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  1. I think you mean "elicit," Patty. Your word should be used as in the following example: DEEP enjoys ILLICIT pleasures. I blush and will edit. Thanks. I should know better. All I can say is that my wineglass was on my dictionary. Ooops. Given your example, it was a natural, almost Freudian slip kind of error, don't you think??
  2. I think you mean "elicit," Patty. Your word should be used as in the following example: DEEP enjoys ILLICIT pleasures.
  3. Good point, Patty! She's got you there, DEEP...
  4. The company that sponsored it (I can't remember thier name) sold out or merged and the new owners wern't interested in a site. Sorry, PATTY, it just wasn't because the place was a bore, like you had hoped. It was happenin' but the new conglomerate wasn't interested in Jazz. DEEP I didn't say that I thought that the reason it doesn't exist anymore was that it was boring. Had I thought that, I would have said that. It was an honest question and I believe that you answered my question. I'm sure that the discussions were lively and provocative and I certainly wasn't suggesting that they weren't. My point still stands, regarding anonymity and you replied as I hoped you would. I know that you do not hide behind anonymity and I have little respect for anyone who does. You know me well enough to know that.
  5. The company that sponsored it (I can't remember thier name) sold out or merged and the new owners wern't interested in a site. Sorry, PATTY, it just wasn't because the place was a bore, like you had hoped. It was happenin' but the new conglomerate wasn't interested in Jazz. DEEP
  6. Somehow Patty, I think DEEP's X-rated corner will get all the hits. You guys would end up really crocheting. Don't be so sure. There's a Jody everywhere.
  7. So, you do understand what I'm saying. I don't have my foot in the door. I am not arguing that I demand to be allowed to be insulted. I'm not a prissy schoolmarm and if anybody thinks that this board is peopled by posters who are so thin-skinned that they are going to be shocked and disgusted by anything, then it's not the group I want to be a part of. I'm not posting from a convent, or the Baptist Women's Embroidery Society. I don't think that anyone who is familiar with my style thinks that I am a restrictor of ideas, or a monkeywrench in the works. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it is baffling to me. As I say, we're grownups here, aren't we?? IMO, dealing with objections to comments on a particular board should be handled by the poster of the objected to material, on the spot and then move on. The worst that can happen is..............what?? Actually, Patty, although this will bring down the LOOK OF DOOM from DEEP, I would prefer that things stay the same. I'm quite comfortable with the current arrangements. But you have to work this out with DEEP. I think he feels that he's some kind of target under the current system. Oh, I don't think that's true. I'm not afraid of anyone's LOOK OF DOOM He can *handle himself* very well, even in difficult circumstances, although it is a rather disturbing habit about which he really should see a professional. Many times I have suggested volatility therapy, perhaps with a bunch of Italian guys.
  8. So, you do understand what I'm saying. I don't have my foot in the door. I am not arguing that I demand to be allowed to be insulted. I'm not a prissy schoolmarm and if anybody thinks that this board is peopled by posters who are so thin-skinned that they are going to be shocked and disgusted by anything, then it's not the group I want to be a part of. I'm not posting from a convent, or the Baptist Women's Embroidery Society. I don't think that anyone who is familiar with my style thinks that I am a restrictor of ideas, or a monkeywrench in the works. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it is baffling to me. As I say, we're grownups here, aren't we?? IMO, dealing with objections to comments on a particular board should be handled by the poster of the objected to material, on the spot and then move on. The worst that can happen is..............what?? Actually, Patty, although this will bring down the LOOK OF DOOM from DEEP, I would prefer that things stay the same. I'm quite comfortable with the current arrangements. But you have to work this out with DEEP. I think he feels that he's some kind of target under the current system.
  9. Addendum to my last post re: Patty: In principle, of course, you are right. There is nothing wrong with what you are arguing for.
  10. Problem with that, DEEP, is that you would end up ruling out new blood like, say, GROPE. If a secret thread already existed, how would new posters like GROPE learn about it? Conn (a linguist), Is there a football game on and you're speed reading?? Extracted from my post:It would then be left to the select few to pass on the info to trustworthy constituents. In short: Posters would have to prove themselves worthy of admission. WOW !! Patty, I think you're missing a few participles in that run-on sentence re Gerbil Insertion. That horseshit came from one boring asshole poster at the WOD's named Thelil..one of the most unfunny cats ever to frequent a website. DEEP Maybe a bad example. My intent was to ask whether this proposed thread would be like a "Hustler" of the site. There are already plenty of sites which cater to those who want to discuss every kind of "hot" subjects and those whose interest is piqued by them already know about them and frequent them. If you want to have a special room to discuss subjects I have no interest in, I won't post, nor, I assume will anyone else who has nothing to contribute. What is this need that some seem to have to have somewhere that they can talk about things that they obviously consider so vile that it's assumed that everyone will be shocked and disgusted by them?? Has this suddenly turned into a prospective haven for what some consider a world of depravity, to which only the chosen few would have access to exchange ideas???? This presupposes that you and a dozen or so others, who already post on the site already would let loose with language and ideas which are too terrible for any but them to deal with. My original comment stands and that is that if a subject doesn't interest a member, they don't have to post on the thread. How difficult is that??? The RESTRICTED TREEHOUSE concept, in itself, is offensive to me, but I am not the one who determines how the site is run. For the record, I have never objected to any subject matter discussed on any board to anyone but the poster. This business of whining to the board administrators strikes me as cowardly and unnecessary. You disagree, you rebut, directly to the person whose views oppose your own. Just like in real life.
