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It's over when you guys decide it's over. I'll be watching the boards to see if "It's over." Look if you don't like the dung, then don't start slinging it. I told you, don't mistake "meekness" for "weakness". You leave us alone, I leave you & this site alone. Very simple.


Thanks again for at least trying to more carefully consider our position. I'm not looking to cause you any trouble, but you have a moral responsibilty here, whether you see it or not. As I said before, free speech wasn't intended to be used as a way to attack others. Don't make me use mine to counter or defend our site. I'll be watching to see how people treat us in the future. So will others.


As I said before, free speech wasn't intended to be used as a way to attack others.

Tell that to the GOD DAMN founding fathers you jackbooted Christian Fascist.

Posted (edited)


There's nothing meek about you. You are a pompous a-hole who is apparently pumped up on the power that your lofty position as chief cook and bottle washer at the Norah Jones board affords you. That you can back up your pomposity with your christian ideology and believe that makes all your intimidation tactics justifiable quite frankly sickens me. You personify all that power in the wrong hands can mean. That you have some ideology that in your mind makes you above all that you claim to fight while employing tactics worse than what was perpetrated on your board make you the worst kind of human. The end justifies the means, right?

You are a flea and you make me sick to my stomach.

Edited by Ed Swinnich
Posted (edited)

I guess the name MusicBOY really fits in this case.

Maybe, one of these days you will grow up and become MusicMAN.

How does it feel to have a site that claims 2300 + regisetred users, but has never had more than 22 on line at one time?

What do you have right now 2 members and 3 guests on line?

I'm sure Norah and Co, must really be impressed. :rolleyes:

You and your bored are lame.

Edited by catesta

As I said before, free speech wasn't intended to be used as a way to attack others.

Your actions and threats on this board are 1,000 times more like an "attack" than anything anyone here has ever done on your board.


I guess the name MusicBOY really fits in this case.

Maybe, one of these days you will grow up and become MusicMAN.

How does it feel to have a site that claims 2300 + registred users, but has never had more than 22 on line at one time?

What do you have right now 2 members and 3 guests on line.

Not to mention SEVEN PAGES of threads that didn't attract a single reply.

I guess when all anyone says is "I love Norah" there can't be much of a conversation. :rolleyes:


I got to thinking about "Musicboy" and his postings and the way he is representing Norah. I don't think it reflects well on her when her representatives come to a bulletin board and heap scorn, slander and threats on its owners and memberships.

Therefore, I did some quick searching and located an e-mail for her management, Steve Macklam, Partner/President of Macklam/Feldman Management and I have now sent a message to Mr. Macklam directing his attention to what has happened here. Now, granted, her management is probably happy to have a bulletin board which keeps things pro-Norah. Nevertheless, I do not see how her representative, Musicboy, can be seen to be doing things in her interests when he comes here slinging mud, accusations, slander and threats.

If he replies I will let you know.


In the words of Indiana Jones, "I've got a bad feeling about this".

Let it go, guys. Did you ask anyone in the band Organissimo if you could contact this guy on their behalf? I know we all feel it's OUR bulletin board, but it's not US who has anything to lose. It's Organissimo. Please think about that before reacting.


I know this thread has gotten way out of hand.  My post over at the Norah Jones board was never intended to spark such controvery and I still believe that their reaction far exceeds the content of that post or the others that were made by others there.

My sincerest apologies to Organissimo for the trouble that has resulted.

For the record, here is the hideous post that Ed made, that got us all into this mess....

Hi everyone.  This is my first visit here and I think this a really great message board.  I'm really glad I found it.    B) 

I'm redecorating some rooms in my house and while I'm picking out colors, I wonder if any of you know Norah Jones' favorite color.  I'd like to try to do a room or two in Norah .  I mean I play her CD so much that I'm always hearing her, I figure why not get some visual reminders as well  :D

If you don't know her favorite color, what do you think it is?

Thanks all!  :)

Really, Ed, what the hell were you thinking!!!!???????????? :angry::angry::angry:

Now, because of you (and the care and concern Musicboy has for all of humanity), Organissimo is probably never gonna get another gig again, and be totally blacklisted forever. They're probably even gonna have to leave the country just to find work. :( Three lives shattered, all because you [sissy-voice]wanted to know Norah's favorite color[/sissy-voice].

(Hey, on the positive side --- Organissimo, now you guys qualify for you're very own "Behind The Music" special on VH1!!!! ;) )

Does anybody else think this whole thing ought to be made into some sort of "South Park" episode??? :wacko::wacko::wacko:


What’s done is done. But while we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, I’m somehow reminded of Pulp Fiction. Jeez, Ving Rhames gets bent over and… No, no, maybe it was Deliverance. That’s the one where Ned Beatty in loaded jockey shorts gets… Oh, never mind.


In the words of Indiana Jones, "I've got a bad feeling about this".

