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Interlocking foam play mats

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I was out yesterday looking for interlocking foam mats that you can put down on your existing floor (in my case, hardwood) to give your child something soft to play on (in my case, fall down on since little Zora is standing already... she's crazy).

I'm looking for something like this:


Those look nice, but a little expensive. They had some at the local Toyz R Us but they were electronic, meaning the had touch activated sounds in them and such. That would drive me insane. They were about $50 for a 6x6 area. I figure something without all the bells and whistles (literally) should be about half that much.

Any ideas?

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Not exactly the same thing, Jim, but a baby suggestion nonetheless. We discovered this too late for our kids, but instead of a traditional playpen, a friend of ours used a cheap blow-up kiddie pool (maybe 8' round) for her toddler to play in. The sides were high enough (maybe 18") to corral the kid and keep the toys inside. It was also soft enough to avoid any injuries. With a hardwood floor you might need some additional padding/carpet on the bottom, but we always thought that a great idea.

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I was out yesterday looking for interlocking foam mats that you can put down on your existing floor (in my case, hardwood) to give your child something soft to play on (in my case, fall down on since little Zora is standing already... she's crazy).

I'm looking for something like this:


Those look nice, but a little expensive. They had some at the local Toyz R Us but they were electronic, meaning the had touch activated sounds in them and such. That would drive me insane. They were about $50 for a 6x6 area. I figure something without all the bells and whistles (literally) should be about half that much.

Any ideas?

Jim, we got a set for $20 at Sam's Club (I think there were 6 or 8 pieces in the set, with the black connectors). One of the best purchases we have made. Our daughter LOVES these things! She likes to tear em and try to put them back together, and she's taken to coloring on them with her crayons and markers. Just this weekend, she was pretty bored, so my wife took the mats and pieced 3 of them together on their sides so they built a little fortress kind of thing, in the shape of a triangle, and she really took to that. kept her occupied for almost a full half hour!!

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Floors are good. Hard surfaces are good. What kind of human are you trying to develop?

Please remember bacteria is good too. So is heat. Pain too.

Oh... well in that case, I have lots of lead paint around that's exposed, some wiring exposed, a couple of good long hard stairways to fall down, and doors that weigh about 100 lbs. a piece that can slam shut on little fingers.

Good enough?


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Sam's Club had a pack of 8 2'x2' interlocking foam mats that we bought for only 10 bucks or so. I couldn't find them on their web site, but you may find them in the store. Also, how about Meijer? They would have to have something.

*edit* ah-ha. what GregK said above. They may have been 20 bucks. Still a pretty good deal.

Edited by Jim Dye
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Sam's Club had a pack of 8 2'x2' interlocking foam mats that we bought for only 10 bucks or so. I couldn't find them on their web site, but you may find them in the store. Also, how about Meijer? They would have to have something.

*edit* ah-ha. what GregK said above. They may have been 20 bucks. Still a pretty good deal.

actually, looks like you may be more accurate. My wife just got home and I asked her (she bought them)-she says we paid about $9. Obviously I have no idea how much money I hemorrhage weekly. I've been way off on our grocery bill too! :o

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Well I had my grandpa accompany me to Sam's Club and lo and behold they did have them. The price was $15.97, so you were both wrong!! :) Little Zora has already tested them out by falling a few times and she hasn't cried! :)

Her problem is that she's already standing but she doesn't really know how to sit so once she stands up, she doesn't know how to get back down. So then she just kind of falls.

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