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Can a duets recording be far down the road?!?

Elvis has been seriously trying to break into jazz for three or four years. I'd say a duet or two is guaranteed.


I can't tell you how disappointed I am in that man. I gave him a lot more credit tastewise (both in music and in women). To throw over a former Pogues bassplayer for Diana Krall...it's disturbing. Then again, he had a long affair with Liv Tyler's mom while still married to his first wife, so I guess I'm not terribly surprised...

In fact, before she found out that Steven Tyler was her dad, Liv seriously thought that Elvis Costello was her pop.


Still, I'd rather have Krall singing backup on a Costello record than O'Riordan. Her backups on Blood and Chocolate killed an otherwise ferocious album. :P

And, I'd rather have Krall singing backup on a Costello record, than Costello singing backup on a Krall record. As much as I admire Elvis' attempts at expanding his style, for the most part I've found those CDs difficult to listen to. I just don't think he has the voice to sing anything but rock & roll. :unsure:


For all Krall's vaunted "sexiness", I find her a bit "cold", frigid even.

I never understood the decision to market her as a sex symbol. Her appeal (before the marketers took over) was her seeming intelligence, not her cleavage. The soft focus, sexy shots always seemed inappropriate to me; she seems more like a relative than someone I'd want to get in bed with...


Still, I'd rather have Krall singing backup on a Costello record than O'Riordan. Her backups on Blood and Chocolate killed an otherwise ferocious album. :P

Funny you should say that. I've thought the same thing myself but never mentioned it to anyone before. Although I must say that this one flaw does not take away anything from, in my opinion, truely one of the most powerful rock albums ever recorded.


I just don't think he has the voice to sing anything but rock & roll. :unsure:

I have to respectfully disagree. I've seen him many times in concert, and he is more up for the task.


I have to respectfully disagree. I've seen him many times in concert, and he is more up for the task.

Absolutely!!! And he's been doing it throughout his career. From "My Funny Valentine" back in '79 to Painted From Memory recently, not to mention "Almost Blue" and "Shipbuilding" in between, Costello has shown an uncanny knack for being able to meld his voice to his muse.

Don't get me wrong, Blood & Chocolate is a fantastic album; side one by itself is as angry, dark, and powerful as any of his first four albums. Side two kinda falls apart after a while (although I must confess to not listening to side two NEARLY as much as side one), in addition to breaking a long-standing rule I've always felt performers should adhere to: no spouses on a performer's record!!!


...a long-standing rule I've always felt performers should adhere to: no spouses on a performer's record!!!

Hmmm...I've got some Wallace Roney albums that I bought just to hear Geri Allen, so this is a rule I'd have to bend on occasion. Then there's Louis & Lil, Stanley & Shirley, John and Alice...

And what about T-Bone Burnette & Sam Phillips? Or John & Michelle Phillips for that matter? Jackie & Roy? (not my bag, but still...)

Now if you're talking Steve & Irene, count me IN!!!! :D:D:D:D


...in addition to breaking a long-standing rule I've always felt performers should adhere to: no spouses on a performer's record!!!

Could you please alert Joe Lovano to the existence of this rule? :)


That's Krall taken care of... now, who is going to marry Summer? Don't pretend you don't know who she is! According to Sony's advertisement inside, uhhh, this admittedly OPERA program which I have in my hand, there is the face, the web address, and the claim that 'Summer is the Norah Jones of 2003'. And Norah is the winter of our discontent so matters have evidently come full circle.

Hmm, wonder who the Summer of 2004 will be...

Marry them while they're hot.


That's Krall taken care of... now, who is going to marry Summer? Don't pretend you don't know who she is!

Some of us don't have to pretend. Summer clueless, and proud of it! ;)


Something weird will probably come from this collabriation.

Yeah, like maybe the kids. What if the boys looks like Krall and the girls look like Costello? :blink:

Seriously, I'd like to hear Krall take a crack at some of Costello's ballads. There's some good stuff there for her "icy cool" style that might work a helluva lot better than all the standards she's inadvertantly been denaturing over the years.


Something weird will probably come from this collabriation.

Yeah, like maybe the kids. What if the boys looks like Krall and the girls look like Costello? :blink:

Seriously, I'd like to hear Krall take a crack at some of Costello's ballads. There's some good stuff there for her "icy cool" style that might work a helluva lot better than all the standards she's inadvertantly been denaturing over the years.

Yeah those kids could be pretty trippy. Admittedly though the music could be interesting and better than anyone might think but on the other hand it could be pretty damn weird-we'll see. :wacko:

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