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Man the price of gas has gone through the roof. I just bought a tank of gas for my car and cost me $28. Why the F&$@ is it costing this much? I decided to walk and ride my bike to near places. Is the price of gas gone to the moon where you live?

Edited by Hardbopjazz

The price of gas is running between $1.99 to $2.09 in Tucson, Arizona. I've been spending between $25 and $30 to fill my tank for several weeks.

I wonder how long till the high gas price begins to cause other parts of the economy to falter? People can afford to purchase gasoline PLUS everything else only for so long. Something's got to give. Either, buy less gas (yeah, good luck at being able to drive your car less), or buy less of other things.


It's between 1.89 to 2.09 where I live, which is particularly hard for those of us who commute long distances to work everyday. My Uncle told me he spends about $120 a week for gas to fill his welding truck up with. CRIKEY!

I don't see it coming down anytime in the near future. I remember just a couple years ago when it shot up into the 1.40 range I was appalled...wasn't prepared for this....



Gas is something like $4 or $5 per gallon in Europe. We are (and have always been) spoiled with gas prices here in the U.S. that are, frankly artificially low. I mean, why the hell does gas cost less than bottled-water in this country!! :wacko:

And we spend $3 and $4 for pint-sized fancy coffee drinks, right and left. Why should gasoline, something that's NOT an unlimited commodity (much as some people would like to think otherwise), why should it cost only like $1 or $1.25 per gallon???

/thinking we're just spoiled here in the U.S. - doncha think???


I just bought a tank of gas for my car and cost me $28. Why the F&$@ is it costing this much?

For the past year it's cost me about £32 ($54) to fill up my little Peugeot 106!

$28 seems like a dream to me!


I see it's paying off to have Bush in Iraq.

Here in Europe you have to dish out more than $50 to fill 'er up (unleaded), so stop whining. ;)


You're taking the words from my mouth!


Here in Europe you have to dish out more than $50 to fill 'er up (unleaded), so stop whining. ;)


True, but look at it from this way. Last summer I was in Europe. I rented a car, a VW Jetta. I believe it’s engine was a .9 litter. That same can in America has a 2.0 or a 2.2 litter engine. You guys can go a lot furture on a tank of gas us here. If we adopt the same principle as Europeans and make smaller car, it wouldn’t hurt so much. SUV's are so hugh both in size and popularity. They all suck when it comes to milage.


Here in Connecticut it just went to over $2. I said to myself, "I'm not gonna pay $2 a gallon for as long as I can. Ahh, here's a place where it's $1.97. That's not $2, ha, ha! Time to pretend to be sticking it to the man!" It's wasn't until I started filling that I noticed I grabbed the premium pump by accident @ $2.13 a gallon. :(


I bought a car that runs on diesel (gasoil) three years ago after hearing how much those diesel motored cars had improved.

I am delighted with this car (a Spanish-made Seat Toledo). A tankful costs about some $50-55, even with the recent

10 percent oil price increase. The car runs some 600 miles on a tankful (at legal limit speeds).

Diesel is the way to go for me now... Push over!


Sound like everybody, coast to coast, is paying more or less the same. I see it going to $3 come the summer driving season. BTW, Rooster is right. We're coddled. People pay much more, not just in Europe, but everywhere else.


Now is the time where it should be noted, for those who do not already know it, that the low price "independent" gas stations that have the cheapest gas prices ought not to be avoided due to a perceived lack of "quality".

The fact is, "Joe's Gas" comes from the same refineries as Chevron or Texaco. The only difference is that when they fill up the tanks marked "Chevron", that flow gets a carefully calibrated spritz of Chevron's secret-formula additives, and Joe's Gas just gets the regular stuff.

So the basic quality of the gas is the same, it depends on how much you value those company-secret additives that form the basis of millions and millions of dollars worth of advertising every year.


Rooster, what do you think, that the US subsidizes gas prices and therefore our prices are "artificially low"?

US gas prices follow the free market for gas (well, as free as it is with an oil cartel in control, but still).

European prices follow the free market for gas, massively inflated by taxes.

Current gas prices are bad enough, do you actually prefer that prices rise to the level of Europe with massive taxation?

BTW, that taxation is quite regressive, since it is the lower-middle and middle classes that will find it hard to afford to gas their cars, whether they drive behemoths or Hondas. The rich and the merely affluent won't notice or care and keep right on driving and buying those SUVs that you and I hate so much.

The better way might be a reversal of the tax write-off for behemoths, replaced with a gas-guzzler surcharge. That, I would support 100%.

Sorry that politics crept into my post, but I couldn't resist.


I am delighted with this car (a Spanish-made Seat Toledo).

Hadn't seen these before...not a bad looking car.


This looks like a US version (if there is one). The original actually looks more refined. The front

is slightly different. And mine is dark green.

Great no-nonsense car. Drove a Saab 900 turbo for several years before.

Loved it except when I had to refuel every 200 miles and it ran on premium only.

Could not afford the gas bills. Or the repair bills.

My wife loved it and was about to divorce when I decided to change.

The Seat suits her fine now. And the gasoil is much cheaper.


Current gas prices are bad enough, do you actually prefer that prices rise to the level of Europe with massive taxation?

I do, but you'd have to come "you know where" for an explanation... ;)

It was $2.22 yesterday when we filled up, but I use my bike, and the wife doesn't have that far to drive to get to work. Those "Sunday afternoon drives" of my youth are nothing but a fond memory, but it doesn't hurt that much. Now if you want to talk about housing costs here in the SF Bay area...

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