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Found 1 result

  1. All those Sonny Stitt records with organ where he's playing nice and groovy for the people, right? You know all of those records? THIS is what everybody involved probably thought they were doing. Other than mabye DJ Lounge (and then, thanks to John Board), sorry, close, but no. Harold Land is like oiled mercury, Wig is like, ok, floorshow and dinneranddancing music at once, hey, we can do that, and Jackie Mills is THE SECRET WEAPON BOMB - all swing, from the hips, please, not just the feet and/or fingertips, no, movin' dat ass baby, Night In Tunisia as shimmy dance, well DUH OF COURSE! Beautifully un-self-conscious groovy lounge music organ trio JAZZ, hello world, doggone ya'. Soul out the ass, mopping and waxing the floor for your dancing and listening smoothness pleasure. Recommended for any tastes that don't believe in old-fashioned as an eventuality of inevitability,.
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