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Do you understand this at our show and only our show we had not one but 2 members from the Sun Ra Chicago era:  Marshall Allen + very special guest Julian Priester.   And believe me when I tell you our show setlist this morning leaned very heavily toward the chicago era, they did stranger in paradise,  and ra's arrangement of prelude to a kiss. Also believe me when I tell you the lead singers voice had the some tone as the original lead singer, like on dreams come true- they could of done dreams come true and it would of sounded like the record, would of been rad, but we got a lot of good songs, we got "love in outer space" and ANGELS AND FREAKING DEMONS AT PLAY--- with the dual-flutes.  OH-MY-GOD.  it really brought me back i tell you what- it was classic chicago sun ra, and im bellypressed against the front of the stage center and julian priesters over there in full space outfit and marshall allen ripping a solo and there shouting angels and demons at play!  you guys must know ive seen a lot of concerts,but this was the greatest jazz show ive ever seen maybe, it really was them. 

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2 hours ago, chewy-chew-chew-bean-benitez said:

Do you understand this at our show and only our show we had not one but 2 members from the Sun Ra Chicago era:  Marshall Allen + very special guest Julian Priester.   And believe me when I tell you our show setlist this morning leaned very heavily toward the chicago era, they did stranger in paradise,  and ra's arrangement of prelude to a kiss. Also believe me when I tell you the lead singers voice had the some tone as the original lead singer, like on dreams come true- they could of done dreams come true and it would of sounded like the record, would of been rad, but we got a lot of good songs, we got "love in outer space" and ANGELS AND FREAKING DEMONS AT PLAY--- with the dual-flutes.  OH-MY-GOD.  it really brought me back i tell you what- it was classic chicago sun ra, and im bellypressed against the front of the stage center and julian priesters over there in full space outfit and marshall allen ripping a solo and there shouting angels and demons at play!  you guys must know ive seen a lot of concerts,but this was the greatest jazz show ive ever seen maybe, it really was them. 

Very, very cool, chewy. Thanks for sharing that write-up!  :tup 

Posted (edited)















Related image Related image Related image Related image Sun Ra Arkestra 2019: many classic members.   But this morning, this special, special morning- our show gets AN ORIGINAL MEMBER i have seen him in a horn section supoorting MMW i have seen him with his own quartet, i have seen him with Benny Maupin, but not tonight, not on this special night, tonight I get to see what hes really all about, in his original element, and there i was experiencing it.  It was happening right before my eyes.  










angels and freaking demons at play.  Remember how i exictied i was when at the joe walsh concert and ringo came out, well this was like that x50billion.  they really did the dual flute part, i couldn't believe what was happening





Edited by chewy-chew-chew-bean-benitez
Posted (edited)

look, im no fool, when marshall plopped this down i knew exactly what i was looking at here, this is the real deal. any of you ever go to italy to have special access to the most very sacred texts secured deep with the archives of the Vatican in Vatican city.....yea.  thats what this is here.  some sacred texts-   this wasnt photocpied or computer charts or an i-pad.  this was Ra's original charts, in pencil, on old paper.  why marhsall brings it out i dont know, to call up songs maybe, i mean he knows all the stuff.....but yea.....there it is.  there it freaking is. who reading this isn't crying right now.  look at this, oh my god






if it wasnt 2 in the morning i would of asked him about this, lololllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll




Danny Ray Thompson





they played 11p-1a

Edited by chewy-chew-chew-bean-benitez
On 1/5/2019 at 7:16 PM, Stereojack said:

Would you give us a report on the show, Kevin?

Although a good night of Jazz, it was not as good as the last time they came through. Something just seemed off a bit. Pianist Wonsey was the star. His solos were varied yet touching on Horace Silver's style in the right places. I really dug one of his solos a lot. Nelson (purposefully?) seemed to be behind the beat on most of his solos. They did a cover of "Up, Up & Away, My Beautiful Balloon" that came off better than I thought it would but it was still schmaltz and I couldn't warm to it.

The worst thing was the noisy crowd. There were two guys at the bar who talked, make that shout-talked, throughout the whole set. The bartender was even laughing at one of their jokes during one of Hayes' drum solos. I was expecting someone to go over and tell them to lower the volume a bit but no one did. They were not the only ones either. There was a row of tables at the back of front section and they mostly seemed to be there to eat dinner and socialize. They rarely watched the band (one guy even had his seat pointing away from the stage) and many of them spent more time on their phones than listening.

39 minutes ago, Kevin Bresnahan said:

The worst thing was the noisy crowd. There were two guys at the bar who talked, make that shout-talked, throughout the whole set. The bartender was even laughing at one of their jokes during one of Hayes' drum solos. I was expecting someone to go over and tell them to lower the volume a bit but no one did. They were not the only ones either. There was a row of tables at the back of front section and they mostly seemed to be there to eat dinner and socialize. They rarely watched the band (one guy even had his seat pointing away from the stage) and many of them spent more time on their phones than listening.

