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I got 11. I was once buying groceries at Safeway and the checker was a she-male, or transvestite. I was wearing my Art Blakey's Jazz Msgrs. shirt, and he/she got very animated about how cool it was, and how much he/she dug jazz. Not all that strange, I guess. Just different!


I got 14 out of 16 - I mistook one female for a shemale and vice versa. I would NEVER make the latter mistake in real life - there are too many telltale signs.


I got 14 out of 16 - I mistook one female for a shemale and vice versa.  I would NEVER make the latter mistake in real life - there are too many telltale signs.

Edward, I guess you have never been drunk in a go-go bar in Thailand. ;)


I got 11. I was once buying groceries at Safeway and the checker was a she-male, or transvestite. I was wearing my Art Blakey's Jazz Msgrs. shirt, and he/she got very animated about how cool it was, and how much he/she dug jazz. Not all that strange, I guess. Just different!

You should have him/her join this board. :blink:


The only shemale I've encountered was when I worked in a phone sex office (not talking dirty, mind you!) and one of the "girls" was this tall, pretty redhead. Yes, I'll admit it, she was pretty-but something was a bit off, and I quickly found out from one of my co-workers.

But what I got a kick out of was her chosen female name:

Fabia. Get it? The female version of Fabio .... :g



I was most surprised that I made a mistake on this one:



I remember this test from the BNBB (it's been around a while, I guess) -- and she was the only one I got wrong! As I said at the time -- I didn't think a BOY could look so TOMBOYISH!


So, ummmmm, where exactly did Mr. Manuel get these pics?

Oh hell, most of them I've seen already on the many porn sites I vis......


Um....., I mean, yeah, where did all those pics come from?



I got 11 out of 16 right. I erred too much on the side of caution and guessed that too many women were shemales.

I work part-time at the library three days a week while I'm in school, and we have quite a few shemale patrons. In our case you can ALWAYS tell because they're usually these great big guys with deep voices and five o'clock shadow (I've actually seen one or two of them out of costume as well and dressed as men). Anyway, I feel that we should be supportive of such people for making the lifestyle choices they've made. It's not easy, I'm sure. However, I did get a big chuckle out of the fact that one such patron was taking out two videos that seemed rather appropriate: "The Crying Game" and "Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her."

There's also this one he/she who's been coming in to the library quite a bit of late. She often dresses in a sari with a little jewel affixed to her forehead (I don't think she's actually Indian. I think she just likes dressing like one). She ALWAYS tries to flirt with me. She usually compliments my hair (which is odd, since I'm going bald) or my tie and tries to engage me in conversation. It's not that I mind being hit on by a transexual so much as the fact that she's so damned obvious about it! I feel like a piece of meat! :unsure:



But I'm not insecure about it. I guessed most of them were shemales, so I insulted a few real women.

If I were in a bar, I'd be able to get 16/16. It's the voice that's the dead giveaway. I lived in Bangkok for 11 years for cryin' out loud...

No shemale would be fooling me.

Having said that, in my opinion the best looking human on that list was a shemale... :P

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