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I know we have a lot of people on this board with younger children, so I just want to take this opportunity to say, in the strongest possible terms -

Treasure every moment. Time goes by faster than you realize. Not when it's happening (especially those "difficult" times, which seem to drag on interminably), but cumulatively. The years really begin to blur together once they start school, even moreso when they start middle school, and definitely when they begin high school. One day it's piggyback rides, the next it's car insurance.

It's only 18 years, folks. Don't take one second of them for granted. They're over before you know it. Like the saying goes, "Lost time is not found again". Believe it.

And I'd also like to say, of course, with full love and pride,


Posted (edited)

Yes, congratulations, Charlie. :tup

Congratulations, Jim, to your and the wife as well. :tup:tup

I attended my nephew's graduation lastnight. He's the oldest of the kids, so naturally he was the first. I must admit I was extremely proud. The kid is as great of a student as he is a person. The school presented him with a special award during the ceremony.

I realized at that time, they don't stay little punks forever.

It's tough to a hug a kid that towers over you by more than 8 inches, but I managed. ;):tup:tup

Edited by catesta

Congratulations, Jim! Once again, you speak the truth: my son just finished second grade today. His sister graduates next year; she was my son’s age when her mother and I got married. It has gone by way too fast (has it really been ten years since we said "I do" and eight since our son was born?), but I’m happy to say I’ve enjoyed every minute, and I’ve got the pictures to prove it! :)

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