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Yeah, it's not too bad. Not piano though. Ra plays wurlitzer, moog, celeste, and something called a "Rokiscord". Now that was one beautiful, crazy SoB. :crazy:

are you confusing purple night and night of the purple moon in your comments? purple night has a weird ghostly sound to it. purple moon does not. but sun ra plays wurlitzer, etc on purple moon. purple night is mostly piano heavy with a little synth.

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Does anyone know if Disco 3000 is OOP already? I was at CDnow and some seller has it listed at $998...$998??? :blink::blink::blink: That's gotta be a mistake or this cd is now rarer than a fist full of original El Saturns.

Honest Jon's got it too:


Thanks Sidewinder and Jostber. I was getting concerned that it was OOP already. After last week's haul of Sun Ra cd's, I'm trying to space (or spread) out my purchases. As someone said above, Sun Ra reissues have been through the roof this last year or so!


Should be no problem getting the 'Disco 3000' CDs. In fact I may pay a visit to Honest Jon's this weekend to pick one up on CD (have the LP). That high-priced offering must have been for an original LP. :blink:

Posted (edited)

Was just wondering...does anybody know if there are any more unreleased sessions from the early to mid 60's??

I recently heard the unreleased 'Secrets of the Sun' ('62 I believe) and it blew my mind - it makes you wonder if there are anymore amazing sessions like this from that kind of transitional period (my personal favourite era, if I had to choose) :cool:

Secrets of the Sun is one you mentioned, and What's New and Out There A Minute (which has been on CD in the past and may be from the same sessions as Secrets of the Sun) come to mind.

Edited by blake

It's more than four cds. . . several are two cd sets, and if you had ordered directly from Transparency at the time you got extras too (interview and dvd discs).

I like them, with one exception, the "lecture" disc that is the second disc of the first volume. Others really like that lecture, it weirded me out. But the music on these I like. Sound is very good to good.


It's more than four cds. . . several are two cd sets, and if you had ordered directly from Transparency at the time you got extras too (interview and dvd discs).

I like them, with one exception, the "lecture" disc that is the second disc of the first volume. Others really like that lecture, it weirded me out. But the music on these I like. Sound is very good to good.

Are you talking about the "Live from Soundscape" CD on Disc Union that has a second CD with a lecture called "Sun Ra Talks On 'The Possibility Of Altered Destiny'"?

I have that and the music is good, but I think he gets "further out" during the lecture.

I tried to transcribe it once, but never finished. Here's what I had when I gave up...

Sun Ra speaks on the Possibility of Altered Destiny (1979)

I'm talking about equations

for a long time now the world has dwelt on

faith, beliefs... possibly dreams

and the truth

and the kind of world you got today

is a world that's based on those particular things...

how do you like it?

you have to judge the tree by the fruit, you see

and whatever people have been basing things on

it come out to be exactly what it is

like Iran, and the students over there

and they're only products of what older people talking

you see

cause they really don't know anything

except things they have dealt with in schools

and so they're products of the schools

and they're products of religion

they're not really the products of themselves

cause they just got here on the planet

so really, they don't have any right to express themselves

on anything

except through older people

somewhere along the way

the older people, or so-called older people

made the mistake of not preparing the way

for the so-called younger people

and the kind of world you got today

is facing imminent destruction

by beings from other spheres

because the universe is very delicate, you see

and everything you do here

affects other beings

well, it is said it reaches all the way up to God

and down to Satan

so, to be in between these two great forces

you have to be sure that you are doing something

that is possible pleasing to them

if you're in between two great forces

God and Satan

and you're doing something

that neither one of them like

you're in trouble

all in all

every now and then

the cosmic forces

drop down some words to man

like for instance Reverend Sun Moon came over

and the Americans said that... ah...

America had to be very careful

because God's agent had landed in America

and America was in danger of doing the same thing

the people did when they rejected Jesus Christ

he also said that.. um...

