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Yeah I was against them... they stick out like a sore thumb in a line of cars and can be distracting. Plus they're really bright...


I realized today driving my van home from the shop (transmission went out... luckily under warranty!) that I couldn't see very well with my headlights, even with the brights on. And I drive all over the place. I'm constantly doing gigs hours away from home.

So I bought some of those really white, super bright halogens. They cost $40 for the pair. And they are SWEET! I can see everything very clearly and they seem to cast a wider ban of light, too. I'm sure the other drivers hate my guts, but I need to see!

What do y'all think?


Did you get the bluish ones or the stark white looking ones? Some of those lights are really bright. hmmm, I need to get one of those little halogen desk lamps, it's too dark over here.


I personally really like those xenon headlights they put on more expensive cars these days. I visited my parents last week and my mom had 'em on her BMW - blinding light! Maybe someday I'll be able to afford them too. :(


Those bright lights are a real pain for other drivers esp. when they're on an SUV. I drive a small car and those lights on an oncoming truck or SUV shine right into my eyes and nearly blind me. I'm not entirely sure why people need those lights in city or suburban driving anyway, with all the street lights. They might be a help on a dark country road, esp. if you feel the need to drive fast. But I drove for years on rural roads with regular headlights and survived quite nicely.


Those bright lights are a real pain for other drivers esp. when they're on an SUV. I drive a small car and those lights on an oncoming truck or SUV shine right into my eyes and nearly blind me. I'm not entirely sure why people need those lights in city or suburban driving anyway, with all the street lights. They might be a help on a dark country road, esp. if you feel the need to drive fast. But I drove for years on rural roads with regular headlights and survived quite nicely.

See, that's where I was coming from too. But I do a lot of highway driving at night and the stock lights on my '99 Voyager stink. These help immensely. If it helps me see better coming and going to gigs, I'm gonna do it!

Posted (edited)

Man, I drive an '02 Xterra, and people flash me all the time, thinking I have my brights on. I'll ignore 'em the first time, but if they do it again, I give 'em the brights!

We have an '03 Altima on order for my wife. It's gonna be a top o the line 3.5 V6, leather, all the shit. (But a 5-speed; she likes to stir her own). It will have those HID (High Intensity Discharge) Xenon lights, but I don't believe they're blue. We'll see if she ends up getting flashed alot.

P.S. Several weeks ago, driving home, I pull into our subdivision. (It's kinda out in the boonies, :) ) and there is this guy in front of me. He drives some small little car like an Accord or the like. And he's doing like 5 miles below the speed limit, which is 35 there. And he's just watching me, instead of the road ahead. He's acting like I have my brights on him, and he keeps putting his hand over the rear-view mirror. Dude, the only reason I'm on your ass is because you're driving so freakin' slow. So he keeps doing this gesture of blocking his rear-view so after awhile I give him a little quick flash of my bright to show him that no, my brights weren't on. THIS COMPLETELY INCENSES HIM AND HE SLAMS ON THE BRAKES!!! I stop, the several cars now lining up behind us ( because he's going so slow) stop, and he won't friggin' move. He just stays there! So, finally, I begin to attempt to go around him, but he's not having any of that and he starts going and moves over as well. WHAT A FUNKIN' IDIOT!!! Some people just need to drive and quit worryin' about what other people are doing. To me, that's just a control freak. Opinons?

Edited by Parkertown

That is a total asshole move. People are so stuck in their own worlds. Watch what's going on ahead of you, not behind you.

What's worse is when people do that shit on the highway. I was coming home from Ann Arbor one evening (an hour drive) and this asshole two cars in front of me got mad at the guy that was behind him for some reason (the guy directly in front of me) and decides to slam on his brakes. Keep in mind, this is bumper to bumper, rush hour traffic on a highway going 70mph and this jerk slams on his brakes.

So the guy directly behind him slams on his, I slam on mine, almost running into the guy in front on me, a whole chain reaction ensues. The ass-hat that originally slammed on his brakes speeds away. Then when everyone catches back up to him, he DOES IT AGAIN!

I was so mad that I almost ran into the guy in front of me twice that I followed the jerk for about 5 or 6 miles. He eventually noticed that I was following him, although I didn't have my brights on and I wasn't on his ass. He then slows way way down. By this time we're beyond downtown and on a part of the freeway that is less populated with cars.

He eventually pulls over and comes to a complete stop. I do the same. I get out of my van and started to walk up to his window and I can tell by his reaction that he's scared as hell! I'm 6'4", about 190 lbs. I had a big black wool coat on. I'm sure I looked mean (although I'm not a mean person).

He rolls his window down and I say, "What the hell are you doing? I almost rear-ended that car back there because you're slamming on your brakes like a fool?"

He says, "What are you doing following me?"

I said, "Man, you can't do that shit! You could've caused a multi-car accident. You could've injured a whole bunch of people. That's not cool, man."

He thinks about this for a second and then... here's the best part... he says, "You know what's not cool? YOU!" and then he speeds off.

What a dipshit! :)

Some people have no regard for other drivers. They use their cars like weapons. It's so dangerous.

Posted (edited)

At least he didn't pepper spray you.

I had a co-worker come into the office covering his eyes one day. He said some weasley guy cut him off and after they were exchanging sign language with each other. The weasley guy pulls over. My co-worker gets out of his car and as he's approaching the guy's car, the guy rolls down his window and pepper sprays him. My co-worker waited everyday during the commute hour for the next month for that guy to drive by so he could follow him and kill him.

Tip: If pepper sprayed, don't put a cold soda can next to your eyes. Ouch! :P

It's funny, I drive a small pickup truck and people rarely cut me off. When I drive my wife's Saturn (affectionately know as the clown car), I get cut off all the time. People must forget that there's a big guy INSIDE the little car. I hate driving that car.

Edited by AfricaBrass

Damn! You guys are NUTS! Here in L.A., we NEVER get out of our cars to confront someone, 'cause you don't know what's in their glove compartment. Live to drive another day, that's the only way.

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