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Please tell me your remark references the second definition. :unsure:

Urban Dictionary:

1. gabbo

A counter-strike player who tends to go afk just before the game goes lo3 even on lan. More often than not of Hispanic descent, trends toward chubby, and may be seen going 0-12 each half.

Oh goddamnit, is Gabbo afk AGAIN? Screw it, lets just go live, he'd only die anyway.

2. gabbo

A puppett who will tell us what to do and thinks all children are SOB's.

Gabbo! Gabbo! Gabbo!

3. gabbo

The release of seminal fluids in an entertaining fashion.

I gabboed all over her face.



Hang in there Dave.

Posted (edited)

I finally heard some of the sound samples on Aquarius. (I don't have RealPLayer, so I can only listen to the mpeg streams.)

my reaction - !

I'm listening to the samples off of The Place right now....it will take some time for this to sink in. Man, this is a lot darker than the earlier samples.

Edited by John B

You won't believe this, within the last week, Amazon has added Jandek cds. 13 right now for $8.98 ea. The next documentary will be called Jandek on Amazon!

In the style of Elaine Marie Benes, get... OUT!

I am amazed.

The first step in Jandek making himself more accessible?


What's next? Maybe in a few weeks time, Dave'll once again call Mr. Smith to check on his order ( ^_^ ) and Sterl will keep Dave on the phone for the longest time, shootin' the shit. Dave'll have to quick come up with an excuse to cut the already lengthy conversation short. (Mrs. Dave is givin' him the eye.)

Could happen!


Thanks for that link, WD45. :tup


Cripes John. When the heck are you going to receive your promised Jandek - For Lovers disk? By the looks of things, I'll be through Jandek's first 20 releases before you even begin to annoy your family and friends with the not-so-many moods of Jandek.


You're not too far from the truth Chaney. My wife liked his music, but pokes fun at me for my excitment over hearing him & talking to him. A usual line after getting off any telephone call, "Who was that, your boyfriend, Jandek?" Then I'll say "No...JANDEK, WHERE ARE YOU???", much to my merriment. ^_^



Has your wife seen this thread? (From what I can tell, she's a wonderful woman for having accompanied you on your Jandek on Corwood trek. I'll bet she's also quite beautiful.)

(Has she left the room?)



Cripes John. When the heck are you going to receive your promised Jandek - For Lovers disk? By the looks of things, I'll be through Jandek's first 20 releases before you even begin to annoy your family and friends with the not-so-many moods of Jandek.

Honestly, given who is sending it to me, I will probably have placed and received my order from Corwood before the mix shows up.

Posted (edited)





















Edited by dave9199

So I've listened to the first two. Out of 18 songs, 17 are in the same tuning. You can read that over & over & not grasp it until you sit through it. Quite hypnotizing. What's interesting is that because it's so stripped down (he's got his own untuned tuning and doesn't fret the neck, AT ALL! for the uninitated), you notice any little variation. Not until the 7th song on the first album (Cave In On You on Ready For The House), the tempo gets faster after being so spacious. They Told Me About You is notable for the fact he plays some lower strings. He loves his B & E strings which are tuned to the same note but aren't in tune with each other and he HANGS on that. European Jewel (Incomplete) is a nice break in that his guitar (electric this time, all others acoustic), is tuned to a mostly in tune E chord. I love the cut off of this song, it's perfect.

The second album (Six & Six) is all in the same tuning again and all acoustic. He gets violent with his playing on Wild Strawberries intro & outro. I also like when he speaks a bit as in Delinquent Words. He normally HANGS on words also, making his sound as about uncomfortable as possible.

Recommended for the entire family.



I'm REALLY HAPPY to hear you received your set!

Ain't it fun? A whole stack -- 20 effing CDs of this lunatic. (I say that with fondness.)

I've made it through CD4 but didn't want to post anything further as to my impressions and discoveries until you got yours.

Q: With your being a musician, your observations are greatly appreciated and highly valued. I'm not a musician but are you hearing as I do? The playing on Six and Six is much stronger and confident than on Ready For The House? (Again, I ask because certain glib reviewers suggest that he plays just as badly on Six as on House. No reason to believe though that he wasn't practicing in the time that elapsed between the two.)

What's your impression of his lyric writing abilities? Seems darm fine on these two but you'll find that he gets more obvious on the two which follow and does that blues repeating thing. (I think you'll enjoy his playing on Later On and Chair Beside a Window. Quite adventurous, I feel.)

Later On initially irritated me as I felt Jandek was vocally behaving in an oddly -- for him -- 'rocker' kind of way. That one took a bit of time to grow on me.

