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  1. I much prefer Patti Smith to Patty Smyth.
  2. Here's a long list of photos of stars from the early days of MTV. IMO, Patty Smyth was the best looking then, and the best looking now. I don't recognize Chrissie Hynde at all! http://djrioblog.com/2013/11/26/new-wave-artists-aging-gracefully-an-80s-world-gone-by/
  3. Peppermint Patty Strawberry Alarm Clock The Strawbs
  4. I'm astonished! Really. Is that normal for jazz musicians? MG Sorry, more of that dry humor. I've always enjoyed lyrics. But unfortunately, I think it is normal these days. There was mention made earlier of "Tania"...is that based on the Patty Hearst kidnapping? Seems like I've heard that it was. Now there's a plot in need of an opera! Also, going back to X - the liners state that librettist Thulani Davis was then married to Joseph Jarman. Are they still together?
  5. Peppermint Patty Linus Van Pelt Schroeder
  6. I can think of at least a couple of separate occasions where a robot activates (or attempts to activate) it's own self destruct mechanism on The Simpsons: The Pierce Brosnan/Hal bot when it lives with Patty and Selma. Martin's futuristic prom date. I always found it particularly hilarious for some reason. It's also funny when Linguo dies.
  7. The Big Book Of Pennsylvania Ghost Stories by Mark Nesbitt and Patty A. Wilson Some interesting history even if you don't believe.
  8. Peppermint Patty Sweets Edison My Boy Lollipop
  9. My folks use to listen to the Andrew Sisters and the Mills Brothers all the time. RIP Patty. I'll have to go on Netflix and watch "Buck Privates."
  10. Ok, I have time to do Disc Two right now, just because I have more ready IDs....excuse the "jumping ahead" of response. DISC TWO TRACK ONE - "Shotgun" by Willie Bobo. It's got a good beat and I would dance to it if I could dance. Haven't picked up this one yet, but once they got to the lyric, it was pretty easy to identify. For some reason, this arrangement puts me in mind of Woody Herman! Is this that Kenny Rogers guy on tenor again? TRACK TWO - Stanley Turrnetine, Donald Byrd, & Kenny Burrell, possibly Herbie Hancock, that's all I can tell (and that's enough to know). Don't know this particular album...with that lineup, you'd think Blue Note, but it's not anything I know. Good stuff, not great but good, stick-to-you-ribs meat-and-potatoes jazz. TRACK THREE - No idea, seems slightly generic but still grooves. I'd not necessarily ask to hear it, but wouldn't change the dial if it cam on, either. Like all the percussion except the vibra-slap. Do like the (electric) bass playing, although that should have been pulled up in the mix, and the vibra-slap pulled down. Really liking the conguero, though. Nice timbral variety, very musical (whatever that means...). TRACK FOUR - Sonny Stitt playing some blues. If I had a dollar for every time Sonny Stitt played some blues, I'd be rich, to say nothing of what Sonny Stitt would be if he had a dollar for every time he played some blues...but alas, life is not fair. I'm going to guess that this is later period Stitt, something from the 70s? Barry Harris on piano, maybe. Nice rhythm section, more interesting than Stitt, actually, at least to me. This is one of those solos of his where the beginning of every chorus could be a head, and at some point before or after probably was. They weren't all like that, thank god, but a lot of them where. TRACK FIVE - Very, very VERY Zawinul-esque, right down to the "Gibraltar" cop for the head. I don't really like copying, but I do like Zawinul (a lot) so I'm going to take this more as inspiration rather than exploitation. And for no particular reason other than the electric piano sound and the fact that it changes to organ, I'm going to guess Claire Fischer. Truth be told, I'd rather hear Zawinul do something like this, but by the time whoever it was made this record, Zawinul had probably "moved on to other things" as they