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All right, so I just got off the phone with CI Host and we talked at length about the needs of this site. The conclusion is that a dedicated server is the way to go. Having other, non-related sites sharing a server and accessing different databases leads to hang-ups, slowdowns, and crashes.

I'm going to go with their Dedicated Server 0 which will be far and away more than this site needs in terms of speed and bandwidth at the moment, but will give us plenty of room to grow. As the database gets larger, it'll demand more resources from the server and this way we will have those resources.

The cost is $99 per month plus a $200 one-time startup fee. Right now they are running a 15% off deal plus three months free at the end if pre-paid for a year. But that's only through the weekend. I'm waiting for a new CC to get here that I just signed up for (for band related purchases) so I'll probably miss that deal. But my rep said they usually have 10% off deals running with the same three months free deal.

So, total cost to get this up and running for a year with the 10% discount would be about $1250. Right now in the donations fund we have about $620. Word up!

The other option is to pay monthly which overall will be more expensive but might be more manageable for me.

Ideas welcome!

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I'm not a webhosting expert, but the hardware configuration and traffic limit seem to be more than adequate for the site.

But maybe there are other dedicated server solutions which are cheaper. For the start, I would not go for a 12 month commitment but choose the 3 month option, even if it is 10% more expensive.

It also seems that there is no data backup solution included in the package. This would be essential for a message board. Or is it possible to do a backup yourself, by downloading the board database to your PC? A backup should be done at least once a week, daily would be much better.


I just transfered my liitle web page from thechain to www.affordablehost.com. I am pretty excited so far. They have a program called cpanel that you use to administer the site. A couple clicks and you have an invision board installed. It makes everything really easy. They have dedicated servers as well. On their site they say that they are willing to work with you on pricing and details. If you want to check it out, send me a PM and i'll give you admin access so you can play around. It's really impressive. The only downside is that Nessa might have a problem since the servers are in Grand Fucking Rapids. :P Other than that, it seems like a good company.


I asked about backups. There are several options. The most cost-effective is for me to backup the database myself to my home PC every day or every week. I'd probably do it every night. It's not hard to do.

The other would be to have them install another harddrive and do a RAID array. I'd still backup the database myself (which I have been doing every week since we've been up anyway).

They also have server admin software as well that allows you to setup IP addresses, websites, etc. It looks pretty cool.

I agree that a year pre-paid is probably not the way to go, just in case something happens and the support or the actual server itself is not what it is cracked up to be. I'll probably go for a three to six month option.

The cost of the server is expensive compared to what I've been paying, but if it means stability and quickness, then it's worth it to me. I'd also like to stay away from companies based in Michigan just because as much as I like my state, it's not exactly known as a technology state. :)


Jim, how are the finances doing right now? (This question is based partly on comments on the AAJ board during our recent vacation there.)

Michigan not known for technology, ha, ha. The auto industry that bad, now? I remember the first time I drove up to Detroit from the South end on the Interstate. The first auto plant was Toyota, I think. Ulp! (Not that they don't make great cars.) At least you have Kellogg's!


Shrdlu, are you asking about my personal finaces or the donations?

The donations have netted about $650, which is really fantastic! As for my personal finaces, I could probably afford about half of the monthly costs for the board. Maybe. :)

The gigs have been slipping, but it's starting to pick up again.

Posted (edited)

I know I spend much time browsing and playing on the Organissimo site. I was reminded of just how much time when the site was down last week. It seemed strange to be listening to jazz while not having my favorite jazz site to accompany me.

From what b3-er has written, there will be additional costs with a new hosting company. I don't know exactly what b3-er would require to cover said costs. I'm willing to contribute some funds now and again (see paragraph #1). It wouldn't require much money from various board users to keep the board running as long as the various board members (whoever they might be) continue to volunteer their dollars.

My concern, if I was in b3-er's position, would be what if people donated money initially then stopped once the news has worn off. How are the various board users to know when/if funds are needed? How far in advance should a 'donation period' be established to ensure the necessary funds are available when the next bill comes due? What are the consequences if the funds needed by b3-er are not made available through board donations?