PLEASE TELL ME what's going on with his guitar -- or his tuning of his guitar -- on Chair Beside a Window! Very strange, the sound of his instrument. Guitar? Banjo? Sitar? I keep hearing all three in both the sound and style of play.

Posted (edited)

Q: With your being a musician, your observations are greatly appreciated and highly valued. I'm not a musician but are you hearing as I do? The playing on Six and Six is much stronger and confident than on Ready For The House?

I almost forgot that, yes, I felt right on the first song that his playing was more confident even though he was playing the same chord in the same way.

His lyrics? I didn't get much sleep last night so as I listened I became hypontized by the whole sound and wasn't paying as close attention. What I did catch did seem more deep or introspective or dwelling.

One thing I will mention from the documentary from the interview at the end, he says that, yes, he does tune his guitar. It's intentional! I believe on the Seth Tisue site, someone posted (in the archives) his tunings from the first 6 or 7 albums. His tuning changes on #3: Later On, which I am off to listen to now.

I have to wonder what people think of this thread who've never heard of him. It's ironic how I don't like Monk's 60's stuff because it's the same, but Jandek first two albums are identical in tuning and I have no problem with it. I think it's because I expected it. I also love The Ramones, but that one took a decade before it clicked.

Edited by dave9199
Posted (edited)


His tuning changes on #3: Later On, which I am off to listen to now.



Later On :tdown

Somewhat interesting guitar playing but compositionally ( :D ) lazy and lyrically weak.

The Janitor

You got quite a lotta habits for a janitor

See you wash clothes three times a day

See you think about dirt quite a lot

That’s a disgrace the way you keep your backyard

You should take more care the way you fix your hair

It’s enough to make me sick

Why don’t you live life more naturally


Favorite tunes: What Did I Hear, Just Whisper, Jessica, and best tune on the album, in my most humble opinion: Oh Jenny.

Honorable mention, but just: Your Condition


Direct from Corwood at $4 per CD and no shipping.

I'll wait, thanks. :rhappy:

Edited by Chaney
Posted (edited)

Favorite tunes: What Did I Hear, Just Whisper, Jessica, and best tune on the album, in my most humble opinion: Oh Jenny.

You're kidding. Well, here's where it gets interesting.

I just listened to Later On and liked the percussiveness in his playing. It still sounds like the same tuning though, but he's playing all the strings rather than picking them one at a time. It sounds like he loosened up too, even more confident. I liked Your Condition from the get go. I agree about some of the songs's lyrics though & I felt Just Whisper & Oh Jenny were the worst offenders. Don't Know If I Care is pretty griping lyrically. And to top it off, I have a song on a work in progress tape that has the exact same intro as The Second End. Aside from some weak lyrics, the harmonica that turns up is WWWWAAAAYYYYYY too loud! It made my cats uncomfortable. My wife got to hear this album & said it sounds like make-out music (?!?). I completely disagreed & she said it in reference to his intensity rather than the songs per se. I had no comment on that.

I was also surprised how many future album titles came from the first 2 records.

Rebuttal? (Jane, you ignorant slut...)

Edited by dave9199

Jane: :blink:

Jandek's playing is more percussive but, to me, it seems much less interesting. (I prefer -- at least up to this early point -- his gentler playing or if he's being more aggressive, his more complex fingering. (Complex to me, being a non-guitarist.) The vigorous strumming on this one ain't workin' for me.

The vocal on Your Condition just rubs me the wrong way. I don't hate it, I just don't care for it. It does fit the song well so my mind is not set.

Oh Jenny is lyrically simple but I find it effective / affective. (Personality may be coming into play here.) Also find the harmonica to work well on this one. Very stark. (AND LOUD!)

Oh Jenny

Oh Jenny, didn’t mean to do you so bad

Oh Jenny, I’d like to give you everything I have

Jenny, didn’t mean to do you so bad

Oh Jenny, I love you with all my heart

I’m just knowin’ it now

Oh Jenny


Not much there but what is there works -- especially with Jandek's gentle playing.

Next album is a good blend of sparse lyrics and more complex ideas. Both work I feel because the guitar playing is unlike that on Later On: less percussive and more gentle and bluesy. (With exceptions, of course.)

(Hint: Chair Beside A Window is a gem.)

Posted (edited)

Rebuttal? (Jane, you ignorant slut...)

Saturday Night Live reference. Sorry if I threw ya.

I started as a drummer so that's how everything filters through my ears; as rhythm (how the hell do you spell that word?). That's why Later On grabbed my attention.

Chaney, do you live with anybody else or are you free to blare Jandek at your whim?

