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I just saw the name of Dave James down in the roster of visitors. If I am correct, I remember that name from the BNBB. Used to be a pretty active poster who made some nice contributions early on but was pretty much MIA for the last couple of years.

If it's the same Dave James welcome

If it's not the same Dave James, welcome


Yeah, I've seen the name too, Ed. I corresponded via e-mail with a Dave James for a while a couple of years back, but I haven't from him since. I believe the reason he stopped posting at the BNBB was because of a work "crackdown" or monitering of employee web-surfing. I think he's just a "lurker" here, if it's actually the same guy.


Yes, it is, in fact, that Dave James. I must admit I'm flattered that anyone would remember me from the halcyon days of the early Blue Note Bulletin Board. I haven't posted for several years, but I have kept an active, albeit, lurker's eye on the proceedings. I've certainly been tempted to immerse myself in the fray, but wound up choosing otherwise. Maybe I'll do so from time to time. It's not like I'm out of opinions. Unfortunately, there are still some workplace constraints that must be carefully negotiated.

I do like this board. It has some of the good characteristics of the early iteration of the BNBB and something of the same community feel. It's always nice to see the old, familiar names sharing their knowledge, thoughts and ideas. That's still the best way there is to learn about the music.

Up over and out.


Well Dave, welcome back - even if you're mostly lurking.

There are are few names that I remember from the early days of the BNBB. Folks who helped me with advice about Mosaic sets, Blue Note recordings and other types of jazz. I remember your posts to be informative, well thought out, and valuable contributions. Your posts, along with those of other long time posters like Lon, Kevin, Tony Jerant really helped me diversfy my listening and at the same time become a Blue Note fanatic.

Seems like more posters used their real names back then too ;)

Stick around! :D

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