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Everything posted by ASNL77

  1. Krupa/James disc 2. Nice music.
  2. Have a great day!
  3. What is the averagre price for that one? $99 seems a bit cheap!
  4. Bon anniversaire!
  5. I have got this one! I should be selling it now!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOSAIC-count-basie-C...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. For those interested, there is another set signed by Jackie McLean here: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Mosaic-150-Jackie-Mc...1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. I forgot you were from Bristle! I can't really win over the oven Andy. She is a great cook and you know how important food is to a Frenchman! I am now looking forward to my Christmas present.
  8. Thank you Claude. I have just won it on Ebay for $125 and I am looking forward to that one as all the McLean music I own was recorded either before 1964 or after 1966! I have been waiting to grab this one for a while and I am pleased with the price.
  9. I hate starting a thread about a set which I am sure must have been discussed before but I can't find anything on that one. Now that 'Consequence' is about to be reissued, is there anything on the Mosaic set which has not been released yet or that is OOP at the moment?
  10. Waow! Well done, this is a good price. You did well to grab it now. No doubt this one will sell for much more in a few months. I love this set!
  11. I think I will go either for the Rega Planar 3 or the Project RPM24. I managed to convince my partner that we need a turntable and that £300 was the right amount to spend to buy something decent. It's now in the bag but it will be for Xmas as she is convinced we need to change the ......oven NOW!!! I won't ask for your help on that one but if somebody has the Project RMP24 and can tell me more about it, don't hesitate.
  12. Thanks again Andy! Yes Richer sounds should do the job. The Rega Planar 2 or 3 do not appear to be in their brochure though. They only sell the Project Debut III. Do you know if they take order for other products?
  13. Thanks for the UK prices Andy! That's where I am! . I am thinking of going either with Rega or Project. Is there a significant difference between the Rega Planar 2 and 3 in terms of sound quality? Thanks to you all for your input.
  14. Yes, for the whole system.New and yes for the phono stage.Thanks Porcy.
  15. I have been on the fence for a few years now but I have now decided to buy a turntable. Any idea of how much I need to spend to buy something decent? Budget $350. What are the most reliable makes? Thanks
  16. This newspaper is a national disgrace too! I have been living in this country for 7 years now and I love it but the press...........! And thinking that this paper has the highest circulation in the UK makes me sick! http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005410601,00.html
  17. When I am on the fence over a Mosaic set, I always end up going for it because there is always the possibility to sell it on Ebay if I don't like the music. You have got nothing to lose guys. It's worth giving it a go and in the worst case sell it on ebay for more than you have actually spent! You can't really go wrong.
  18. Thanks for your help. I am really looking forward to listening to that one!
  19. Some people are really crazy! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOSAIC-count-basie-C...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. Ireland 0 France 1. I am feeling much better! The next game in Switzerland is crucial. Big upset in Belfast: Northern Ireland 1 England 0 I am not quite sure if I should use this one , that one or that one:
  21. Has anybody got any idea of how much this set usually goes for on Ebay? What is the average price? I have the opporunity to buy it but I don't want to spend more than it's worth.. Thanks
  22. Bon anniversaire!!!
  23. I have just grabbed this one on Ebay for $150. I went for it because the price seemed reasonable ( and I hope it is ) even if I don't own much music by Chaloff. I have 'Blue Serge' and I think it is a fantastic album. I can't find another thread on the Mosaic set. What is your opinion on that one?
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