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This has been done in bits and pieces in other threads, but I thought it would be interesting for this topic to have its own thread. I've seen some new avatars lately, and sometimes I find myself thinking what th'?. (In a good way, of course.)

Some of the avatars here are, I guess, self-explanatory, but go ahead anyway ... tell your story! Mine is simple: Sonny Rollins, recording The Bridge.

Who has the (new?) avatar of Wayne Shorter? It's great! Oh yeah, make mention of your favorite avatar while you're at it! Grazi!

(By the way, I did do a search for this topic, but didn't come up with anything. My apologies if this was covered somewhere else. Humor me!)


I love Lester Bowie. This was taken at the first London concert by The AEOC. The atmosphere was electric, the music wonderful. The photograph taken by a young student of photography is a nice reminder of a really memorable evening.


I've tried to change my about every other week or so, when the mood strikes me.

I think most of mine have been classic album covers...

Tyrone Washington's "Natural Essense"

Jimmy Woods' "Conflict" right after I got it (the day it came out on CD in the U.S.)

Andrew Hill's "Grass Roots" when it was my album of the week

Joe Henderson's "Power To The People"

Wayne Shorter's "Etcetera"

Right now it's the cover of the newest release from Greg Osby, due out in early June (no, I haven't heard it yet).

I try to change it up, depening on what kind of mood I'm in.

My very first avatar here was this one...


Mine is one of my favorite chess openings (as black.) I was lucky enough to stumble upon something that would serve as an avatar on chessbase.com.

Hmm, favorites? I would have to see them all again. Problem with those who change theirs frequently is that the avatar helps to identify the poster.


Claude, love that calendar --- the pic of Don Byrd's missus and especially Sonny Rollins out in the desert (with that vivid tint as used in the Miles pic).

I've converted a few of them into hanging pictures with frames for my dining room.

cheers, tony.


"So what this Jefferson dude was saying was, 'Hey! You know, we left this England place because it was bogus. So if we don't get some cool rules ourselves, pronto, we'll just be bogus too.' Yeah?" – Jeff Spicoli, Fast Times at Ridgemont High



Lee Mogan, because listening to Lee is what really got me hooked on jazz. Search for New Land album cover because when I decided to exit the BNBB I was looking for.......you get the drift.................


Mine's "Jazzbo Jim" . . . my greatuncle had one of these in his attic. My grandfather played the banjo as a young man (and organ as an old man). So I liked the handle "jazzbo" and this image as an avatar.

Yeah, it harkens back to a time of stereotypes and it's probably not bad to be reminded of that either.

My favorite avatar is Kevin's (braggin' just a bit) Let Me Tell You About It, because he tells us all the inside BN scoop!


Mine is due largely to the fact that this was the first board i was on that allowed animated avitars. I also dig it that it creeps some people out (myself included). I'll probably be changing it soon...



I remain avatar-free. But my favorite avatars have all been AfricaBrass'. Especially the animated one that zoomed in on different details of that crazy scene with the cat and the cabbage head guy. Where did you find that anyway? :lol: Kenny G in hell was great, too.


Thanks Joe (and Big Al too)!

The cat is Captain Kirk with a cat head. I've always had a thing about putting animal heads on people. It's fun.

I figured it was getting annoying for you guys so I switched to my idol (Fat Albert) after Joe posted a picture of him for me. Man, I wish I could play the radiator like ol' Fat Albert.

Maybe I'll continue the adventures of James T. Cat someday.

I had the Kenny G in Hell avatar on the AAJ board for a little while, but when someone kindly took the time to tell me that there are better soprano players than the G-dude, I took it off.

Here's a couple of my favorites:

Brittney Dog (Brittney Spears + a dog) & James T Cat



My avatar is the equivalent of my handle at the... yes you know which board. I initially tried to register there as 'Daniel' but that user name was already taken. So instead of using my full name I chose the name of a figure I'm admiring a lot. I was actually planning to change my handle to 'Daniel A' at my 1000th post over there (mainly as a reaction against a lot of users substituting their real names with other handles, but the handle also turned out to be somewhat confusing in discussions about the real Duke Pearson). However I didn't make it before the axe fell.

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