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Just downloaded Mozilla Firefox browser

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I then went the whole hog and got so ticked off with microsoft that I showed Windows the door and now operate Linux- Kubuntu.

Let's do a KDE versus Gnome flamewar sometime.

Hey who you callin'?

I have still to get fully to grips with the whole linux thing and had a few 'issues' ubt yeh ...I need a fix or programme that does something.....there you go tell me how I can improve it...all very different.

One bug bear was getting my mp3 recognised- got it sorted because of a 'community sharing ' soft huggy approach...sorted!

Would not have got that with windoze

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used firefox for a few years now and I ain't going back. It is really good and a hell of a deal safer than Internet Explorer. Also used Thunderbird too for emails which was good too.

I have also on the back of this got rid of Microsoft Office which was tired and have Open Office- free! and very very easy to use.

I then went the whole hog and got so ticked off with microsoft that I showed Windows the door and now operate Linux- Kubuntu. Free operating system - very high quality and less crashy

Goodbye Bill Gates and global domination and hello non corporate, more cooperative software that is FREE.

As it damn well should be

I'm very happy with firefox, and I'm seriously considering getting out of Office and also going that Linux route. The unknown is always scary though...

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used firefox for a few years now and I ain't going back. It is really good and a hell of a deal safer than Internet Explorer. Also used Thunderbird too for emails which was good too.

I have also on the back of this got rid of Microsoft Office which was tired and have Open Office- free! and very very easy to use.

I then went the whole hog and got so ticked off with microsoft that I showed Windows the door and now operate Linux- Kubuntu. Free operating system - very high quality and less crashy

Goodbye Bill Gates and global domination and hello non corporate, more cooperative software that is FREE.

As it damn well should be

I'm very happy with firefox, and I'm seriously considering getting out of Office and also going that Linux route. The unknown is always scary though...

Yes, try it. People seem to recommend Suse or Ubuntu to get started. For example download the latest Ubuntu release (CD Image), burn the image to CD-R, restart your PC and boot from CD. You can check the OS out without having to install it on your harddisk.


(I'm using Ubuntu but I don't know which Linux distribution is the best/hippest/coolest/...)

I still have a Windows partition because I can't get some of my old hardware devices to work under Linux (no Linux drivers and no wrappers for Windows drivers).

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In all seriousness, the new version of Explorer does have tabs now (how many years after Firefox did this?) and is pretty nice. I use it on my laptop just because Firefox does not support using my laptop's touchpad as a navigation tool.

I wish I could use Thunderbird. I hate Outlook, but my phone is also a PDA which is compatible with Outlook and I need to have my calendar, contacts, and recent emails on my phone.

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In all seriousness, the new version of Explorer does have tabs now (how many years after Firefox did this?) and is pretty nice. I use it on my laptop just because Firefox does not support using my laptop's touchpad as a navigation tool.

I mainly use Opera. On the laptop it has the advantage that the touchpad buttons can be used as a "Back" button (hold right button, click left button). On the desktop PC, with it's configurable 4 or 5 button mouse, this isn't a necessary feature, but on the laptop it's essential, to avoid having to point to and click on the Back button. Firefox doesn't seem to support this, at least not in the standard configuration.

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For those who would like to know a little more about Linux I found this today which was rather interesting (not 100% wonderful but still very good at explaining the score with linux. I will stick the link and the text on for those who prefer the source


Five things to know when you switch to Linux

[ Sunday, 19 November 2006, ariadacapo ]

If you have just installed GNU/Linux on your computer, and have only ever used Windows before, here are five things you need to know to get going rapidly.

Author: Olivier Cleynen

#1: App-searching is a pleasure, or:

How to install and uninstall programs

On Windows, you were probably used to find a given program on the Internet, download a setup.exe file, and then install the program in something like C:\Program Files.

Things are very different on GNU/Linux.

On most main distributions, finding, downloading, installing and uninstalling applications is done with one single add/remove program.

Within this program, a wealth of useful, free and gratis software has been listed, sorted and described for you. You need only select/deselect the programs you wish to install/uninstall, and apply your changes. The download and set-up will be done automatically.

You do not have to worry about where the program is installed. You do no have to worry about viruses, malware or “demo” programs (the application list has been constructed and checked carefully by your distribution’s programmers).

This aspect of GNU/Linux is probably the most satisfying and enjoyable to newcomers. Don’t be afraid to try new things out and enjoy your time!

Also on PolishLinux.org: a more advanced installation tutorial.

#2: Be wary when going root, or:

The command-line and the root user

Whichever operation you are doing on your GNU/Linux computer, it can be done by typing code.

Therefore, when you ask for advice, advanced users might reply with a series of coded commands for you to type in your computer, rather than long explanations on “where to click”. This method is called the command-line and code is entered through a small program called a terminal. You do not need to know how to type code for a normal use.

On Windows, the main computer user is allowed to run any program and change any system parameter. In the Linux world, however, things are different.

A normal user is allowed to perform normal actions, such as moving/writing files, launch normal applications, etc.

Only the root user, however, is able to modify system configuration, update the system, and install programs. This restriction makes sure that any malicious program inadvertently run by a normal user, because it hasn’t got root privileges, may not cause much harm.

When you attempt to do something only the root user can do, you will be prompted for the root password. Therefore, you should have a password set for the root user, even if it’s very simple: this will prevent yourself from inadvertently damaging your system.

