It is difficult to tell which one of these is my favourite but my top five would be:
Blue Mitchell: Boss Horn
Andrew Hill: Passing ships
Mc Coy Tyner: Today and tomorrow
Michel Camilo: One more once
Horace Parlan: On the spur of the moment
I recently bought on ebay 'Today and tomorrow' (Mc Coy Tyner) and it is a wonderful session.I also like the sleeves of this UCCI collection.Would you know where I could find the list of all the UCCI japanese reissues as I have tried the 'Impulse!' website and a few other sources but I can't find it anywhere.
Any suggestions of UCCI you possess and which are worth buying? Thanks.
I'm thinking of buying my first mosaic set but I like Blue note cover art so much that I find it difficult to go for mosaic sets.Could some of you give me a flavour of what mosaic booklets look like? How are the inserts and is there a lot of information on the albums the sets cover? And how do they sound? Thanks for your help
Thanks for that Wesbed. Yes I really like the cover too .It's one of my favourites but it does not seeem to be the best of Blakey's stuff.5000 yen for two covers..... I am not sure! So come on everybody convince me there is more than the cover to enjoy with these two CDs!
I am thinking of buying these two albums.Any idea of what they are like?The reviews I have read so far are not great! What do you think of them? cheers
Does anybody know a good website with reviews of jazz albums?Something similar to 'the Penguin guide to jazz on CD' where you type the title of the albums and the sharpest, deepest, harshest, nicest comments appear to help you choose your next CD.
This is not my favourite Mobley session but it is far from being the one I like the least (Reach out is a strong contestant!).I really like the rhythm section on this CD although I feel Art Blakey would have done a better job here.For a 1969 BN session I have heard worse!!! I am playing it right now and it sounds good.Lovely album
I was in the third or fourth row right in the centre.You must have been very close to me then.I had never been to the Michael Tippett centre before.It is a nice venue, the perfect size for a concert like this one and the acoustic is pretty good.Do you know if they often organise jazz events or was it a one off?
Well that just opens an even bigger risk of not giving something that's desired! So .... as long as people send receipts ... maybe.
I agree. Maybe the "Santa" could subtly ask the receipiant if he/she has a particular disk. Or the person could always send it back if they already have said disc.
What about submitting the recipiant a list of about ten CDs so that he can let the other person know which ones he already has? The element of surprise would still be there!!
It was absolutely brilliant.The first part was Sam Rivers with Doug Matthews and Anthony Cole. For the second part, they were joined by the big band Rivbea Orchestra UK.I was amazed at Sam Rivers' playing.The guy is so talented not only on the sax but on the piano.He played a wonderful piano solo I can't remember the title of.Doug Matthews (bass) and Anthony Cole (drums) were in top form too.What an evening!! I really enjoyed the big band session even if I am usually not fond of big band stuff.A lot of energy, great play and a great atmosphere.Sam Rivers seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.Great sense of humour too!I can't believe the guy is 81.
I have 'Happy frame of mind' and it is very good too.I am not convinced by Movin and Groovin'.I find it a bit disappointing but again, the sound is impressive.
Thanks for your posts.Come on go for it ,what are the ones you don't like so that I don't waste my money.I have Hi Voltage, Green Street and Trompeta Toccata among others and they are fantastic!
I only joined this forum a few weeks ago and I am pretty sure you must have discussed this before but I did not you know at at the time! .I have read a few negative posts in several threads regarding these japanese reissues.What do you generally think of them? I have only got a few and I must say I am very impressed with the quality of the sound.I also like the lp style sleeve. Am I the only one to like these reissues????.