God didn't want anything else to do with man

because He can't trust him

and he also said that

Satan doesn't want anything to do with him either

because he can't trust him.

now all these different people come along

talking things

they're not just talking things of their own

because as long as man has been on this planet

he never has had a thought of his own

the thoughts always came from somewhere else

and he use it and move along with it

according to

he always twisted it to be... to fit him, you see

instead of trying to twist himself around

to fit something greater than himself

man finally reached down and started

talking about all men are equal

and he tried to make all men equal

which is against the law of nature

man also talked about freedom

which is also against the cosmo law

because everything has to be

turned now where people

talk about interdependence

and not independence


Sun Ra speaks on the Possibility of Altered Destiny (1979)


Iran today is the product of

seeking to be free

and seeking


so... if they could just separate themselves

from the world completely

they would be independent

but the fact is

whatever they do over there affects us, you see

and that's why they're making a drastic mistake

because you can't really affect billions of people

and do something that you want to do yourself

in a selfish manner without regard for anybody

when you reach that point

you reach past the level of God

because not even God does a thing like that

selfish people will never make it on earth any longer

because there's some more people

getting ready to take over

these people are not selfish

they're people sent to help you

of course you won't have any freedom

you enter over to 1980

and you got a book called big brother

and it's telling you that big brother

will be there to tell you everything to do

because you.. you've gotten lost down here

I was reading in the paper the other day

that they'd found out that one of the moons of Saturn

is a base for UFOs, you see

so the truth is finally coming out

I've been talking about Saturn for years, you see

I don't ever remember having been there

but I'm sure I'm a citizen of Saturn

but I have been to Jupiter

some things you tell people

they... you know they don't really believe it

so a lot of people have done things

that they are afraid to speak of, you see


Has anybody listened to all four of the Lost Reels CDs? How good are they?

I have volume 4 which is a 2 cd set. As the previous posts above have already indicated, the sound is pretty decent for a rehearsal tape (in this instance, IIRC, the box was mis-labled as a concert given in Mexico City in '74-I'm going by memory as I don't have the cd in front of me). For the most part, the music is quite good except for the occasional break down/tuning/chit-chatting. What stood out for me, though was the guitarist, whom I don't recall if his name was given as some of the band members were listed as unknown/uncertain-but he was very good.


Was just wondering...does anybody know if there are any more unreleased sessions from the early to mid 60's??

I recently heard the unreleased 'Secrets of the Sun' ('62 I believe) and it blew my mind - it makes you wonder if there are anymore amazing sessions like this from that kind of transitional period (my personal favourite era, if I had to choose) :cool:

Secrets of the Sun is one you mentioned, and What's New and Out There A Minute (which has been on CD in the past and may be from the same sessions as Secrets of the Sun) come to mind.

Evidence had planned some years ago to reissue "Secrets of the Sun", but could not find the Master Tapes. It's a great one, and should get a new release:


Some 70's classic Saturn's/Impule that should be reissued too:

The Antique Blacks

Astro Black


Universe in Blue


Discipline 27-II


No Crabgrass, I'm talking about the first volume of the Lost Reel series on Transparency, the second disc. It's an actual class given by Ra and I find it 100% BS and it was making me really dislike Ra, so I'm not listening to it further!


No Crabgrass, I'm talking about the first volume of the Lost Reel series on Transparency, the second disc. It's an actual class given by Ra and I find it 100% BS and it was making me really dislike Ra, so I'm not listening to it further!

