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Does Your City Have Problems with July 4 Fireworks?  

18 members have voted

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This is a HUGE problem in Oakland. We just passed a new ordinance, some of us leafletted, and e-mailed the new anti-fireworks ordinance around. Yesterday I bitched online about the police response and the Chief of Police responded and tried to be encouraging. But last night was a complete nightmare. It sounded like downtown Baghdad. And it lasted for over five, nonstop hours.

In Oakland, fireworks start in May and last until well into September. The worst is around July 4, with July 4 the worst. Last night is the worst night I can remember.

So what's it like where you live? And does it last all day, just at night, weeks, months, or just July 4?

Thanks. We have another ordinance heading for the ballot this fall on violence reduction and I am gearing up for a battle with Council about it.


Well, it was our first Fourth in the new house, and quite bad-though not Downtown-Bagdad bad!

But seriously, lots of stuff going off throughout the weekend, with the worst yesterday.

And on top of that, NO police response for over an hour, and some clown in the neighborhood to our south, on the other side of a canal, was setting off ridiculous stuff that was raining down into our yard.

Here's what I will never understand:

As I understand it, in the state of Florida, anything bigger than firecrackers are illegal to own/use UNLESS you are a farmer and using it for crop protection against birds or animals or whatever. Definitely, nothing that is shot into the sky is legal.

So that's the law; I wish someone could explain why there is a chain of "Firework Superstores" opening all over the place.

How can such a business be licensed when its purpose is to sell things that only farmers can have?

Its absolutely f-ing outrageous.


I live next to city hall. Big party, but smaller than last year.

I slept through it this time, last thing I remember was 8:59 pm...

Posted (edited)

We get a mixed bag here, depending on one's location. I'm house sitting, and normally I only hear the sounds from crickets, frogs, and rustling leaves while creatures creep about the woods out back. Of course, last night the next door neighbor, who is known to use the deer that freely roam for target practice, had all of his gizmos and gadgets going. I bet he was wearing camouflage. <_<

Fireworks are illegal in Indiana. The "Out of State" fireworks stands are all over. You just sign a waiver, promising that you won't use the fireworks in state, and you're good to go... :rolleyes:

Edited by rachel

I didn't vote and now I can't seem to but we had everything and automatic gunfire. The M1000s are incredible. They set one off a quarter mile away and the windows vibrate.

Only a couple of folks have posted on the police group today but it seems universal that last night was a disaster, even with the new ordinance.

Hey Rachel: I bet he did have on camouflage!


From what my friend tells me, her neighbor has been rather difficult to live next to...(you should see the beautiful redwood fencing she has constructed just to give her some privacy--it's as tall as the trees.) He has quite a few acres but decided to build his house justrightnext to my friend's existing house...

Hey Ghost... Whoa! 23rd and New Jersey? Yup, you had it year round...


My 4th was relatively calm this year, but there have been times when you couldn't drive past my house or around the park at the end of the block. Too bad 'cause you can see the official display from the park but not from my house. My two year old skipped her nap, went to bed early and slept through the worst of it. Lot's of display firworks just a street or two over. Hosed the yard down as best I could in the afternoon but I'm surprised it doesn't 'cause more fires (as far as I know just one house burnt down last year).


In Lansing the mayor and City Coucil just ruled that the local fireworks mega-store can't sell it's products in the city anymore. So now what are the owners of the building going to do? Rent it to a porno super store!!!! :excited:

I think I'd rather have the fireworks.


I meant to vote for all the above plus gunfire, but by mistake I clicked on view results instead of voting.

In DC we have tons of fireworks and tons of people coming to see the fireworks, although I never go or look at them anymore. I got trapped on the George Washington parkway one year and now I try to be wherever I need to be fairly early before the rucus starts. It rained like crazy this year so I don't even know if the official ones went off as scheduled. In my girlfriend's neighborhood in Columbia Heights it was all the above and gunfire. This morning we had the police violent rime unit truck parked down the street, although that's been common lately so I don't know if it was July 4th related. .


In Lansing the mayor and City Coucil just ruled that the local fireworks mega-store can't sell it's products in the city anymore. So now what are the owners of the building going to do? Rent it to a porno super store!!!! :excited:

I think I'd rather have the fireworks.

Trust me, you would not. Come spend a July 4 or New Year's Eve with me and you will change your mind. There was so much smoke on my street last night, cars were pulling over because they couldn't see, and when it cleared, they floored it to get the hell out of here. You would not be able to take your daughter outside to light some sparklers out of fear of getting hit by a stray bullet.

