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root canal $675

build the tooth back up for a crown $255

crown $850

total $1780

really my only option other than havin' the tooth yanked

i haven't done anything yet, cuz i won't have any money until next week


help save ss1's tooth

I got basically the same work done a few years ago WITH dental insurance and it still cost me about a grand out of pocket!


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the visit/x-rays were free

i paid about $25 for the vicadin and penacillin. spelling on both

why would anyone want to stick their hands in someone else's mouth for a living is beyond me.

the tooth they say is in good shape and in the back next to my wisdom tooth

could this affect my love for a steak?

could removing a tooth cause the surrounding teeth to go crooked and or maybe shift?



If you get the tooth yanked, the teeth in front and in back will shift towards the open space. My wife and I both had the same thing happen, and that's even worse than having a root canal/crown- you wind up with a whole bunch of teeth out of place. It might be wothwhile to get a second opinion, but be sure that the second dentist is good(I'm presuming here that the first dentist is good.), maybe a friend/coworker/relative can recommend one.


Poor ss1!

Bad luck acts like a kind of magnet to attract more bad luck. ;)

Dental insurance is more important to me than medical insurance. Less costly too.

Damn, I never enjoy visiting the dentist, but we all need to.

B-3er: I skipped the dentist for a decade while I was living in Thailand. Paid for it later...

Those regular six month checkups become important when you get to my age and the gums are ready to go...


It might be wothwhile to get a second opinion, but be sure that the second dentist is good(I'm presuming here that the first dentist is good.), maybe a friend/coworker/relative can recommend one.


Here's the guy I go to. I do like and respect the man. He put me at ease and I freaking hate dentists. They scare me.

Gordon K. Roediger, DDS

5190 E. Farness, Suite 100

Tucson, AZ

(520) 795-3773


I go every six months. I'm no dentist but teeth should not be neglected. I've been very fortunate. Have had only about five cavities my whole life and no braces or everything else but my wife has bad teeth and it is expensive. Dental insurance pays for some but it's not as great as medical insurance. Better than nothing though.


Boy, after reading some of the posts I really felt almost ashamed.....not really, naah. :g

Soulstation, save the tooth. If your doc says prognosis is good after treatment, save it. Make up a payment plan with his manager, so you can have some breathing room on payments.

I'll keep watching from the sidelines.


my "toooooffff" is freakin' killllin' me

i'd don't know which is worse flyin' in a airplane or going to da freakin' dentist

also i have no health insurance


I'd rather fly in a puddle jumper in the dead of winter over the Rockies than visit the dentist. When I become independently wealthy there will be dental work in my future and believe me I'm not looking forward to it. :(

Posted (edited)

Years ago I wrote some software for a dentist here. After the job was done and he got the bill he suggested that we should barter some dental care for part of the bill. At this point I had had a total of 1 filling so I agreed thinking that it would be good customer relations and it would knock down his bill by $100 or so for a cleaning.

I went to his office and at the end of the exam and cleaning he determined that I needed 8 fillings and a root canal! I would have owed him a couple hundred bucks! I went to my regular dentist for a second opinion, no work was needed.

My regular dentist is great.

Edited by Upright Bill

My turn in the chair today. Repair a broken tooth, a little remedial work. Total price for basic National Health Service dentistry (nothing ccosmetic) £26.24. Considering the time and care taken I'm more than pleased.

Found out that dentist likes Weather Report and Wayne Shorter. Recommended Wayne's Blue Notes and tried to sell him tickets for the Portsmouth Jazz Society's upcoming Stan Tracey gig.

  • 3 weeks later...

Got three wisdom teeth yanked out of my jaws yesterday, and it hurt like hell. Now I'm all doped up on vicodin.

No swelling really, so I must have been an easy one--I've seen people get all chipmunk-cheeked from such an extraction. Damn, I can't imagine it hurting worse... :(

Posted (edited)

could removing a tooth cause the surrounding teeth to go crooked and or maybe shift?


YES. It may take a few years, but I had a back moler extracted about ten years ago and my bottom-front teeth shifted. The alternative was to repair the molar with a crown, which would have cost tons and I rationalized that nobody sees your back teeth. So, unless the tooth is totally ratched, try to save it.

Edited by patricia

Here's my story...

I had regular visits to the dentist until I moved after college. Went about 5-6 years and then saw one because of some tooth pain which ended up not being much. Moved again and again and again and never got a new dentist. Which brings us to the present, about 7 years since my last visit. Have had no problems but have been considering going for cleaning and to get whitened a bit. My wife actually called Friday to schedule for me but the dentist was golfing...

Saturday my back lower molar crumbles while eat cereal. (Special K if you must know - Vanilla and Almond flavor.) No pain luckily. Saw a dentist and now I'm looking at a root canal and a cap and $1500 could've bought a lot of RVGs!

I'm also a little nervous because the dentist was only interested in the broken tooth so who knows what other problems are present. I go back to him again next week for a more comprehensive look, with the root canal scheduled the day after.

The bright spot is I'm bringing my headphones and plan to have a couple hours of uninterupted jazz listening!


Back in my early hockey playing days - before mouthguards, any kind of facial protection or even helmets - I had several front teeth knocked out by an errant puck. This necessitated some major reconstructive dental activity, part of which included a series of what are known as hard palette injections. If you're not familiar with this area of your mouth, put your index finger right behind your front teeth. That's the spot where they stuck me over and over again. As it was explained to me, this is an area that does not cotton much to pain deadeners. I can't tell you how much better knowing that made me feel. My Lordy me. One or two or three of the most unpleasant health care experiences I've ever had. The upside is it paid for part my dentist's trip to Egypt.

Up over and out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Back in my early hockey playing days - before mouthguards, any kind of facial protection or even helmets - I had several front teeth knocked out by an errant puck. This necessitated some major reconstructive dental activity, part of which included a series of what are known as hard palette injections. If you're not familiar with this area of your mouth, put your index finger right behind your front teeth. That's the spot where they stuck me over and over again. As it was explained to me, this is an area that does not cotton much to pain deadeners. I can't tell you how much better knowing that made me feel. My Lordy me. One or two or three of the most unpleasant health care experiences I've ever had. The upside is it paid for part my dentist's trip to Egypt.

Up over and out.



funny thing

since i found out how much this would cost, my tooth ain't bothering me anymore



Dentist bills are definitely steep. My extraction will cost me $200 and I have good coverage.


I'm heading back to the dentist today for the fourth time in 2 weeks. (It's also the fourth time in 6 years so I guess it's not that bad.) Had my root canal last week and now I need a crown. I'm sorry, my temporary crown which requires I go back in a couple weeks and get the permanent crown. This is so much fun! :blink:


I just had my upper 2 wisdom teeth removed yesterday. I was under general anesthetic for the first time....kind of interesting experience...

No complications, the teeth were fully erupted so the extraction wasn't that complicated.

I slept most of the day after the procedure but by that evening was in pretty good shape. I'm already back at work.

I wish everyone could have it as easy as it's been for me.

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