Some time in the last ten years, as I try to splice together this nagging gap in my peace of mind, I was biding my time in a mall store that featured those bin-mounted headphones to preview the recordings for sale.
I frequently did this in any location my traveling guide would enable. She had her dept stores to occupy her attention after all.
Okay, I opened this chasm of distress that day when I previewed what has come to be a source of anguish.
Help me if you can, I’m in angst.
Subject: A festive covered CD or LP by a who’s who of mainstream players fronted by Coleman Hawkins and titled to include a reference such as ‘and Friends’ or some other phrase. I believe my interest heightened when I saw Urbie Green and several other younger stars amongst the war horses.
Well, my jaded attitude that day led me to listen skeptically while uncomfortably shifting my weight from mall shopping inhumanity. I put the recording back in the bin and left.
A short while later my traveling guide asked if I had ‘found anything.’ And I admitted to finding this mystery item. She urged me to go back and buy it. So, I tried and alas, it was gone. Please refer me to the correct possible album, if you can. Thanks more than I can ever imagine.