I would respectfully offer another viewpoint. And I may be in the minority, but I really like Ra's lectures/interviews. The second disc of LOST REEL vol. 1 is an exceptionally rare treasure. When John Szwed had tantalizingly described Sonny's class at UC Berkeley in his great bio, he mentioned that tape records were expressly not allowed, so it's a real treat to have this recording. I can understand why many would rather just listen to the music, but I find this UCB lecture especially entertaining. Ra's humor, intricate wordplay, baffling hermeneutics, street parables, koan contradictions, and generally wonderful non-sense. Fascinating stuff. As Szwed writes, "Sun Ra the southern black man, the jazz musician, the reluctant leader, the recipient of outer-space wisdom, the messenger, the militant, the hippie icon, the avant-gardist, was now Sun Ra, visiting lecturer." (p. 295)

Lon, you also mentioned some bonuses from Transparency. I did get the bonus live DVD. What other bonus stuff are you aware of? Thanks...

Posted (edited)

Well, I just continue to respectfully disagree, that lecture is irritating BS to me, all that "wordplay" and biblical interpretation. . . just baloney. I can't bear to hear it and it tarnishes my opinion of Sonny. I'm pretty tolerant of this sort of thing, but I expected better and it just seemed like madness to me. I've learned to be leary of madness.

These first three volumes or so came out at a bad time for my wife and I, and my memory of the sequence is spotty but there was definitely also a two cd "interview" set (radio show where music was played and Sonny was talked to). That may have been the only other extras, or there may have been another. . .

Edited by jazzbo

Has anyone ever come across a well recorded/performed version of the Sun Ra composition, Face the Music? I heard this live by the posthumous Sun Ra Arkestra at the Knitting Factory a number of years ago and the melody would not (and still has not) leave my head. But I've only ever found one recorded version of the song, and not a very satisfactory version.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, it's not too bad. Not piano though. Ra plays wurlitzer, moog, celeste, and something called a "Rokiscord". Now that was one beautiful, crazy SoB. :crazy:

are you confusing purple night and night of the purple moon in your comments? purple night has a weird ghostly sound to it. purple moon does not. but sun ra plays wurlitzer, etc on purple moon. purple night is mostly piano heavy with a little synth.

Since I don't own "Purple Night" I'd have to say unequivocally: no I am not. And in answer to, "purple moon does not", I'd have to say unequivocally, yes it does; from my point of view hearing that is.

I'm reading about "Purple Night" to get a handle on what you're talking about. Wikipedia says there are 22 members involved. How could that possibly have a distant and lonely sound so it? Especially in comparison to the small group found on "The Night of the Purple Moon" and it's low-fi sound.

To each their own I guess and as I haven't heard this album I'll leave the benefit with you. To clarify: I was stating a subjective impression of an album. I wasn't saying 1+1=5, if you know what I mean. Cheers. :huh:

Edited by DemonDuckOfDoom

Has anyone ever come across a well recorded/performed version of the Sun Ra composition, Face the Music? I heard this live by the posthumous Sun Ra Arkestra at the Knitting Factory a number of years ago and the melody would not (and still has not) leave my head. But I've only ever found one recorded version of the song, and not a very satisfactory version.


You're absolutely right, FACE THE MUSIC is infectious. I know of two versions on cd that you can find. The first version (though titled COSMOS SONG) is on the LIVE IN LONDON 1990 cd that is on Blast First. (It was originally a special giveaway from Wire magazine.) And the other is LIVE AT THE HACKNEY EMPIRE, also from 1990 on Leo Records.

..."What do you do when you know that know that you know that you're wrong...?"


Here is more information on the Horseshoe Tavern set:


and the 28-CD set from the Detroit Jazz Center concerts in 1980/81:


Tracklisting for the "New Horizons":


"The Universe Sent Me" is soon coming:


Posted (edited)

I have just picked up the two new Sun Ra box sets and can't wait to dig into them. I really wish the horseshoe had song titles, liner notes, and track breaks! I may have to doctor mine up in Audacity to get individual tracks. I'd be listening to it right now, but I have to work. Boo.

Edited by cycenas

From Amazon:

"Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we

need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:

Sun Ra (Artist) "Media Dream [Live]" [Audio CD]

Estimated arrival date: 06/03/08 - 13/03/08"

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