Edited by dave9199

Rebuttal? (Jane, you ignorant slut...)

Saturday Night Live reference. Sorry if I threw ya.

I wasn't thrown; I knew what you meant. (Made me laugh but I couldn't come up with a funny reply.)

I started as a drummer so that's how everything filters through my ears; as rhythm (how the hell do you spell that word?). That's why Later On grabbed my attention.

Chaney, do you live with anybody else or are you free to blare Jandek at your whim?

I live alone so I can play Jandek whenever I like. That's why I'm especially interested in the reaction of those in your immediate orbit. (3:47 a.m. right now, can't sleep. Maybe a little Jandek? Don't think so.)

man, I really wish I could join in on the album reviews / discussion.  Once I am able to I'll have to come back and post my thoughts relative to what both of you are saying.

I know John!



Yeah John, that will be great to have 3 opinions going 'round. I think I'll be moving quite fast through them as my excitment in listening & posting about them has had me awake since a little after 5AM. You still awake Chaney? My wife is up so time to listen to #4: Chair Beside A Window.


Awake, with you and spinning Chair Beside A Window.


I'm reposting below the bit from Chusid's piece that pertains to this album:

One lengthy handwritten missive from December 1982 reveals more about Smith’s modus operandi than perhaps any existing document. I had enquired about his switch on subsequent albums from acoustic guitar to electric, the occasional use of drums, and the mysterious emergence on several tracks of a mournful girl singer, presumably named Nancy (judging from such titles as “Nancy Sings”). A few excerpts:

I was glad to receive your letter. I had been thinking of you just that morning and why I hadn’t heard from you. You’re my mainstay from the beginning.

Nancy was Nancy [last name withheld], a southern Ohio cosmopolitan hillbilly type who ran across my path one day and I asked her to sing what I had written as I played the guitar. There were no notes or anything and she just picked up the paper with words and sang and I played guitar as simple as that!... She’s featured in many future cuts, mostly electric. The cut “No Break” on side 2 features her sister Pat [last name withheld] on vocals, myself on elec guitar and Nancy in a very unaggressive drum stint.

[Other tracks feature] myself on 6 string elec guitar + vocals, John [name withheld] on base [sic] and John “Poe” on drums. They were around the house “Poe” lived next door. I asked them to sit in. I don’t believe “Poe” ever played drums before. I was so impressed. I couldn’t think of another drummer so absolute except maybe Ginger Baker from Cream....

There is a multitude of further electric composition. With a myriad (maybe 12) other performers. Also cuts on entire sides of myself overdubbing base, 6 string, vocals and drums all performed by myself. Thanks to your urgency prompting, you will be receiving them perhaps as early as february [sic] ....


Chair Beside A Window really comes across as a full meal. Such a wide variety of sounds. Nice also that the vocals are centered and not panned hard left as on the previous album.

Here’s my notes as I listened:

Down In A Mirror: A sound which harkens back to the first album. Very fragile vocal.

European Jewel: Slightly (?) self-important / pompous garage band fun.

Unconditional Authority: An example of a simple lyric working well as Jandek is so much more interested / involved musically. (He’s really having a good guit-hair day on this one. ^_^ )

Poor Boy: Like that hiccup in his playing. (This album would seem to be an easy recommendation to the Jandek beginner – not that I’m so very far along.)

You Think That You Know How To Score: Harmonica loud enough for you?

Nancy Sings: Fortunately, not too often. Pretty voice but much too ethereal for my taste.

No Break: This one screams IMPROV!

Mostly All From You: Love that bluesy lyric:

Rain on my head and it’s mostly all from you

Rain on my head and it’s mostly all from you

Layin’ in bed and it’s mostly all from you

Rain on my head and it’s mostly all from you

Rain on my head and it’s mostly all from you

Layin’ in bed and it’s mostly all from you

Layin’ in bed and it’s mostly all from you

Blue Blister: I don’t know why, buy Jandek tappin’ his foot thrills me! I picture him sitting on his porch, strummin’ tunes, tappin’ his foot, and the neighbors – too afraid to confront The Strange One – muttering near their open windows, “Learn to play that damn GEE-tar!”

The Times: Eh...

Love, Love: Please tell me Mrs. Dave like this one. Sweeeet!

The First End: I was wondering what that sound was in the background. Sounds almost as if the guitar were being processed in some way. From Seth Tisue’s site: “Your Condition” from Later On is heard backwards at a very low volume throughout the first half of this song. How anyone could have figured that out, I’ll never know. (Listened with headphones, maybe?) (I’m wondering then what’s playing behind Jessica from Later On?) Anyway, good stuff, this tune.

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