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Great to have the Big "O" back!

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Oh hoho! Now we know why you can spend 12 hours listening to Mosaics and hanging at the big "O"!

I know a bit about that gig.

Truthfully, when I had my 12 marathon, last Thursday, I was away from work. I sat on my bed (near my stereo), enjoyed my three new Mosaics, and played on Organissimo for the duration. The 12 hour marathon started after the Airborne truck arrived.

I couldn't believe I spent 12 hours on the stereo/computer. Like, where did that day go? :blink:

Hell, I work at home most of the time. That kind of shit happens all the time. :blink:

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Hell, I work at home most of the time. That kind of shit happens all the time. :blink:

I have to go to an office for work. :(

So, when I'm home, man, I'm at home. I had a terrific day, playing my stereo and computer. I was entertained, all day, by the Organissimo board, JJ Johnson, Johnny Hodges, and Elvin Jones. Yes, an excellent day for all involved.

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Well, I'm glad the board is back up, but I don't think my boss will be.  No doubt, my productivity will be the same as it usually is; if the board were still down, who knows what I'd get accomplished tomorrow?

I understand, one-hundred percent. I have the same problem when I am at work.

Edited by wesbed
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Apropos the unwanted. :D AAJ has welcomed Heaney ("hardbop") back, so I'll not post there in the foreseeable future. I know that every board eventually has its troll(s), but Heaney's little Amazon adventure secured for him a special place in the gutter. I do, however, regard AAJ as a fine site, and I feel grateful to Michael for giving Organissimo a rallying thread.

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I'm glad I don't work at home. I'd never get anything done. I know others can do it but I would be so distracted.

When you have to review grant applications submitted by frightfully confused organizations who're attempting to navigate minefields...er, guidelines crafted by govt. bureaucrats who'd die rather than communicate in something other than sliderulenerdspeak, frequent distractions are a must! :g

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When this board updates to 2.0, will we then look exactly like the JC, just as AAJ now does? <_<

I wouldn't think so. Invision is a different software company, as far as I know. I hope the new version allows



No, it looks quite a bit different. Part of the problem over at AAJ and JC is that they haven't taken the time to make custom skins (which is a time consuming process, believe me).

But for a glance at version 2.0,
look here.
It doesn't show you much because most of the action is behind the scenes, but it's going to be way cool.

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Well, I'm glad the board is back up, but I don't think my boss will be. No doubt, my productivity will be the same as it usually is; if the board were still down, who knows what I'd get accomplished tomorrow?

Shades of one of my favorite Onion stories...

The Onion: 48 Hour Internet Outage Plunges Nation Into Productivity

BOSTON—An Internet worm that disabled networks across the U.S. Monday and Tuesday temporarily thrust the nation into its most severe maelstrom of productivity since 1992.

"In all my years, I've never seen anything like this," said Price Stern Sloan system administrator Andrew Walton, whose effort to restore web service to his company's network was repeatedly hampered by employees busily working at their computers. "The local-access network is functioning, so people can transfer work projects to one another, but there's no e-mail, no eBay, no flaminglips.com. It's pretty much every office worker's worst nightmare."

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