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Gripe about the ^#%$# Postal Service here!

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Man, I've blankety-blankin' HAD it with the US Postal Service. Just a few instances recently:

1. I had some fudge mailed to my office while I was in Mackinaw City, MI. Now, I mailed it myself from Mackinaw on Tuesday, the 20th. It didn't arrive at the office until LATE Monday afternoon, the 26th!!!

2. Marcus sent me BFT #15 on the 20th. As of today, still no delivery. Meanwhile, folks who live farther away from me (who also had theirs shipped out on the 20th)have received theirs!!!

3. A Canadian board member mailed some CDs to me on Friday, July 9. THOSE haven't arrived yet either!!!

4. Finally, a board member in Kansas mailed me a CD on Friday, the 16th, before I left for vacation. Again, THAT one hasn't arrived yet, either!

With regard to the unnamed members in the last two lines, I have no reason to doubt their integrity and honesty, as I have dealt with them in the past and always received good service.

So, I'm left thinking, what the fuck is the deal with the Postal Service?!?!?!? I know that there was a lot of trouble with the postal service getting the last batch of BFTs to everyone in the US (and even the replacements I sent, some of them broke in transit!). Have they just gone (pardon the pun) postal on us allofasudden?

Thanks for letting me vent. Share your horror stories here.

Edited by Big Al
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So, I'm left thinking, what the fuck is the deal with the Postal Service?!?!?!?

For the most part, I am usually left thinking, "what the fuck is wrong with the USPS in Texas?"

Seriously, anytime something I've shipped takes extra long to get there, or never makes it at all (Sangrey knows about this) its going to your neck of the woods.

So, since the trouble seems to be spreading, maybe the USPS is using Texas as its training center and sending out the graduates around the company, to spread the crappy service everywhere?

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I gotta agree with Dan here. I've never had a problem with the USPS. Six weeks ago I sent some stuff home very hurriedly three hours before I had a flight out of Boston. One of these boxes especially was packed like SHIT, with the tape coming off and the postal guy looking at me real funny, but he rolled his eyes and sent it anyway. I had a whole desktop computer tower in that box, and though it was well cushioned, I seriously thought it would never make it.

It was at my house in 4 or 5 days, in one piece. It beat all the other boxes home!

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BTW, did you send the fudge Priority Mail or by some slower class? 6 days is within the window the USPS gives for delivery of Parcel Post (edit--I just looked and it's shorter to some locations. I dunno why I thought PP was 1 to 2 weeks.). On the other hand, if you sent it Priority, you have reason to complain if it takes 6 days.

Edited by Big Wheel
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So, I'm left thinking, what the fuck is the deal with the Postal Service?!?!?!?

For the most part, I am usually left thinking, "what the fuck is wrong with the USPS in Texas?"

Seriously, anytime something I've shipped takes extra long to get there, or never makes it at all (Sangrey knows about this) its going to your neck of the woods.

So, since the trouble seems to be spreading, maybe the USPS is using Texas as its training center and sending out the graduates around the company, to spread the crappy service everywhere?

I think you may be on to something here. I sent something to Lon on a Monday a few months back and it took three days to get to him. Bear in mind we only live about three hours apart. Heck, I coulda WALKED it to him faster!

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I waited three weeks for a package from Queens once. I get my weekly magazines on different days every week, and sometimes get this week's issue before last weeks. Also, my postman refuses to ring my doorbell to hand me even the smallest packages (like BMG orders). If it looks like it *might* not fit in the (large) mailbox, it gets left at the station and I get a package slip, which in turn requires waiting in a long, slow-moving line during the local PO's inconvenient (for me) hours of operation. So I'm no big fan of the local postal service.

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At my humble home on 59th Street, I regularly receive mail addressed to 55th Street, 69th Street, 79th Street and 99th Street. And occasionally 159th Street.

The same Christmas card clearly meant for a 55th Street address was delivered to my home FOUR TIMES.

They know me by name at the complaint window of our local PO.

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Postes Canada takes a lot of beating. Two weeks from l'Ontario to Colombie Brittanique is standard. And they have had several of les strikes lasting up to 6 months! Last time they pulled that, a lot of businesses went over to private couriers and never returned. (I'm using French Canadian terms because the union leader was a creep called Jean-Claude Parrot when I was there.)

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Well, the Canada package arrived yesterday, a full eight days after being sent. From the looks of things, I think they used it for some in-house batting practice, as there was a tear on the package, the “teeth” inside one of the jewel cases cracked off in my hand, and BOTH hinges of the cases had comeUN-hinged. Which is about what’s gonna happen to me! Thankfully, the discs were in good shape. :rolleyes:

So, one down, two to go.......... <_<

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