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Posted (edited)

You know I really resisted coming here regularly. I saw the demise of the BNBB as we know/knew it as an opportunity to free myself from the chain of cyber posting, this weird hypergraphic like addiction I had. . . . I intended to read here and only post occasionally.

Yeah, right. . . :wacko:

But this place has grown into a real home with real neighbors and hallelujah!

Edited by jazzbo

OK, who'm I kidding!!! This place is GREAT!! Nearly as good as all the best things I used to like about the BNBB. This is, by far, the best jazz board anywhere....

Great vibe, cool discussion, good topics, lots of people who aren't all "such and so kind of jazz is the only kind of jazz that's any good", plenty of Andrew Hill and Larry Young fans, Sam Rivers, Ornette, you name it. I'm normally loath to say things like this, but.... :unsure:



Cheers everyone! This is the only bulletin board I ever check. I do look at bagatellen every once in a while, buy that's not really a bulletin board is it?

I may not post that much, but I'm always reading. Thank you Organissimo.


I agree, this has become an excellent board! Seems like the moderators could come up with some way to celebrate all of this good will.

Maybe........... FREE BEER? :g


This board is my internet home, BUT for me it is too locked into music from '55-65'. This is fine music, but only one decade. I really don't understand the "taste limits".

Music be happnin' for thousands of years, and maybe :huh: into the future. Why only one decade. Branch out folks.


Pretty much agree with all of the above. This board is definitely the closest thing around to the old BNBB. I too post at AAJ but don't really enjoy the vibe for some reason. This place seems friendlier and more welcoming.


I hear ya, Chuck, and I'd welcome some discussion outside of those 'core' years of 55-65 too, and even outside of my core years of 63-70.

I know you're more a topic contributor (and a valued one at that!!!!) - but I'd love to see you start some topics that pushed things somewhere else a bit. Start a Mahler thread, or an Ives thread, or Stravinsky. Somewhat 'safe' choices, to be sure, but ones that are likely to garner some responses, as opposed to my favorites - Hans Werner Henze, Roger Sessions, Carl Ruggles, Ernst Toch, Ernest Krenek, and well - you get the idea. I'm sure your favorites are also obscure, perhaps even more so.

But, I do think this is the best board I know of today, and I'm sure glad it's here. :party:


While I agree that the emphasis has been on music from the "golden decade," there have also been more than a fair share of topics outside of that decade. In fact, I think there's a real interest in music outside of that scope. Look at the recent discussion of a Weather Report album (FIVE pages now!); or another thread about the new Lonnie Smith album; or, heck, for that matter the Von Freeman on Nessa thread!

In the grand scheme of things, this place may not be as diverse (or avant-garde, for lack of a better term) as Jazz Corner; but then again, this place is NOWHERE near as rigid as AAJ. It's that happy medium or median, whichever you prefer!

So B-three cheers for the Organissimo gang for keeping the spirit and the camaraderie (as well as the comedy!) alive!


I thought after the demise of the BNBB, it would be a good chance for me to take a break from the cyber jazz bb thing. After all, nothing could match up with the BNBB really...right? Well, only time could tell for me and it has. I love the OrgBB as much as I did the BNBB and that's the truth of the matter. If I didn't think so, I just wouldn't be sticking around. It's not that I don't have other things to do. But there's too much good info, discussion and just plain good comraderie around here to stay away for too long. I like checking in when I have a few minutes here and there.

As for Chuck's comment about the 55-65 thing. I think that's true and I'm as guilty as anyone. However, I think anyone who is enthusiastic about anything newer or older has many open ears on this forum. I for one have been turned on to a little Weather Report recently thanks to some others around here. If someone brought up an enthusiastic comment about something done in 88 or 2003, I think we'd all love to share in it and perhaps be turned onto something outside of our normal listening. Learning new things is a big part of the attraction for me.

Anyway, thanks to everyone that makes this a fun place to hang.


I am with Chuck on thsi one. This is a great board, I lurk more often than I post. What I would really like to see is more discussion of more recent and indeed current modern jazz. We need to support the current keepers of the flame be it The Bad Plus or Henry Threadgill or Lian Noble or indeed Organissimo !!!


I discovered something interesting this morning when I swung by AAJ and here. I logged off both sites essentially simultaneously last night, but when I came back this morning, there were only 17 active threads at AAJ but something like 25 here. Surprising that Organissimo was more active than AAJ, I'm pretty sure that was the first time its happened.

A personal word: I went away for a time, came back because I thought this was a better group to poll regarding my interview with Eddie Higgins, and because that Higgins interview led to some off-board interaction with Chris A., I'm finding it harder to slam him on the political threads. So, with that constraint in place, I think I'll keep hanging here.

And I agree with Chuck, though I think part of it is Rooster's active posting which has really played to the era he enjoys most.

Posted (edited)

And I agree with Chuck, though I think part of it is Rooster's active posting which has really played to the era he enjoys most.

Guilty as charged. Actually, I go back and forth between being obsessed about jazz in the 60's, and more interested in recent stuff. Then this board first opened up, I happened to be in a strong BN-60's phase, but I find myself (lately) being interested in going back to recordings from the 80's and 90's, which I own but often overlook.

I'll start some non-"60's jazz" threads over the next couple weeks, and see if that helps any.

Edited by Rooster_Ties

I love it here too. I used to visit the BNBB board no more than once a day. Here I'm a real addict. There's always something interesting going on. And you guys are great.

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