When the monetary information becomes available, I'd like to know an exact amount of money needed from the board users (b3-er says he will cover part of the cost via the Organissimo group?), to pay for the next month of service, the next three months, or the next year. It would be beneficial if b3-er could setup, with the help of knowledgeable people on this board or with the help of the new hosting company's support staff, an information screen to let the board users know how much money is still needed, and by what date. I believe it would be easier to raise the necessary funds if the donators could know that another $100 was needed, for example, versus the idea of 'just give what you will and we'll hope it's enough.' I've seen other bulletin boards that have a graph on their page to let the board users know how much money has been donated and how much is still required.

Edited by wesbed
Posted (edited)

I believe it would be easier to raise the necessary funds if the donators could know that another $100 was needed, for example, versus the idea of 'just give what you will and we'll hope it's enough.' I've seen other bulletin boards that have a graph on their page to let the board users know how much money has been donated and how much is still required.

I think your concerns are valid, wesbed (about money drying up) and the idea of a graph sounds like it might be a good one... not that it's my board or anything! Maybe when the new CD comes out they could offer a Organissimo-board-supporter option of paying $1 more (with said dollar going to the board fund).

Edited by ghost of miles

I think your concerns are valid, wesbed (about money drying up) and the idea of a graph sounds like it might be a good one...

I was thinking... it was was known, say, six months prior, that the next six months of hosting service would be $600, a graph could be established (I picture a slider-bar kind of thing) that would start at zero and end at $600. The graph would include a date so it would be known when the funds would be required, when b3-er would need to make the next payment.

I wonder if this could be established via the hosting company? If funds could be donated directly through the website rather than Paypal? If the graph could update itself when new funds are received?

Posted (edited)

I think it would be best if the heavy users of this board agreed to give a specific amount each month. We're not talking big bucks. Certainly, nearly everyone could afford to donate $5 per month? $4? $3? How about if the top 50 posters agree to give $5 per month? Very easy to do using PayPal. Seems fair to me. Others could donate as they please.

Jim A. could send out a PMed reminder each month. Probably not a good idea to keep close tabs on who's giving and who's not.

Maybe those giving a set amount each month could get a free copy of Organissimo's next CD? :w

Edited by Chaney
Posted (edited)

I think it would be best if the heavy users of this board agreed to give a specific amount each month.  We're not talking big bucks.  Certainly, nearly everyone could afford to donate $5 per month?  $4?  $3?  How about if the top 50 posters agree to give $5 per month?

I don't believe anyone should need to 'agree' to give a certain amount per month. It's too easy to forget to give money in a certain month. Life situations can change all too quickly. Some board users could easily give a few hundred dollars per month while others are not able to give $5 per month.

I believe people will give what is needed if they know where they stand. For example, if I was content giving $5 per month but knew b3-er needed $50 by tomorrow to keep the board afloat, I'd give the $50. Or, using the same example, maybe two board users would agree to give $25.

Knowing how much money is required, how much has been donated, and the target date would provide adequate information. I'd not want to reach a point where b3-er is forced into a situation where he must make a drastic statement such as, "I need $600 in three days or the board goes down."

Edited by wesbed

Seems like a little donation from me wouldn't hurt...

And now is the time, then, comrade Conn, that we must reveal to you that "Jim Alfredson" is a virtual construct--and that you have just given money to a people's-jazz-front for THE ELECTION DEFENSE FUND OF JOHN KERRY AND JOHN EDWARDS!!! :P

Good to have you aboard at last.


Seems like a little donation from me wouldn't hurt...

And now is the time, then, comrade Conn, that we must reveal to you that "Jim Alfredson" is a virtual construct--and that you have just given money to a people's-jazz-front for THE ELECTION DEFENSE FUND OF JOHN KERRY AND JOHN EDWARDS!!! :P

Good to have you aboard at last.

Blasted Red is a real menace.

Anyway we can get this guy deported? INS?



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