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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. I also "gave this one a shot". I just finished disc one and I made it all the way through! After all thats been said, I was expecting disc 1 to really suck. It must be an acquired taste as Lon said but I enjoyed it quite a bit. I was afraid I wouldn't care for this box but I'm glad I got it so far. With All that, I'd definately take the Duke Reprise box first anyday.
  2. Another for Fuchsia Swing Song. Just wondering if there is any difference in sound between the Mosaic, which I have, and the new Connoisseur, which I don't have.
  3. GOOD LORD! There goes my budget umm...but which 200?
  4. I forgot about the K2's, I guess I have a few more than I thought. AfricaBrass's list is essentially the ones that I have minus the Shelly Manne. Keep the rec's coming. Saxophone Colossus is one of my fav's. I just picked up today Jimmy Woods - Conflict and Eddie Lockjaw Davis - Battle Stations. I guess I'm looking for suggestions on some of the lesser known treasures in this series.
  5. I only have a handful, probably less than 10, cds from the Original Jazz Classics series of which there must be a zillion. Just wondering if you folks could recommend a few must haves.
  6. Anyone have this one? I'm curious what it sounds like. Like wesbed said, too bad there aren't any sound sample on the site
  7. Still trying to get into this disc. At this point, I agree with Clunky about track 3 being the "real gem" on this disc. At the very least, I now know what a hubkaphone is and sounds like.
  8. My vote goes for as many discs as the one in charge wants to do. I do think that the first disc should be the main disc of discussion with, as mentioned earlier, the additional disc(s) in a separate thread perhaps. I'll second that. Count me in if there is room for the clueless
  9. I’ve had Glass Bead Games now for a month or two, thanks to the recommendation from Conn500. It has easily moved up towards the top of my all-time favorite list! While I wouldn’t call this disc laid back, it is very relaxing to me. Perfect for those late night listens when I like to turn off all the lights and kick back in the recliner and close my eyes and float into the music. As the liner notes say, “let the music caress your soul” and it does a great job at that. I tend to agree with JohnS about preferring Quartet 1 with Stanley Cowell and Bill Lee but Cedar Walton and Sam Jones are no slouches either! Considering how much I like this disc, I am now very curious about In The World as JSngry mentions. Is this one on cd, any suggestions where to find it?
  10. I don't think Mr. Carlson is doing too well since he died about a month ago Congrats Conn!
  11. Ok, now I don't feel quite as old. What the heck is a blisterpack?
  12. For me it was a 30's vote. Up till I was about 35, I had no clue about jazz. The term jazz to me meant that schlocky crap thats played on the Smoooth jazz stations. I was mainly a rock fan in some form or another. In high school all I knew was "classic rock" then college I was into the "alternative" scene. From there I went to "heavy metal". For all those years music for me was just party music. Then one day I was in front of my stereo and whatever I put in just sounded like distortion and not music. I decided that I wanted to find some music that had real instruments (piano, sax, trumpet etc.) not just some electrical device that you plug in and start pounding on. I went to my local borders and blindly picked up a couple rvg's which I believe were Art Blakey - Moanin and Cannonball Adderley - Something Else. I was instantly hooked, I could now sit back and enjoy the music instead of banging my head against the wall!
  13. I saw these and took it that they were packaged in those long box deals that I somewhat remember from years back.
  14. I just received this disc. I'm on my first listening and it will definately take some time to sink in. I'm trying to break out of my blue note bubble but it ain't easy! My wife just walked in and her first words were "what is this racket"
  15. Welcome to Wisconsin, Aftab! I have yet to find any jazz cd stores that nocks my socks of here in WI. The best of the bunch that I've been to is The Exclusive Company. I haven't been to the one in Green Bay but the one in Appleton isn't too bad. They have a relatively small jazz section but there is some good stuff there and prices aren't too bad. The best Exclusive location is in Madison, they have a pretty decent sized selection. I have yet to find anything in Milwaukee that has much for jazz including the Exclusive stores. If there is a good jazz cd store in Milwaukee, I sure wish I knew where it is! As for Chicago, there is always the beloved Dusty Groove. It's a cool store, just a pain in the ass to find a decent place to park. With the sales tax there, its probably better to order online anyway.
  16. As I figured, I really have no idea who plays on these tracks I must say that I do enjoy this disc emensely, thanks Jim! I can't wait to find out who is on here. The one tune that stands out here for me is track #6, I absolutely love the interaction of the piano and bass on this one. Once it's revealed who this is, I will be in search of the album unless I already have it
  17. Not any more!
  18. I just picked this disc up today and after my first listening I find it to be a bit mellow for my tastes. I think it might be a perfect disc for my Sunday Morning listening when I tend to favor the laid back, relaxing sounds. I'm sure my opinion will change after few more spins.
  19. Thanks Brad for the Wailing With Lou Disc
  20. After reading the Clifford Jordan thread in the Artists section, I figured Rooster would approve of my selection...and it only took him 5 minutes to give the thumbs up
  21. I pick this album by one of the truely underappreciated greats on the Tenor Sax..Clifford Jordan. Every tune on this disc is magical especially the track dedicated to John Coltrane. Lets give Cliff his due! This disc is still available from Dusty Groove for those who haven't experienced this masterpiece.
  22. This sure is tempting Lucky Shirt
  23. Thanks Jim - I also received the disc. I really enjoy the music on this one, just wish I had even half a clue as to who's on here. Conn500 your copy is in the mail.
  24. sent you a pm.
  25. We're talking about this one right, the 2cd West Coast classic set. Geez, I forgot I even had this, I'll have to pull it out give it a spin. I don't even remember what it's like.
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