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eBay & PayPal fee calculator

Guest Chaney

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as a regular, although not high-volume, ebay buyer and seller, i consider these fees part of the "price of doing business." i wouldn't feel right charging these fees on top of those already quoted in the auction. i probably wouldn't bid on items that carried a "buyer pays all fees" clause either. what's next? should i charge the buyer for gasoline and wear and tear on my car as i deliver his item to the post office? how about a percentage of my monthly internet bill for the time it took me to list and regularly check on my auctions? :rolleyes:

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I'm sure you've seen items that start at 1 cent and have a shipping/handling fee for $10.

They are attempting to reduce the ebay commissions, since ebay doesn't charge on shipping/handling fee. (course, paypal charges on the shipping/handling fee)

Slight loophole, that ebay may close in the future.

Edited by Tjazz
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Paypal owns Ebay or Ebay owns Paypal...one or the other.

Paypal fees are coming down in August.

Against Paypal agreement to pass fees onto buyer.

In practice, I've done just about every combination.

At Audiogon many, including myself, pass Paypal fees onto buyer by saying so.

Once or twice on Ebay I've said, "Paypal, add 3%".

Now, I have 2 Paypal accounts. One that accepts credit cards and charges fee. And one that does not take cc's and there are no fees. This works great. In e-mail exchanges I've given buyer choice of which one to use and if they use cc, I've said add 3%. Seems to work fine. Just sold a sax to guy who used Paypal and cc. Him paying fee saved me $30 and he was happy, as he could charge it.

I do not know if many people know about the free account at Paypal. When buying, funds come from your Paypal balance or your checking account. There are no fees to the one receiving money.

I needed both, so I have seperate bank accounts and e-mail addy's registered with Paypal.

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I avoid Ebay quite a bit now and still sell my items.

Audiogon is great for selling Cd's and LP's. Zero fees.

There are sites for musical instruments and other items that work with no fees.

I ended up selling a sax on Ebay(buy now/sold in 15 minutes), but I got responses from the other site I listed it on.

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