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Taylor will play Donaueschingen, the important festival in southern Germany for the very first time on October 16. SWR2 will again broadcast (parts of) this concert. Here's the info from the website:

Freitag, 29. Oktober, 23.00 ? 24.00 Uhr

NOWJazz: Session ? Cecil Taylor in Donaueschingen

Am Mikrophon: Reinhard Kager

Eigentlich ist es verwunderlich, dass Cecil Taylor noch nie bei den Donaueschinger Musiktagen zu Gast war. Hatte der amerikanische Free-Jazz-Pianist doch in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren für den damaligen SWF-Jazzredakteur Joachim Ernst Berendt zahlreiche Schallplatten eingespielt. Anlässlich seines 75. Geburtstags in diesem Jahr ist es nun endlich so weit: Cecil Taylor wird am 16. Oktober sein Donaueschinger Debüt geben mit einem Trio, dem neben seinem langjährigen Partner Tony Oxley am Schlagzeug auch der Trompeter Bill Dixon angehört. Dixon ist neben Taylor wohl eine der schillerndsten Figuren des amerikanischen Free Jazz und dürfte mit seinem klaren, strahlenden Trompetenklang einen faszinierenden Kontrast zum dichten, von Clustern bestimmten Spiel des Pianisten bilden. Im ersten Teil des Donaueschinger Konzerts wird Taylor seine kompromisslose Kunst auch solistisch unter Beweis stellen.

Won't be able to record this myself (as I'll be in the army then), but I count on you, friends! ;)


Edited by king ubu

There seems to be yet another upcoming broadcast. Taylor played Saalfelden this year. Don't know when that one will be, but I guess somewhen this fall. Will be on Ö1 (Austrian radio).




Swiss Army Website

We have a militia system, every male reaching age 20 has to serve for around 4 months, and then return to serve 3 weeks in regular intervals (they just changed that from 2 years to 1, which means: I'm out faster, also I won't have to serve all 300 days I actually should have, because of those changes).

However, I blow the baritone saxophone there, playing ridiculous pop music and stiff prussian marches and other shit... usually playing along the tenor sax voice, or doing some other strange things, no one there has ears to listen, anyway. That's the drôle de guerre, really!

I'm not making fun of the army as such, but if I'd be in charge, it would cost a third and be ten times as efficient. Three weeks sitting around, doing nothing, learning nothing, yet constantly rotating, without the least result. I'll have some whisky on me and will be fine :w

Now back on topic: I'll be able to make a fine recording of today's broadcast. About the Donaueschingen one I'll ask a friend and fellow Taylor-fanatic, not sure he'll be able to record, though, so if you, Claude, can, please do!

Didn't yet find the air date of the Saalfelden concert. Will report back on that.

And brownie, the king is much too fat to snuggly fit into such a nice uniform... those are the creepy guys watching the pope (and sometimes shooting each other)... catholics, exclusively, so not for me.



Now about the Saalfelden 04 gig: it seems that Austrian broadcasting company will broadcast all of that concert in an Ö1 "Jazznacht" in november, persumably (but not confirmed yet, check http://oe1.orf.at for more) on Saturday Nov. 20, or rather, Sunday Nov. 21, 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. (that's the usual timeframe for broadcasts in the "Jazznacht" which goes on until 6 a.m.).

I heard two encores from that concert, Taylor & Oxley, played one long track (around 50 mins) and then continued to play some short "encores", it seems quite a few of them. Knowing how well they fit together from the 10CD Feel Trio set, I'm pretty excited about getting to hear this concert!

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