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Four Guys Walk Into a Bar...

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I wasn't sure whether to post this in Box Sets, Reissues, or here; or, for that matter, whether anyone here would be inhterested. But, this 4cd's worth should be out in June and is apparently heavy on the previously unissued, live and otherwise rare. My feeling is that this was a great band, whose excellence was somewhat masked by the odd arrangement with Rod's ongoing solo career on another label stealing their thunder and some of their best performances. That and hteir own inebriated inability to quite get it together 100%. Nonetheless, this could be great, or a big stinking mess. I would have prefered an overall approach including the Small/Marriot years, but that's what CDRs are for...

I read about this on www.icemagazine.com, but they don't have a full contents listing online. Rhino doesn't have anything on their site, perhaps because the date's been kicked back at least once...

Edited by danasgoodstuff
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Anyone else here see the Faces live? I hitch-hiked from Saskatoon to Edmonton (by way of Calgary) to see them over spring break in high school, got caught in a snow storm, got an ear infection, got high on prescription meds, almost got picked up by two girls in North Battleford on the way home... All in all, it was well worth it.

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I LOVE Faces. Ron Wood was a KILLER guitar player (played a pretty mean bass, too). Pity he wound up being overshadowed by Keither Richards in the Stones. Listening to those Faces albums, he was ten times the guitarist Keith is.

"Long Player" and "A Nod's As Good As A Wink..." are my two favorites.

The Small Faces, the group that morphed into Faces, was an awesome band too. "Ogden's Nut Gone Flake" is a psychadelic classic. Right up there with the Zombies' "The Odyssey and the Oracle."

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Much as I like Ogden's, I like their earlier work even more--it's like the My Generation era Who made a bunch more records (OK, not quite, but almost). I've read that there's a way to get all the Mariot (the guy, not the Hotel) era stuffs on two boxes, but I just can't remember which ones (same prob with the Move and the Heptones)...any help?

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  • 2 months later...

I saw this thread right before going to lunch. I went to my local music store and bought the set, with a coupon I already had. I have to say I hate kulu for starting this thread and peter for bringin it up again and every damn person on this friggin board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wallet is a walking zombie from having been bled dry so many damn times! I'm leaving this forum!!!!!!!!

The first cd is wonderful, BTW.

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Finished listening to the set last night. This is the best rock box set out there. Not in chronological order, which is damn refreshing, tons of BBC live tracks, smoking rehersal sessions (which frankly blow away some of the heavy stuff that Led Zeppelin was doing), and even a bunch of Rod Stewart solo tracks. Big thumbs up on this one!!!!! :tup:tup:tup:tup

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in high school I loved Rod Stewart's Mercury recordings (rain coat, gasoline, alley, every picture, never a dull moment and yes even smiler). Of course he was GREAT with Jeff Beck. Completely wore-out A Nod is as Good as a wink. Five Guys . . . is about 30 years late but still (of course) very WELCOME. A critic (don't remember who) said sonething to the effect that never has such a talent been so completed wasted (do you think i'm sexy). So after decades of crap from one of the best voices ever its GREAT to hear some top notch stuff again. And what's the story on Rod's voice?? Was he born that way?? Of course Ron Wood is also great. A unique coarse raw slide player. Makes 3-cord rock 'n roll sound soooo good. And the occassional Ronnie Lane tune makes for the perfect change of pace. Now lets hope they release MORE!!!

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Bought it the day it came out, working on a long review which I'll post on my website if I ever get one...I think this is a fine box, maybe 2 tunes away from perfect (given it's scope as a given, i.e. no Small Faces, no Stewart solo stuff (what the previous poster refered to as such are live/BBC renditions of tunes Stewart did on his solo albums, not quite the same thing...)).

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Of course the live renditions of Stewart solo stuff never appeared on Faces albums...except the live album which did have some live renditions of tunes originally appearing on Stewart solo albums. The point is that, with the exception of certain cuts which were, the solo albums were not Faces albums in all but name, most of the cuts had a distinctly different band on them. But when they toured the Faces were pretty much obligated to play some of that stuff, making for an interesting comparison with the studio versions...

as for what I find less than perfect, three versions of "Miss Judy's Farm" is at least one too many and while "Dishevelment Blues" illustrates a v. funny story, it is exactly what it was meant to be, bloody awful. If cut, there would be room for two more staples of the live rep: "All Over Now" & "Memphis".

Near perfect is more than close enuff for me.


Edited by danasgoodstuff
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The Faces were a group I recall mainly from their singles in the early 70s. Wonderfully, infectious, good-time, lurching music. I can still see their 'Top of the Pops' appearances, kicking footballs around and having DJ John Peel miming on mandolin.

I have the single disc anthology of a few years back but suspect I'll fall for this box eventually.

What really attracts me is 'Maybe I'm Amazed'. I recall hearing this on the radio in the very early 70s, possibly in a live version and being overwhelmed by it. The version on 'Long Player' seems quite undercharged by comparison with my memory.

Looking at the tracklist of the box I notice a version from the BBC in 1971. That might well be what I heard back then.



I love those early Stewart albums too. The slightly folky, mandoliny colouring to those discs gave them a real distinctiveness which connected with my folk-rock inclinations. A pity he was swallowed by his celebrity/sex-god image and went on to make much slicker and, to my mind, extremely dull recordings.

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the sound is OK but a little on the dull side. Would I be overly cynical to suspect it's that way on purpose to avoid jarring transitions between the studio stuff and the stuffs from the BBC and genuine live?

By the way, it has one cut from Mahoney's Last Stand (the only cut w/out proper credits!), how's the rest of the album?


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