It's sad that clubs are so desperate for business that they are forced to put up with bad behavior like this. 


$75-100 for a set of 2 sets in boston, i believe it dog.  Sucks they didnt shut up for your show.  Did you score a table close to the drums.  Was there any room behind im or right to the side if you have to- thats where the sweet-spot is for louis hayes dog- you wanna be like directly in BACK of louis hayes , thats where the sound comes out, and you can see him actually playing.  At the Sun Ra Arkestra concert yesterday it was standing room floor and with the this larger ensemble, it was a more interactive type of show with the audience and little stage/audience seperation


for example when they did "rocket number nine take off, take off, for the planet venus",   i was pointing right back at knoel scott who was pointing and doing lead vocal and i was screaming along with him, as was everyone.  My hands were raised or pointing that entire song ("up! zoom! up in the air!!) oh my god.  I have to tell you, I have to tell you I really had the rocket number nine experience.  In was insane you guys.  I'm not over reaching this- i honestly have to tell you ive never seen anything like it


I know what you mean, in my case it was June 26 and 27, 1987, and July 22 and 23, 1988, a total of eight sets with the Sun Ra Arkestra at the Caravan of Dreams in Fort Worth, Texas. After the last set on Saturday night in 1988, I knew they were heading to San Antonio to play a concert on Monday--I sure wanted to follow them to hear more, but regretfully i did not.


Attended the Roy Hargrove tribute at Jazz at Lincoln Center. The concert ran four and a half hours and ended with a raise-the-roof set by the RH Factor. An early “elders” set featured Gary Bartz on saxophone, George Cables on piano, Ray Drummond on bass, and Jimmy Cobb on drums. Roy Haynes was sitting a few rows in front of me, wearing a cowboy hat. Definitely a night to remember. 


oh dog! i was couch-jammin' slong with you. i also liked on the elders set when dee dee bridgewater and roberta gambroini were improvising.  caught only a bit of rh factor part.  What a great tribute concert to roy.  i have to say ive never seen a jazz tribute concert like this, youd think i would of but i have not.  the new orleans procession at the start- it was a very good tribute concert

the lincoln center yesterday had a symposioum on art blakey with a whole stage of former messengers to speak.....

so wynton, is the leader of lincoln center still?  but what role is christian mcbride have, do they just use him a lot of is he also in an offical lincoln center capacity

Posted (edited)

i correct that i saw an AMAZING tribute to billy higgins concert- but it was a living tribute- billy jammed 3/4's of his own tribute concert maybe more.  AFAIK the last jam of the rhythm sec from blue note favorites THE SIDEWINDER and GETTIN' AROUND....ohhhhhh it was sweet- and completely unannounced before hand- total suprise.  i can see how live performances can slip thru the cracks if not recorded.  it was sidewinder trio + charlies lloyd and another part featured Kenny Burrell-- KB Live at the spot in front of me where im watching, it was great

who else saw the lincoln ctr piece. im telling you their really good with the live broacasts!

Edited by chewy-chew-chew-bean-benitez
19 minutes ago, Hardbopjazz said:

I did go to the Roy Hargrove Memorial Concert at Lincoln Center. 5 hours logs and over 200 musicians.   

Whoa! I wish I’d known that you were there... would’ve loved to have said hello in person. And Chewy, yes to everything you said! 


Last Friday night at the Winter Jazzfest: Jamie Saft Quartet (with Bill McHenry, Brad Jones and Nasheet Waits), Mary Halvorson Code Girl, Aaron Parks Little Big, Amirtha Kildambi Elder Ones, and Sarah Elizabeth Charles and the Source.

Saturday night at Winter Jazzfest: Sisterhood of  Swing (including Bria Skonberg, Caroline Davis, Sherel Cassity), Pocket Science (Gary Bartz, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Robert Irving, Kahil El Zabar), Impressions of Pepper Roundrobin (including Liberty Ellman, David Virelles, Makaya McCraven, Brandee Younger), Amina Claudine Myers Generations 4, and Kassa Overall Trio with Mark Shim.

Sunday night at Drom, for the Mediterranean Jazz Festival: Giannikou / Kontanis / Klampanis / Woloski, Lluis Capdevila, Trakek Yamani Trio with Antonio Lizana, Lau Noah, and Andreas Arnold.  

2 hours ago, kh1958 said:

Last Friday night at the Winter Jazzfest: Jamie Saft Quartet (with Bill McHenry, Brad Jones and Nasheet Waits), Mary Halvorson Code Girl, Aaron Parks Little Big, Amirtha Kildambi Elder Ones, and Sarah Elizabeth Charles and the Source.