Whenever your computer prompts you for a password, be wary and make sure you know what you are doing.

When using the command-line, getting root user privileges is done by typing sudo before the command (it means: super-user do and you will be prompted for a password). If you are asked to type a command starting with sudo and you are not sure what it means, ask in a forum (we suggest the beginner-friendly Nuxified.org).

#3: Two (different) sides to a coin, or:


You will quickly come across two frequently used names in the GNU/Linux world: GNOME and KDE.

Windows only has one look and feel, however, the GNU/Linux world has many. In particular, GNOME and KDE are the most popular desktop environments.

Under one desktop environment, you run the same computer, with the same Linux distribution, with the same files, as under another. What you alter is the graphical display: the way windows are managed and things are viewed.

Most programs run equally well under KDE or GNOME. Some more specific applications –generally programs whose name starts with a K or G (such as KOffice or Gedit)– simply look better in their native environment.

You might find that KDE favors graphical artifacts, configuration menus, customization possibilities, to enable impressive desktops. GNOME, on the other hand, might appear more frugal for it favors simpler, cleaner and easier (if maybe less advanced) menus and graphical configuration. In any case, both enable very sleek, attractive and/or productive desktops -only in different ways.

GNU/Linux distributions often come with a default desktop environment (for example, Ubuntu with GNOME, and OpenSUSE with KDE), but you are able (and encouraged) to try a different one. There are also other desktop environments, perhaps most notably the less hardware-intensive Xfce.

#4: You-may you-may-not, or:

File permissions

The file permissions determine who is able to access, move or modify each given file. The GNU/Linux system is very strict with these (there is no way to bypass or ignore them), and treats a folder the exact same way as a file.

There are three types of actions on the file: read (self explanatory), write (the ability to change and move the file), and execute. The latter, execute, is a bit peculiar:

* Setting a file as an executable means the system will try to run it as a program when you open it. This is potentially dangerous and you should never do this if you are unsure;

* Setting a folder as executable simply means that programs will be able to access its contents (this is a default property). For example, your vacation photos folder will be executable, so that you may browse your photos with your favorite program.

The file owner is the only user who can modify the permissions. He can set different permissions for himself (the “file owner“), defined groups of users (”user groups“), and all other users (”others“).

In practice, all of your files (usually stored in /home/your_user_name/ ) will always have permissions set so that you may access and change them. You won’t be able to access other users’ files at all (they are usually stored in /home/someone_else/ ), and you won’t be able to change system files (files such as the ones in /bin/ or /dev/ ) without the root password.

#5: Five more quick tips, or:

Various additional details

Some miscellaneous points that might be useful:

* No defragmenting needed

You may be used to regularly defragment your hard drive under Windows. Under GNU/Linux, however, the file systems in use are extremely resistant to fragmentation so that this is completely unnecessary.

*Anti-viruses made redundant

Because GNU/Linux is very secure, running an anti-virus is not necessary either (unless you deal with Windows files under an emulator, or pass them on to Windows users). Be careful when you go root, and keep your system up-to-date with the automatic security updates: you’ll stay safe.

*Case-sensitive filenames

Filenames under GNU/Linux are case-sensitive. This means that report.odt, Report.odt, and report.ODT will all be different files that can be in one given folder. This is inherent to the system and you cannot change it.

*Hidden files start with a dot

Files and folders whose name starting with a dot (like a .thumbnails folder) are hidden. There are usually many such files and folders in your home directory, containing your settings for the programs you use (do not erase or alter them). You can activate the viewing of the hidden files usually through the “view” menu of your file manager.

* Accounting for hardware

There are sometimes different software versions, according to different hardware. “Normal” computers are often named “i386″ or “x86″ computers; But there are sometimes “64-bit” versions for 64-bit-processor computers, and versions for Mac hardware (including the G5, G4, G3 series). Unless you have special hardware, you can simply run the “x86″ (or “i386″) version.


This is by no means a complete tutorial to GNU/Linux, merely a quick list of information to get newcomers going rapidly.

There is a great number of things you can learn to do with GNU/Linux, and the web is full of good places to guide you. You can start with the First steps section right here on PolishLinux.org, and then head off to the Nuxified.org forums where advanced users and beginners are all welcome.

Enjoy the free software world! You’ll never want to go back.

Edited by andybleaden
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  • 4 months later...

I switched to Firefox full time about two weeks ago. Now I'm having a problem with pop up ads (even on this site, so I know it isn't the sites, and yes, I know Firefox is supposed to block them...it did until yesterday), hijacked homepage, and whatnot. Thanks but no thanks; once I get this cleaned up, I'm going back to my "unsafe" Microsoft browser.

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I've been using Firefox (Mozilla) exclusively since 2004 without any significant issues, I'd never go back to IE.

Jazzmoose, are you sure the browser is the problem? What operating system are you on?

Edited by Shawn
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I switched to Firefox full time about two weeks ago. Now I'm having a problem with pop up ads (even on this site, so I know it isn't the sites, and yes, I know Firefox is supposed to block them...it did until yesterday), hijacked homepage, and whatnot. Thanks but no thanks; once I get this cleaned up, I'm going back to my "unsafe" Microsoft browser.

Go into Tools Options and turn the pop ups off.

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