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System Restore Questions

Dan Gould

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In regards to the suggestions posted to my Adware/spyware thread, I followed the link couw posted and tried to follow the directions for the cash back infection.

One of those was disabling system restore, which is a function I'd never used before.

Well, I was about 99% successful with the fixing, as far as all the unwanted icons were concerned. But after reading Kevin B.'s suggestion, I decided to check out the System Restore option.

Does disabling system restore delete all of the existing restore points?? And what the hell is the point of that? Basically I've found that the options for system restore is restricted to the date that I disabled and then re-enabled the function.

And that ain't gonna do sh*t for me. And I'm f-ing pissed. :angry::rmad:

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Then the directions should be to delete or label system restore points as being infected, rather than getting rid of all of them.

Basically, by seeing and reacting to your suggested course of events first and not seeing Kevin Bresnahan's recommendation til later, I'm screwed, royally. (not that I'm blaming you, John, but AAARRRGGGGHHHH :rmad:

Obviously, I should be more familiar with my operating system and its features, but now it seems I only have a few choices:

Try to follow the directions again and see if it works this time.

Live with the current infection (again, 99% is gone via spysweeper and adaware-the only enduring annoyance is the links that cashback peppers your web pages with.)

Back up everything and reformat the hard drive.

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My problem is that I know all about this stuff, but from purely an academic standpoint. I worked in IT as a programmer/analyst for nearly 10 years. But I hardly did any programming (practically none). I was mostly a business analyst, doing "business requirements gathering", software testing and config, end-user training, and the like.

As a result, intellectually, I know all about partitioning, and such. And couw's suggestion about putting the OS and your data on separate partitions makes complete and total sense.

But, technically, I don't know squat. I mean, I'm still running Windows ME, so what does that tell you??? :(

Like most people, I love to play with computers. But when it comes to the care and feeding part, I'm pretty much a lost cause.

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