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Need recs for digital photo editing software

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I've got a Kodak DX3700 3.1 megapixel camera, uploading to a (don't laugh) eMachines running Windows XP.

Now, after you've picked yourself up off the floor and have recovered from laughing, stifle the urge to yell "BUY A MAC, FERCRYINOUTLOUD!!!" and recommend some software that I can use to touch up and edit the pictures I'm taking with this little toy!


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I´m using ACDSee, which is primarily a picture viewer (the best), but also has some editing functions that are easy to use and powerful enough for my needs.

It has picture transfer plugins for various brands of cameras that allow to bypass the transfer software that comes with the camera (which is often not very good).

There is a trial version for download



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I use Paint Shop Pro 8. It has most of the power of Photoshop (and a few tricks of its own) without Photoshop's steep learning curve, is not as much of a computer resource hog, and is much less expensive than Photoshop. Paint Shop Pro 7 was not quite as flexible or as powerful, but it loaded quicker, was significantly less of a load for a computer, and should be cheap if you can find it.

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the Photoshop learning curve is not steep! I have been using it for years and still haven't found out about most of the functions. If this curve were steep, I'd be somewhere on Mars now. It just let's you learn a new trick every day, mostly by coincidence :w

But I agree, PShop is not the programme for everyday use, much too powerfull really, and WAY too big, but I got hooked long ago and can't afford to rid myself of all those tricks and start anew with another programme.

What are you trying to achieve is the main question. Just get rid of red eyes, crop the pics and adjust some levels, most of the programmes out there can help you with that. If you want to retouch, get rid of lost loves, or copy desired ones in, that can be a bit tricky.

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Well, my computer currently has Microshaft Picture It Express 7.0, which allows for trimming, zooming, red-dot removal, tint, contrast, brightness, etc.

The last set of pictures I uploaded seemed to be awfully fuzzy, and the program said I could upgrade to the fully-loaded version, which would allow for sharpness adjustments. (I guess I find it odd that the "Express" version wouldn't include that on it.) But in the end, it would be fun to have some creative fun with pictures (providing the software didn't cost an arm & leg).

I'll have a look around Best Buy sometime.

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The last set of pictures I uploaded seemed to be awfully fuzzy, and the program said I could upgrade to the fully-loaded version, which would allow for sharpness adjustments. (I guess I find it odd that the "Express" version wouldn't include that on it.)

Don't expect miracles from a sharpness filter. The effect is only very subtle and it won't fix bad pictures.

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