark tour, but the shows since have had more variety.

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Last night in Chicago at Elastic caught trumpeter Jamie Branch, tenor saxophonist Joe Sexton, and drummer-pianist Marc Riordan -- all former New England Conservatory students, Sexton and Riordan still based in Boston, Branch has been in Chicago for several years (her folks live in a northern suburb, she works at the Jazz Record Mart). Very impressive more or less "free" playing, no waste motion. Sexton is a bit older and more developed than Branch -- a review that talks about him is here:


-- but Branch is really in tune with these guys; they make a group music. I was especially impressed by what happened on the one piece where Riordan switched to piano; Webern out of Feldman gestures that really cohered and were responsive to, and were responded to by, Sexton and Branch.

A nice touch is that Elastic, before and between sets, plays all kinds of good stuff through their good sound system, but wisely only one artist/band per night, so you can really get into that thing if you're in the mood, and also wisely, not something that's in the style of the music you're about to hear "live." Last night it was Armstrong Hot Five/Hot Seven. Damn did it sound fine. Another night it was Von Freeman's Atlantic LP. Etc.

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