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  Jazzmoose said:
  7/4 said:
I found out about this forum though the Norah Jones Board @ norahjones.net. Yep, it's a scary place,  the post I saw by "Ornette" about this thread is already deleted after only a few hours.

What ever. Not my kind of crowd anyway.


Looks like we pulled you outta there just in time! ;)

I'll be OK. I wouldn't normally listen to her kind of music, but I was curious. Most of the music I listen to is outside of the main stream of popular music. Someone posting as Ornette caught my eye.

I did suggest that she collaborate with John Zorn or Pharoah Sanders. Maybe she could sit in with Painkiller? I'm sure the joke went over their heads. ;)



"Ornette" is no more

Critical Information

You have been banned from this forum.

Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.


Posted (edited)

Critical Information


You have been banned from this forum.

Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

Looks like IgottaNorahjones has been banned as well :wacko::blink::ph34r::wacko::ph34r:;)

Edited by Ed Swinnich

  Ed Swinnich said:
They're more uptight than the characters at the Bix Board.  :wacko:  :wacko:  :wacko:

Ha! Well...maybe...just...maybe...not that I know anything about this....someone complained to Norah's management about them. So they're even more uptight since someone...not that I'd know anything about this....had problems with their screwball take on the "war"...I mean invasion.




Oh my my my, fellow friends. I've been out of town doing a show in West Virginia for the week and what do I find in my email when I finally have the time to check it but a plea from someone at the Norah Jones board asking me to ask you all to stop trolling and causing a ruckus.

Well, I'm not going to tell any of you what to do. The internet is the ultimate realization of free speech and democracy and if someone can't take it, that's their problem. Here's the full email:


                I'm going to first politely ask you to do the best you

can to keep people who have no good intentions, from registering in the

NorahJones.info community. (Meaning discouraging the planning of trouble

making on your boards, as noted in the thread below.) From this thread,

it is clear to me that you currently have some real elitist

(psuedo-intellectual) trouble makers on your message boards. The reason

they don't like our message board, is because we don't allow people who

behave like them to stay on our boards. We have kids here, & it's

everyone's responsibility to protect them.

Please See here:


Your user: "Ed Swinnich" (among others)

Did in fact come over & register just to try & cause trouble. I realize

you aren't responsible for their posts, but it not a good idea for you

to have people that cause trouble on your message boards, as it may

incite members on our boards, who may resort to the same type of

activities on your boards. That just means more work for both sites. A

good old fashion rock fight, in which nobody really wins. I'm asking

politely that you send a message by removing the posts from your message

boards. If someone were on norahjones.info trashing Organissimo, I would

not allow it. Free speech is respected yes, but it doesn't mean we have

to allow people to be completely viscous trouble making jerks. Your

co-operation would be much appreciated. We all have much better things

to do. Thanks, The NJI crew

Well, I'll respond to this myself, and I hope by posting this everyone will realize that these folks have some sensitivities and think twice before registering just to make a fuss, but honestly, I am not going to tell you all what to do and I think it's kind of funny. If you want to flame the crap out of the board, that's your perogative. If you want to spam them to hell, that's your perogative. Just so everyone knows, including any Norah Jones members that may be lurking around, this is a free board. I do not censor anyone unless they personally and purposely attack someone in a threatening way. Everything else goes. And I have no control over what the members of this board do on SOMEONE ELSE'S SITE. What the hell is that?!?!

Have fun, everyone and hello from W. Virigina!!!! :)

Guest Chaney

The NJI Crew has a point. I didn't like it when we were trolled over on the BNBB so it's hardly fair to do the same thing on the Norah board... as much as I may want to.

I will stop.

(Tight -- and I mean that in more ways than one -- little ship they run over there.)



Here's my official reply to Dan:


  While I understand your concern, I really have no power, nor the right to tell someone who happens to post on my site where they can go or what they can do on the internet.

  I'm sorry that some users of my board have found yours and think it's funny to act like children, but it's your responsability to moderate your board as you see fit.  I cannot tell them to stay away and be nice and even if I did, it really wouldn't do any good.

  Just so you know, there are some very very sour grapes between Blue Note the company and the users of Blue Note's old message board which was shut down quite unexpectedly and without explanation last March.  Many folks have come up with conspiracy theories that center around Norah's success at the Grammy's as the culprit.  Again, I have no control over what people think.

  Conerning deleting threads on my site that deal with Norah Jones in a negative way:  I will not censor posts unless someone directly attacks someone else in a threatening way.  If you can show me a thread on my board that does that, Norah Jones related or not, I will gladly review it and delete it if need be.  Saying "Norah Jones' music sucks and she has no talent" doesn't count.

  For the record, I like Norah's music and find her an asset to Blue Note, the jazz community, and music at large.  But I do not force my views on the users of my bulletin board.

Thank you,

-----Jim Alfredson



I know what you mean Chuck in being beneficiaries and how she could be important to BN. I actually do enjoy Norah's record.

When I found her new board I put 1 and 1 together relative to the crackdown over at BN. I don't think the comments are at the expense of Norah as much as they are at the expense of that board. It is way too much. But I'm pretty far removed from the pop music scene these days too, so boards like this and "Street Teams" are kind of foreign. It's almost a culture shock.

But you know what? At some point in my life I was probably there too. I mean I joined the Guess Who fan Club when I was 12 or 13. Essentially there's nothing wrong with it though it is foreign to jazz fans and artists.

Guest Chaney

  Out2Lunch said:
I understand that she is Ravi Shankar's daughter.

Tod, you don't know what you're talking about.

Norah Jones is the daughter of Phil and Erma Jones of Hempstead, Long Island.

Phil is a plumber set to soon retire. Jean is a homemaker, and proud of it.

They have three other children: Phil Jr. age 26; Darlene age 20; and Ella age 16.

You're probably confused as their next door neighbor is Wally Shankar, podiatrist.

Please stop spreading disinformation ya elitist scum or I'll have you banned.

Posted (edited)

  Ed Swinnich said:
But you know what? At some point in my life I was probably there too.  I mean I joined the Guess Who fan Club when I was 12 or 13.  Essentially there's nothing wrong with it though it is foreign to jazz fans and artists.

Amazing. In 1966 or '67, the Guess Who arrived at Delmark looking for a record deal (they thought they might contain enough Blues to attract the label). I declined and sent them to the Chicago office of RCA with a contact name. I guess it worked out for them, though I never heard back.

Edited by Chuck Nessa

Well don't I feel somewhat embarrassed, having been mentioned in the email complaint and all. I'll certainly respect the gentlemen's wishes but certainly don't like having my name in the same paragraph as a reference to "protecting our children". That really sticks in my craw.

For the record, I made a rather absurd post about whether anyone knew Norah's favorite color. It was as innocuous a post as could be and not at all intended to casue trouble. Very simply, I was kind of curious as to whether a lame question like that would get any responses as a measure of the fanatacism of the posters there. I was really curious to see how far the Norah phenomenon went.

Again that's hardly the type of question that should label me a trouble making jerk or make me someone from whom children need to be protected. Those comments of his linking my name to the type of behavior requiring child protection are really pissing me off. Is there a lawyer in the house?? ;)

At any rate, sorry to have caused the grief Jim. I shall cease and desist.



I am not asking you to do anything. You did nothing wrong. I don't care if you go over there and start posting thread after thread saying that Norah Jones is carrying your illegitimate love child. What I was trying to tell the guy is I have no right to try to stop you from posting things on HIS board.

He wants me to delete this thread, but that would be a crime against humanity. It's too damn funny! :)

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