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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. Thanks Wulf, anybody able to finish out the list?
  2. Thanks Weizen!
  3. I don't suppose anyone has a complete list? Damn, there goes that idea
  4. Thanks for all the input, I'll have to go and pick this up!
  5. Another Hell ya buy it now vote here! I tend to pick up anything that has Blue Mitchell in the lineup!
  6. Paul, how about a trade for my Asante disc or if you want I could probably find another Dodo disc for you I've been getting into Horace lately, listening to Speakin' My Piece right now and also just got Movin' and Goovin'. It's amazing how this guy can play even with a somewhat disabled right hand!
  7. While I'm on Horace Parlan, is the JRVG of Happy Flame Of Mind noticeably better than the domestic release? I'm thinking of getting the JRVG and dumping my old version, just not sure if it's worth it or not.
  8. I didn't really think that you would but if you find one and don't mind letting me know, I'd be greatly appreciative!
  9. So do you have an extra of Horace Parlan - Headin' South?
  10. I wish I could find Headin' South in my Horace Parlan collection but unfortunatley I haven't been lucky enough to pick that one up yet!
  11. I have to keep mine separate from my regular cd's, I have a hard enough time reading the spine of a jewel case...seeing the spine of a mini-lp, forget about it!
  12. I just saw this 4cd set on Dragon Records at my local store and am curious. It has a great line up with Miles, Coltrane, Sonny Stitt, Wynton Kelly, Paul Chambers and Jimmy Cobb. Can anyone recommend this one? How is the sound quality? They want $50 for it so I'm not sure if it's worth it or not.
  13. Holy crap! Where do you keep them all, on a regular cd rack? What do you replace the inner sleeve with? I definitely like those cloth like inner sleeves that come in the VICJs better, anyone know where to get those?
  14. here's my desktop
  15. I do have the mylar sleeves to prevent wear. Red Trumpet sells packs of 100, it will be forever before I use them all up! What I mean to ask, is there some sort of tray that will allow you to flip through them to see the front cover, since the spine is so small and with the obi, I can't read japanese. If you store them like a jewel case cd with just the spine showing, I can't tell one from the other.
  16. Continuing the How Many Do You Own series of threads. Just wondering how many JRVGs you all have. How do you like them compared to the US releases? I only have 15 but am slowly picking up more, cost is a big factor. Do you think they are worth the extra coin? I love the mini-lp packaging and why don't they make mini-lp packaging in the US? One last question, how do you store them? I'm looking for some sort of rack or tray where you can flip through them. Any recommendations?
  17. Done deal, I am now 100% Dodo free. Whew...I feel like a new man!
  18. I just picked it up today at the local used cd store. I already have another copy, just grabbed it cause I knew it was oop and thought someone might want it. Gene Harris is on it's way to you.
  19. McCoy Tyner - Asante $9 shipped within the US.
  20. I have them all except for the Monterose disc, anyone able to help me with that one? I'm not a completist since I do plan on getting rid of that god awful Dodo Greene disc! If anyone is interested I do have extra copies of Andrew Hill - Grass Roots, Jimmy Smith - Softly As A Summer Breeze and Ornette Coleman - The Empty Foxhole, all are sealed.
  21. This is indeed a surprise! I bought mine at a retail store about 6-8 months ago, numbered 1425. I don't think Mosaic ships any boxes in sequence, sure would be nice if they did. It would make it much easier to guage my next purchase. Maybe someone here should start a poll on the next box to hit the running low page. Absolutely!!
  22. So you are admiting yours is rather small? Thats ok since you have girth, which is what really counts...I mean with your JRVGs and all
  23. Well I guess it's easier for me to count the ones I don't have! I haven't picked up any of the Sept. 2nd ones and don't have Gantstand or Horace Silver Trio yet, so I must have about 80+.
  24. Still 3 days left on this one, get your bids in now! Another Workout
  25. Another vote for Hiroshi at Early Records Good prices, cheap and fast shipping and great communication! I sent him an email asking about a couple of 3 Sounds cds that were not listed on the website and within a few days he replied that he had got them and shipped them to me. Awesome service! He will get a lot more of my business. I just received Duke Pearson - Sweet Honey Bee, sounds fantastic to me but I've never heard any of the other versions. So, what are some recommedations from the above list?
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