Ok, so I recently ordered the Pendulum Select b/c it's life was almost up, and I didn't want it THAT bad, but, hey, maybe it would be nice enough, right?
The box comes in the mail, I open it up, and 'allo guvner wot's THIS, eh? It's the ToshikoTabackin set instead. Hmmm...what to do?
E-mail Mosaic of course.
And they are SO sorry, here's what they will do:
Well hell yeah Fred, let me get 2-for-1.5 ANY day of that or any other week!
So they ship Pendulum and charge 50% off, just as promised (more or less, the numbers are the same). And it got here. All is well now.
Funny thing is, I'm liking the ToshikoTabackin set more than I expected (it's my first time hearing March Of The Tadpoles, and woahYAY-AH about that!), and the Pendulum about as much as expected. So the error worked in my favor both personally and financially, and hopefully to theirs in terms of Business Karma.
So next time, tell'em Fred sent ya', because Fred RULZ.