  11. Problem with that, DEEP, is that you would end up ruling out new blood like, say, GROPE. If a secret thread already existed, how would new posters like GROPE learn about it? Conn (a linguist), Is there a football game on and you're speed reading?? Extracted from my post:It would then be left to the select few to pass on the info to trustworthy constituents. In short: Posters would have to prove themselves worthy of admission. WOW !! Patty, I think you're missing a few participles in that run-on sentence re Gerbil Insertion. That horseshit came from one boring asshole poster at the WOD's named Thelil..one of the most unfunny cats ever to frequent a website. DEEP
  12. Somehow Patty, I think DEEP's X-rated corner will get all the hits. You guys would end up really crocheting. Of course it would. My suggestion was meant, as you know, to be facetious. Some people though, just love to be a vulgarity policeman and I fail to see the sense of that. If a prospective poster clicks on a thread and they are offended, why don't they just go to another one??? There are dozens which don't offend them. I just don't think that a "restricted" thread would make much sense. But, as I say, what do I know???? I grew up in a household where nothing was off-limits to me and if whatever it was didn't interest me I just left it alone. This puritanical layer of present society is quite puzzling to me, even childish, but, again, what do I know?? I'm shocked by the fact that the same people who tolerate violence, even glory in it, seem to be the ones who object to nudity and sex, as if we are not all human beings and are all naked under our clothes. Good grief!! Lighten up. If somebody posts something that is truly grotesque, the other posters will call them on it. Treat us like adults. Don't feel that we are children who need to be protected. There's enough of that in the other areas of our lives.
  13. Somehow Patty, I think DEEP's X-rated corner will get all the hits. You guys would end up really crocheting.
  14. Patty: I thanked you for your vote of confidence. I smell a DEEP CONN in the ether.
  15. Patty, You mean you're claiming to be the GROPE too?! Isn't everyone???? Apparently, there are only a couple of REAL posters and the rest are well-crafted, figments of their imagination. Who has that kind of free time?? Why am I thinking of a puppet show with one puppeteer, going crazy, trying to keep the strings and the characters separate?? Keeping the voices and personalities separate is too much trouble and pointless, at least in my view. If it were true, they are to be pitied, or blamed gently. Why bother?? .......... I was referring to your earlier post thanking me for my vote of confidence, but I don't see it now. Am I finally losing my mind??
  16. Patty, You mean you're claiming to be the GROPE too?!
  17. CHRISTIERN (MY MANSKY), How the fuck do you find time to write books when you play Cyber Cop on every Jazz Board on the internet?? I know it's hard for you to accept but..NOT everybody agrees with your thought processes. I am impressed in the way you manage to manipulate Board administrators into thinking you're discriminated against and correct on all disagreements. And going anonymous here was a brilliant tactic. It's just sooo God Damn obvious when you're lurking though. In your world I believe the term is "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET" !! Patty, Are you just itching to get me blown out of here?? You've managed to do it every other place I've ever posted so I guess this time should be no surprise to me. You throw out the bait and I take it then I get the boot. I must be either stupid or a glutton for punishment. DEEP
  18. GROPE, I believe that B-3er came in to remind everyone that he is still the guy in charge. He has admirably allowed a lot of freedom and when things appear to be getting out of hand a bit, he simply reminds everyone to cool down a bit. I see nothing wrong or awkward about that at all. Where else you going to find a board moderator like that? DEEP is fine in his thread, but we don't need to read about group sex or gang rapes or whatever. That's all. (Thanks Patty for being the first to voice your reservations on that.) Carry on...
  19. What can you say except that Christiern's simply paranoid. I'd tell everyone how to prove that DEEP and I aren't the same, but I don't know how that works, technologically speaking. And, as I said on that other thread, I think we all are freed up by a minimal degree of anonymity. Let's just play it as it lays. Patty, I've got a teenager who uses "word" and tried to define it to me. I don't get it, but think it's something like our generation's original use of "like," vaguely affirmative, I guess. It's tough getting old and square.
  21. Aren't DEEP and Patty adorable? She so coy, he so straightforward--We need PICTURES of each, discreet or otherwise. This "cerebral gentleman" yields to a match of Titans! BTW, UGA--I really admire Nixon for his willingness to take a hit for the team in Latin America.
  22. Patty, That's all well and good and though it may be true that it's none of my "damn business" be advised that I refuse to fuck you until you tell me when the last time it was that you had an orgasm with a PARTNER!! Until such time that you reveal that information it will just have to be you and your vibrator. Sorry, but that is playin' the game by MY rules and that's the only way we're gonna play...DIG?? DEEP I am not in the least bit interested in either posting a naked picture of myself on Organissimo or anywhere else. As for your other question, as I say, NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS. I'm nothing if not discreet and you know me better than to even ask. As to your statement that you might "choose" me, don't hold your breath, not that I'm not just flattered and complimented and just damn tickled pick that you would even consider it. Who wouldn't be?? Thank you, but pass.
  23. I'm sure you'll make out, Patty. You've got a lot of grit and intelligence; and you're a good sport. DEEP seems to imagine he's got the inside track in getting you, but it seems that he's falling behind THE GROPE, who is employing a more cerebral and gentlemanly approach. That part about being a clumsy and ignorant lover...ouch!
  24. Patty, That's all well and good and though it may be true that it's none of my "damn business" be advised that I refuse to fuck you until you tell me when the last time it was that you had an orgasm with a PARTNER!! Until such time that you reveal that information it will just have to be you and your vibrator. Sorry, but that is playin' the game by MY rules and that's the only way we're gonna play...DIG?? DEEP
  25. Conn500, Thanks for the comradely words, but don't weep for me. My eyes were wide open in each case and in two cases SHE divorced ME. In my third divorce I did indeed take a hit, but am currently receiving ALIMONY (That's SPOUSAL SUPPORT to you, Patty.) from my last misadventure. I guess you could say that that ex is subsidizing this quite pleasurable MENTAL MASTURBATION.
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