Let it go, guys. Did you ask anyone in the band Organissimo if you could contact this guy on their behalf? I know we all feel it's OUR bulletin board, but it's not US who has anything to lose. It's Organissimo. Please think about that before reacting.


I understand your concern but someone ought to stand up to this guy. He is running roughshod over people and will continue to do so. Worst case scenario, Norah's manager says "good job, Musicboy, that's what we're paying ya for, boobie!" Best case, he tells Musicboy to knock it off.


Dan, could you post (here in this thread) the text of the e-mail you send to Norah's management?? I think it would be good to post it, so that it is public knowledge, and so everyone can attest to the way in which you handled your complaint about Musicboy. I'm not suggesting you handled it in anything other than a 'professional' manner, but it would be good for all of us to know that, firsthand. (Or, at the very least send a copy to b3-er, since I definitely think he has a right to see the message.)

Jim is right about one thing, that there are other serious issues at stake in this too, namely the band Organissimo's reputation. I don't think we've done anything to warrent Musicboy's threats, and there's been no Norah bashing of any substance, either here or on their board. (So we should be able to hold our head's high.) Still, we should keep all this in mind if and/or when we try to represent the board to any outside parties.

(And hey Dan, if Norah's management responds favorably - could you direct them to the audio-samples of Organissimo?? Never know, it couldn't hurt!!!)



I had every intention of posting the text of my e-mail to Norah's management. Unfortunately, my hotmail account is not setup to save outgoing messages, and after I had copied the text to my clipboard, I thoughtlessly copied something else and thereby lost the message. My bad and I was mighty annoyed when I realized what I'd done!

Hopefully, in the event her manager replies, his e-mail will include the text of my message and I will be able to post both.


I can think of more, much worse case scenarios than that. Maybe I'm being too cautious, but then I know how petty the music industry can be.

You feel that someone ought to stand up to this guy, but it's not you who has anything to lose here. Maybe you are independently wealthy and could incur the costs of a lawsuit, but I sure could not. And I'll bet you that Organissimo cannot either.

If you have the blessings of Joe, Jim and Randy, then go for it. More power to you! If not, I just urge you to exercise some restraint. That's all. :)

Posted (edited)

In the words of Indiana Jones, "I've got a bad feeling about this".

Me too. Looks like a salvo has just been fired in the direction of the Norah board. I don't know if that twerp musicboy was just blowing smoke, but I certainly do not want to create any more trouble for our hosts here at Organissimo. This certainly does escalate the issue.

I think the best course of action is one that we started yesterday - that is to avoid their board and be done with it.

Edited by Ed Swinnich

This certainly does escalate the issue.

Like it or not, it does escalate the issue. I'm guessing it'll all turn out OK, in the end --- but I'm also guessing it's already way more of a headache for our board hosts than they ever could have imagined when they started this thing we all now call 'home'.


Considering the peace talks were moving along at a good pace, I imagine the other board’s admin is none too please with the way in which one of their representatives handled the situation. I’d wager there’s some behind the scenes finger-pointing going on in that camp right about now.


If you have the blessings of Joe, Jim and Randy, then go for it. More power to you! If not, I just urge you to exercise some restraint. That's all. :)

I would prefer to err on the side of caution at this point, as Dan (musicboy) has apparently withdrawn in an unsteady truce.

Frankly, as far as the "industry" goes, organissimo is almost totally under the radar at this point, but I would certainly rather not see a change in our status under such negative circumstances. Here's hoping it will just blow over.

What's Jim going to say when he gets back? :o:unsure::ph34r::g

Posted (edited)

Just came upon this thread and am flabbergasted by what's been going on.

If Musicboy's a Christian, then this Republican is gonna start voting Democrat. Can't allow power to go to these Christian fascists.

Go back to your own board, Musicboy. No one from here is posting on it (and I sure don't plan to.) Part of the charm of this board lies in the free speech. This applies to everyone including Musicboy. That you wish to make yours as quiet as Stalin's meeting hall is your own choice. Don't come over here and make threats. :angry:

Edited by connoisseur series500
Posted (edited)

Yes, Rooster I did. It's just that I missed the Bolshie coming down and following our board members over here to throw threats. Mud is ok but threats are something else. Gets my blood boiling. :angry:

Basically, he is saying that the Organissimo moderators must employ the same draconian form of censorship that he practices on his board, or he will make things difficult for them in the industry. Now that's fighting words! :angry:

Edited by connoisseur series500

I've been out of pocket for the last few days did I miss something? :wacko:

Yeah - either John Ashcroft or Jerry Falwell stopped by. We're still not sure which.

Not that it really matters....


Hey, I just noticed that according to the home page of the BB, we've had twenty seven active participants in the last fifteen minutes, which exceeds the most people that other board has ever had on hand at one time, let alone active! Just goes to show-they're jealous :)

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