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Brotzmann/Noble/Edwards/Adasiewicsz - Mental Shake [Oto Roku]

I really wanted to like this one more than I do. Oh well.

I was slightly underwhelmed on first listen as well and filed it away. Pulling it out again today, I like it more. I'll spin it a few more times.


Horace Silver Trio "with art blakey and Sabu" (blue note, Lexington flat edge USA) a recent acquisition...my very first true early vintage blue note Lexington! And for a bargain price...don't think my wallet will let me pursue this collecting avenue too much

Norman Connors "love from the sun" (cobblestone, USA). Inspired by felsers current BFT...out of the 3 Connors albums I own I think this is my favorite.



Bought comparatively cheaply as an object, very pleasantly suprised that it's in much better condition than the one I borrowed/nearly ended up stealing from my band director, except for an unrepairable scratch/needle-stick on "Lover Man" which really sucks, but hey, $12 for an object, carpe diem.


Also bought as an object, because I remember the first time I saw this in a record store, I so did not understand the concept of bootleg labels releasing unissued stolen studio stuff from 40 years previously, I just thought well, this is WEIRD, every bit of it, and seeing this cover again, yead, it still looks weird. And there's a drawing of a dachshund on the label, part of the design. The more you know, the more you know you don't know.


Bought for the music, enjoyed for the music, and jesus, it sounds like there's an L.A. studio band involved on Side Two, either that or a Carla Bley band recorded really well. Delightful!


Wilbur Morris---------Wilbur Force--------(DIW)

1983 session with David Murray and Dennis Charles. Excellent music , surprisingly poor pressing

will have to dig mine out again - it's been years - but I remember it sounding fine.

The introduction is awesome.



Bought as an object, will be kept as such, on the shelves right next to my early 70s UA (NOT Blue Note!) two-fer of the BN sessions.


Bought primarily out of curiosity, which was rewarded. Raggedyasstightness and BOOTSY!


Damn good band, and I'm reminded again how the one place in school where the classical/jazz/New Music divides were not absolutely non-overcome-able was the percussion department. Hello, African diaspora in full effect., to this day, all we need is a drummer for people who only need a beat, but even if you don't, STILL all you need is a drummer - if it's the right drummer. Otherwise, all you need is a good bassist.


Out Of The Cool is a totally different record with "Sister Sadie" leading off Side One. Who knew? Will get to the McFarland half tomorrow, it's been decades since I heard it, I think...

Moral of the story - if you clear all the CDs off the lid on your turntable, you can play records on it.

Bigger moral of the story - you can put CDs in places you didn't know you had, especially if you do it when nobody's looking. Sorry if that sounds obscene, but I'm waiting for LTB to find them. Then we can talk about sounding obscene.

Posted (edited)

Jone Takamaki - s/t [Johanna]

today's arrival. Very pleased to track down a copy.

Thanks to Homefromtheforest for making me awareof its existence a while back

Edited by mjazzg


Bernd Alois Zimmerman (Wergo). This is great stuff. Photoptosis is amazing.


Ronnie Ball, All About Ronnie (London Savoy). Picked this up the other day, mostly for Brown's contributions. Ted Brown and Willie Dennis are a great pair.

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