say, so somebody else had to do this. It's a nice cut in spite of the derivativeness. TRACK SIX - Oh my...I think I hear Bob Brookmeyer...maybe now I better understand what drove him to drink so much when he did... TRACK SEVEN - Old Socks, New Shoes, let's rob some banks and keep Patty in a closet. I love this tune and this version of it. Massive yet subtle overdubbing. People wonder why the SLA chose this as their anthem, hell, just listen to how those drums and that fat, open bottom keep intensifying with each chorus until it gets to be pure down home soul freaking MARCHING, not being stopped by anything or anybody...you gonna get somebody to do SOMETHING with all htat...too bad it was the SAL, but they weren't the only ones, I can tel you that. This thing just GRABBED HOLD of a lot of people, just because of all that, I know it did me...this was one of the first 5-10 jazz records I ever bought. Very much a mixed bag, but when it was good, it was REAL good. BTW, this would be the last tune on the last album by The Jazz Crusaders, btw, on Chisa. The next one would be Pass The Plate by The Crusaders (also on Chisa) and for those who haven't checked, there's a few tunes that overlap between those two albums and the Hutcherson/Land San Francisco album on Blue Note. Needless to say, they are interpreded quite differently on each album. TRACK EIGHT - Tristano, Konitz, Marsh, etc., Capitol, 1949. History. Don't know if it really counts as "free jazz", but it sure counts as displaying a willingness to improvise outside of song-from that was pretty radical for its time. Truthfully, I like all these guys bettr playing song-froms, but for them, this was a part of the process that enabled them to be as free with that material as they ended up being. Lesson being, perhaps, that "freedom" is not so much any particular specific action nearly as much as it is the state one is in when performing that action. Maybe. TRACK NINE - Don't know the tune, but that's Ben. I'll never not like Ben. Gotta listen to the first disc some more, some real stumpers there, as well as gotta get more time to post at this length, but hey, some good stuff here already. Thanks, al!
  11. Lori Petty Peppermint Patty Laurie Pepper
  12. Patty deserves to be miserable. The show was really like a slow descent into hell, the actors pulled that off beautifully. Close would have eaten many potential co-stars alive, I give credit to Byrne for standing toe to toe with her for the entire run. Class acts, both of them.
  13. The last shot of heavily made up Patty in the limo is haunting. She has all the trappings of success but has sold her soul. Glenn Close is a great actor
  14. Ethel Waters Patty Waters Willard Waterman
  15. Ethel "Sweet Mama Stringbean" Waters Patty Waters Burton Greene
  16. Stan & Kim Hunter Jonah & Shirley Jones Jimmy & Ann Shirley Ernie & Helen Hayes Martin & Marian Rivera George & Patty Duke Jimmy & Maggie Smith Rudy & Margaret Rutherford John & Linda Hunt Leon Jr & Octavia Spencer John & Teresa Wright Wilbur & Marcia Gay Harden Les & Ann Baxter Eddie & Barbara Harris George & Amy Adams Nathan & Geraldine Page Roland & Jane Alexander Big & Karen Black Ron & Helena Bonham Carter Buddy & Toni Collette Ramsey & Juliette Lewis Bennie & Samantha Morton Joe "King" & Edna Mae Oliver Earl & Lesley Ann Warren MG
  17. Hiram and Sandra Bullock Charlie and Claudia Christian Eddie and Bebe Daniels Don and Marlene Dietrich George and Patty Duke Clyde and Dolores Hart Sy and Susan Oliver Jay and Jean Peters Ray and Zasu Pitts Waymon and Donna Reed Zoot and Molly Sims Butch and Sharon Stone
  18. Frank & Theresa Wright Herbie and Barbara Nichols Chico and Margaret Hamilton Hal and Maxine Roach Fred Lonberg- and Celeste Holm Alice and Robbie Coltrane Jim and Karen Black Jack and Patricia "Patty Parker" Nicholson Joe and Cathy Rigby Dick & Nora York Charles and Liv Tyler Ivan and Akua Dixon
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