Saturday night at Winter Jazzfest: Sisterhood of  Swing (including Bria Skonberg, Caroline Davis, Sherel Cassity), Pocket Science (Gary Bartz, Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Robert Irving, Kahil El Zabar), Impressions of Pepper Roundrobin (including Liberty Ellman, David Virelles, Makaya McCraven, Brandee Younger), Amina Claudine Myers Generations 4, and Kassa Overall Trio with Mark Shim.

Sunday night at Drom, for the Mediterranean Jazz Festival: Giannikou / Kontanis / Klampanis / Woloski, Lluis Capdevila, Trakek Yamani Trio with Antonio Lizana, Lau Noah, and Andreas Arnold.  

Any highlights?

Posted (edited)
On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 10:36 AM, Steve Reynolds said:

Any highlights?

Sure, I had a great time.

The first night was the best for me. Jamie Saft, his group from the Blue Dream CD, with a terrific rhythm section (Brad Jones and Nasheet Waits). The only negative was there was no piano or organ in the Soho Playhouse.

Mary Halvorson Code Girl. The group seemed under-rehearsed to me. Reading all the music. I was a bit disappointed.

Then I had the best sequence of three sets of the weekend at Subculture (unlike Code Girl these groups all sounded like real working bands):

Aaron Parks Little Big. I liked his new album a lot so I really liked this set.

Amirtha Kidambi Elder Ones. I was not expecting to like this set so much, but I did. Fusion of Indian vocal tradition with avant garde jazz group. Set was great.

Sarah Elizabeth Charles. Another unexpected pleasure. A jazz/neo-soul hybrid music. An exciting vocalist and dynamic band. Ordered two of her CDs right away (along with Kildambi's CD).


Sisterhood of Swing: A retro set, playing charts of the International Sweethearts of Rhythm. A pleasant, modestly enjoyable set of swing era music, with nice soloing from Bria Skonberg, Caroline Davis and Sherel Cassity.

Pocket Science: Definitely the best set I saw on the second day of the festival. Bartz/Tacuma/Irving/Zabar were exciting. Looking forward to their CD.

Impressions of Pepper: This was a series of soloists or duets of songs from St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Some of the interludes were good: Liberty Ellman, Brandee Younger, David Virelles. Overall it got a little wearisome.

Amina Claudine Myers: This was not a jazz set but rather a gospel set, and a good one. Amina played piano and sang, with three other young women vocalists, two of whom were Threadgills, and the other an Abrams.

Kassa Overall Trio with Mark Shim. It was actually a quintet. The jazz parts were quite exciting. The drummer leader seems to aspire to be Drake, or some sort of hip hop/neo-soul vocalists. He actually sings well, just not my cup of tea.   

Edited by kh1958

I had a good time, too.

- Michael Formanek’s Very Practical Trio w/Tim Berne and Mary Halvorson. Enjoyable combination of musicians. I've seen her with Formanek, but not Berne before. It worked.
- Maria Grand DiaTribe w/Faye Victor. Nothing notable about the band, but Faye was outstanding. At Bar Zinc - terrible venue for a festival. Long narrow space with front half table seating only w/one drink minimum. Back half is the bar, but unless you're AT the front of the bar it was very difficult to see the stage. Overall difficult if you're venue hopping.
- Ralph Alessi and "This Against That" w/Ravi Coltrane, Drew Gress, Andy Milne, Mark Ferber. Very good sextet performance. Ravi is getting stronger all the time. Surprisingly light attendance for this show.
- Ben LaMar Gay. Nice sounding neo-jazz with a groove and vocals. At Nublu in the E. Village - a LONG walk from Bleeker St.
- Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society + Hamid Drake. Again ... nice sounding groove, but I left after a half hour of noodling.

- Pocket Science with Gary Bartz, Kahil El Zabar, Jamaladeen Tacuma, Robert Irving III. Excellent set especially since I've never seen Tacuma or Zabar before. Nice auditorium, but for some reason they had the band near the back wall of the stage instead of up front.
- Dave Liebman, Adam Rudolph & Hamid Drake. Three sets in a row at Subculture, like kh. Interesting trio and pretty abstract. 
- Allison Miller and Carmen Staaf ‘Science Fair’ w/Dayna Stephens, Jason Palmer, Matt Penman. The discovery of the weekend for me. I wasn't familiar with Miller, and her drumming is outstanding. Staaf is a force to be reckoned with, too.
- JD Allen Encounters David Murray. Very intense and a good way to close the festival for me. Allen has a solid Rollins/Coltrane presence and of course Murray takes his Ayler blowing to the max. They played off each other very well.

Looking forward to NEXT year!

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