Posted (edited)

I voted for the last option - and it wasn't tongue in cheek! We have constant fireworks being set off by kids on the sidewalk from early June through the end of July. We're not just talking firecrackers here (although they do get a few million of those) - they also get these big rockets that go about ten stories in the air and make large, colorful and loud explosions. It's more than just a noise issue for me - I really worry about the safety of those things, both in terms of setting a roof on fire and also in terms of walking around the neighborhood at night. Those things do go astray at times.

Oh, the machine gun bit. We had a drug bust in the building next door to us a couple of July 4s ago. One of the people they were trying to arrest ran up on to the top of the building with a large automatic gun and started shooting. As best I could tell he was just shooting up into the air, but I wasn't exactly going out of my way to get a good look. And this was when I had a swanky apartment in a doorman building by Central Park. Go figure.

EDIT - If M1000s are those things that do nothing but make an incredibly loud BOOM, we have those in spades. I suffered tinitus for about a month after having one of those detonate within a few feet of me with no warning a few years ago. That was one of those instances that lends credibility to the claim that capital punishment is a deterent to violent crime. :angry::angry::angry:

Edited by J Larsen

Every July 4th I feel sorry for the pets. The vast majority of dogs HATE and fear fireworks just like they don't like thunder and other sudden loud noises. It's really torture for their sensitive ears. :tdown


Every July 4th I feel sorry for the pets. The vast majority of dogs HATE and fear fireworks just like they don't like thunder and other sudden loud noises. It's really torture for their sensitive ears. :tdown

I can certainly attest to that. Our dog was freaking out, big time.

And, when I was growing up, our town paid big bucks for a fireworks display. The town is situated in a valley, and the year we decided to skip the festivities, we realized just how much those booms rumble through the valley (our house is just a couple of miles away) and also just how much it disturbed our Irish Setter.


Well, the shit has really hit the fan here over July 4. There was a very unflattering news report last night about our new fireworks ordinance and the Oakland Tribune has an article today. The TV video coverage was just embarrassing. The chatter online is so bad, my council person's aide wrote a long defensive spin about how great everything else is in Oakland (it's not). Our police department sponsors several chat groups that are available only by invitation to discuss crime in each respective area of the city. I've been dropping in on two of these groups and folks who are usually not so combative are really angry. Too bad reelection was last fall.


Wow, I guess I'm the only asshole on here that actually really enjoys fireworks. Every year includes a trip to Indiana to get a couple of mortar kits, a few gross of bottle rockets and at least a gross of firecrackers. My neighborhood was a hoot on friday (I was in St. Louis for the rest of the weekend), with everybody and their brother setting off something. There were a few guys shooting off firearms instead of fireworks, and those guys scare the crap out of me. But, other than that, a good time was had by most.


Wow, I guess I'm the only asshole on here that actually really enjoys fireworks. Every year includes a trip to Indiana to get a couple of mortar kits, a few gross of bottle rockets and at least a gross of firecrackers. My neighborhood was a hoot on friday (I was in St. Louis for the rest of the weekend), with everybody and their brother setting off something. There were a few guys shooting off firearms instead of fireworks, and those guys scare the crap out of me. But, other than that, a good time was had by most.

And you've never had fireworks related fires in your area? In West Oakland, one house went up in smoke this year. Every year at least one house burns up and often more. Two summers ago the creekbed a half block from my house caught on fire. It took the fire department a while to find it because it was back a ways from the street in an area thick with trees. Everyone on the block was outside trying to find the fire, all anyone could see was a lot of smoke.


Well, the shit has really hit the fan here over July 4. There was a very unflattering news report last night about our new fireworks ordinance and the Oakland Tribune has an article today. The TV video coverage was just embarrassing. The chatter online is so bad, my council person's aide wrote a long defensive spin about how great everything else is in Oakland (it's not). Our police department sponsors several chat groups that are available only by invitation to discuss crime in each respective area of the city. I've been dropping in on two of these groups and folks who are usually not so combative are really angry. Too bad reelection was last fall.

More articles in the Trib and in the SF Chron. A reporter contacted me, and a bunch of other community rabble rousers, yesterday, . The politicians are really getting their backsides tanned over this. 'Bout darned time. Folks are generally supportive of the cops who are grossly understaffed.

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