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Hey everyone,

I'm glad I finally found this board! Its good to see so many familiar faces again.

For my first post, I wanted to ask your opinions on three Mosaic sets I purchased yesterday. I picked up the Stanley Turrentine set, the Blue Mitchell set, and the Johnny Hodges small groups set. Does anyone have these? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts about them. I'm so excited to get them in the mail. About how long does Mosaic take to ship?? I've never ordered from them before.

Also, I was planning on making my next purchse the J.J. Johnson set.

Let me know what you all think!



The only one of those three that I have is the Blue Mitchell, which I think is really great. I'm planning to get the Turrentine set one of these days, hopefully within the next year or so.

One of the best things about the Mitchell set is all the Junior Cook sideman appearances. I hadn't heard much Cook at all (none that I can think of), before I got the Mitchell set. At first, knowing Joe Henderson was on that very first Mitchell album, I kept thinking that Joe Henderson must have been on several other albums in the set. I was shocked to later find that all that "Joe Henderson" I was digging so deeply, was really Junior Cook - playing very much like Joe Henderson.

Also, the last two Mitchell albums on the set are nice, in that they are slightly larger groups, much like Duke Pearson's 7-10 piece groups, either under Pearson's name, or groups Pearson did arrangements for (like Mobley's "Slice of the Top", among others). In fact, I don't have the Michell liner-notes handy, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that Pearson did the arrangements for either or both of those last two Michell albums from the Michell Mosaic set.

Hey, Sal, please (re)-introduce yourself. You seem to know us (re: "familiar faces"), but I'm really bad with names - and so I'm not sure if I should be remembering you from the BNBB?? - or perhaps you know some of us (but not me) from somewhere else?? Thanks!!


Welcome to the board Sal!

I've only got the Blue Mitchell, but the Hodges and Turrentine are must-buys for me. I have albums that are on the sets and I know how much I like them. I think you'll be very happy with your sets. When you've had some time with them, please tell us how you like them.

As for shipping time. I'm in California, and I usually have my sets within a week of ordering them.



Pardon my manners......

I'm Sal from Chicago, and I was a semi-regular presence on the BNBB (about a post a day or so on average) for about six months before the mass exodus. Since the closing of the board, I've been a regular presence on the AAJ board, and came across the link to this board not too long ago. I'm a financial analyst by day, jazz drumming student by night, and jazz freak 24/7. Since I finally got a regular full time job after almost a year of unemployment, and spend many days not doing anything but surfing the net, you'll be hearing more from me!

Thanks for the info on the Blue Mitchell set, Rooster Ties. About how long does it take to ship?


Thanks AfricaBrass! Good to see another Deadhead on the board as well! Although jazz is my one true love, I've been a fan of the Dead for about 7 years, and they come in a close second.


If you're in Chicago, I'm betting you'll get it in about 3 or 4 days (from the time it shipped), at most, maybe even 2 days.

Yeah, I guess I should have said "welcome" too!! - where's my manners??? :unsure::blink:

Glad to have you here!! Many of us find the Organissimo board to be the closest thing you can find to the old BNBB. Stick around, we could always use some more people. Again, glad to have you here!!! :)



I'm the same way about jazz and the Dead. I usually listen to some Dead everyday. I just love the stuff. I've gone nuts downloading live shows over the last couple years.

The J.J. Johnson is a neat set. I think the most pleasant surprise about it was Bobby Jasper. I was unfamiliar with him before I got the set and I really enjoy his playing on it. Johnson's no slouch either. I agree with Ghost, I too am surprised it's still around.

One thing, it's a whole lot of trombone. :D



Of the three sets you mention, I find the Hodges just phenomenal. It is really great stuff, especially the dates with Ben Webster. I find myself grabbing these discs all the time.

I'd probably be more enthusiastic about the Turrentine but I'd already been listening to all of the music in various formats for years... this box just put it all together. Of course, it's all good, don't worry about that. I really dig Stanley's bluesy style.

The Mitchell set?? You know, I haven't played that one in a while. It's about time I pull it out again. That'll be tomorrow's listening pile. :)

Once again for those who haven't gotten it: grab the Hodges set. It is too good to miss.




I totally concur! I have been playing the Hodges set in heavy rotation during the past month or so and I seem to enjoy it more with each hearing. Great set!! If its possible to wear out cds, this set will be put to that test.


Thank you all for the feedback! It's good to know that I made some wise choices with the discs, since I haven't heard hardly any of the music in the sets, nor have I ever purchased a Mosaic box set!

Posted (edited)

Speak for yourself Tod. I can quit anytime I want, for as long as I want. I simply choose to continue buying. ;)

Edited by Ed Swinnich

The only set I have of the three you mentioned is the Blue Mitchell and I must admit since the initial few spins, I haven't really listened it all that much. It's a good set for sure, but it hasn't really grabbed me the way some of the other Mosaics in my collection have. I'm going to have to re-visit this set in the near future.


I picked up the Stanley Turrentine set, the Blue Mitchell set, and the Johnny Hodges small groups set. Does anyone have these? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts about them.

I've got all three of these and can only say that you chose well and have a real treat in store. The one that was closest to being a "discovery" for me was the Turrentine. I expected great things from the Hodges (and was not disappointed) and even with the Mitchell I'd recently bought a lot of his Riversides, but I wasn't all that familiar with Turrentine's work. As a result, I've probably played his set more than most other Mosaic's I've gotten in the past couple of years. Terrific stuff! I predict you won't be sorry.

I highly recommend the J.J. Johnson box as well. Mosaic sets usually arrive in three days. Enjoy!

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