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If Led Zep was the poor man's Yardbirds, what does that make the first Jeff Beck Group? I mean, other than most excellent and why did Jeff have a prob with Micky Waller's wonderful drumming which is the main reason that Rod's solo albums are NOT just faces records under another name, and another thing is why isn't there a jazz equivalent for the Rock Book of Trees with all those complicated diagrams of personnel changes, I mean Miles, the Messenger and Horace Silver's bands would just about fill it on their own...[done in lower case so you won't mistake me for aric]

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Rest assured I would never mistake you for Aric unless you also think that ELO rules. :g . Jeff Beck Group also a poor man's Yardbirds(what an accomplishment!!!). Why did Jeff Beck fire Waller-hell!!! why did Jeff Beck do a lot of the things he did? A great guitarist but apparently not the most loveable guy.

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Yes i meant the 'poor man's Who' jibe re the v. early 'mod R&B band' Small Faces, the Immediate period being more a psych-ed up Kinks, kinda 'Music Hall on acid'.  Re the Kinks and the Who (who I see as having many similarities and/or parallels), perhaps the Kinks realized before most that staying with the (relatively, for then) heaviness of "Really Got Me", etc. would only lead to inadvertant silliness so they decided to short-circuit the process and go straight for overt silliness...?

This 'poor man's' thing works for jazz too:  the Charles Lloyd band with Jarrett and DeJohntte always struck me as 'the poor man's Coltrane Quatrtet', except the rhythm section consistantly outplayed the leader...

The Kinks, in their Something Else/Village Green/Arthur period is stuff I love more than the Faces Immediate material. Ray was (is) certainly capable of extreme silliness, but could throw it out at a moment's notice in favor of absolutely transcendent beauty. Not much pop stuff I get that from- but in Autumn Almanac when the "this is my street, and I'm never gonna leave it..." bit happens I swear gravity loses its hold on me for a few seconds. Every time I hear it.

Anyway, the Small Faces could indeed kick out the "music hall on acid" (I like that, btw), and you're right on with that Charles Lloyd assessment!

Edited by sjarrell
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Is Blue Cheer the poor man's MC5?

Is Pat Travers the poor man's Robin Trower?

Is Ted Nugent the poor man's Alvin Lee?

While we're talking about bands that TRULY suck...

America (ugh, gag, barf)

Grand Funk (with or without the Railroad...they both suck)

Vanilla Fudge

How do you spell pretentious? E.L.P.

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Is Queensrÿche the poor man's King's X? :ph34r:

My first exposure to Rush was 2112. I still like that CD, excess and self-importance not withstanding. The definition of CLASSIC ROCK, imho. Moving Pictures still sounds good today, in limited doses.

I heard a rumor that Joe, Jim and Randy are planning some Loverboy covers. Can't wait for that!! :wub:

All this talk of E.L.P. and Yes, and nobody's mentioned ASIA?? THOSE GUYS ROCKED!!! :rolleyes:


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I heard a rumor that Joe, Jim and Randy are planning some Loverboy covers. Can't wait for that!! :wub:

How in the hell do these things get leaked to the press? :angry:

I don't know for sure, but I think Loverboy was the poor man's Bon Jovi. :rfr

Asia was the rich man's Toto.

Robin Trower was the poor man's Jimi Hendrix (that was too easy).

Ted Nugent is the poor man's Rush Limbaugh. :g

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