"At one of the Firebird rehearsals, Ravel introduced the Russian to his pupil, the epicene Maurice Delage, who became Stravinskys lover as well as the surrogate parent for his young children during the composers frequent absences. These sojourns ... were in response to Diaghilev's order that Stravinsky supervise the corps de ballet, which was in desperate need of coaching for the forthcoming Rite of Spring premiere. During its composition, Delage was intimate in Stravinsky's life, even sharing his home in Clarens; a letter from him informs the unidentified recipient that Delage is with me every day. His affection for Stravinsky differed from Ravels. Delages letters to Stravinsky are embellished with kisses and hugs. When Delage refers to Stravinsky being in the arms of that fiend Diaghilev, the reader may understand it literally and wonder about those early years when Diaghilev treated Stravinsky as a minion on the way up. The Delage connection terminated with the Rite and Stravinsky's resumption of both his family life in Switzerland and his hyperactive heterosexual philandering."