There are many many outstanding piano solos in jazz recorded history, many overshadowed by other great solos within the same tune or session. (I'm talking about a solo within an ensemble performance rather than a piano performance played unaccompanied). Let's share some of our favorites.
I'll start off by mentioning Wynton Kelly's solo on "Remember," on the Hank Mobley Blue Note album "Soul Station." Like so many of Kelly's solos it shines with swing, precise control, and just the right amount of a bit of "something unexpected" added. Every time I play this album I wait for that solo and it really satisfies. This solo is a great example of why I spent years buying anything if Wynton Kelly appeared somewhere on the recording.
I'm hard-pressed to say what makes this one solo stand out, it's just a personal thing, and I think it has to do with the swing, the groove, and Paul and Art are really contributing here. This one is one of my favorite jazz piano solos.