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How do you listen to your jazz...


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Other than when I get a batch of disparate CDs, like when a crop of RVGs come out, I usually spend a few days to a few weeks absorbed in a single artist (or something thematically related). For example, in August, I listened almost exclusively (in chronological order a couple times) to Ellington material from 1926 to about 1953. Right now, I am in about day four of listening to all Billie Holiday's studio material.

How about all y'all?

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It's a task!

I try to listen to the newest stuff in, but I also try to listen to stuff I've had a while, I've been mixing and matching. I take about ten cds a day into work, and listen to a few at home before and after work. . . . I'm just barely "getting the job done" of listening to everything sooner or later.

Looking forward to retirement! (Five years to go before retiring with the state and then I'll still go off to work probably so I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to! Can you take them with you?)

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Ah, the quintessenttial question of my life. I've got a heap of recordings (somewhere in the five figures), but travel 365 days a year WITHOUT ANY OF THEM. They are stored near an airport that I use as a hub. When I pass through town on an overnight - never longer - I'll snatch a few from storage and take them back to my hotel. But I seldom manage to listen to more than three or four before I have to return them before my flight out.

I hope like heck there's no one else out there in my situation. :mellow:

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I've got a heap of recordings (somewhere in the five figures), but travel 365 days a year WITHOUT ANY OF THEM.


Bebop -- I can't imagine travelling anywhere without my MP3 (hard drive) player, and a good pair of noise cancelling headphones! I've got well over 200 CD's (encoded at a higher rate than "normal") on a 20G hard drive. I also bring a cassette adapter with me, and hope that the rental car has a tape player. Some of the newer models have the ability to play on unused portions of the FM band as well.

Have you checked out any of those hard drive players?

I also do a fair amount of mixing and matching older CDs with newer purchases. I love pulling out CDs that I haven't listened to in a long time -- sometimes it's like having brand new music without the big visa bill!

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<<Bebop -- I can't imagine travelling anywhere without my MP3 (hard drive) player, and a good pair of noise cancelling headphones>>

Unfortunately, where I go, I can't carry anything of value, even if I'm willing to surrender it to would-be theives or customs/immigration officials. Things of value just attract too much attention when one is 'off the beaten path'.

Rental car? No such thing in my neck of the woods.

Hopefully, things will change one day...someday before I retire. For now, I get my kicks from hearing the music of the world, performed on the world stage.

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Unfortunately, where I go, I can't carry anything of value, even if I'm willing to surrender it to would-be theives or customs/immigration officials.  Things of value just attract too much attention when one is 'off the beaten path'. 


Are you a secret agent? B-)

Hmmmm...if James Bond were a jazz fanwhat would he listen to, I wonder. B-)

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Unfortunately, where I go, I can't carry anything of value, even if I'm willing to surrender it to would-be theives or customs/immigration officials.  Things of value just attract too much attention when one is 'off the beaten path'. 


Are you a secret agent? B-)

Peace Corps would be closer...

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