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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. Just received both sets and mine are not numbered at all...hmm.... I guess I get to choose which set number I want
  2. count me in for the "last chance" club, just ordered both sets. I sure hope NOT to see more running low\last chance items for a while! My luck, the Capitol Jazz Sessions will hit running low tomorrow, Ouch!
  3. I'm no expert here, but a place to start is Clark Howard
  4. Well, at least that's one less bidder on all those OOP Sets that I'm desperate to get my hands on! Seriously though, Conn don't give up on Mosaic after only one questionable Select Set. Try the real thing, the TKM set on last chance is quite tasty, worth every penny in my humble opinion. Giving up on Mosaic sets after only trying the Duke Select set is like giving up on beer after only drinking Old Milwaukee!
  5. I think I've lived here in Madison too long as I'm pretty bored with the town but I'll try to throw out a couple suggestions. Live Jazz is hard to come by around here. There is the Concourse Hotel downtown which has no name jazz bands on Friday and Saturday nights. It's been a while since I've been there but is usually pretty good. My favorite hangout is the Harmony Bar on Atwood Ave. It's mainly a blues bar but they have some decent jazz on the juke box, and the best "bar food" I've had! Great place to go on a Saturday afternoon for lunch and plug the juke box with a bunch of jazz selections. They have bands at night but mostly local blues. Another great place for food is the Avenue Bar just off the capital on East Washington Ave. Excellent breakfast and great steak dinners for a reasonable price. This place is more of a sports bar\supper club, no music. If you looking for the best steak in town, there's the Tornado Room right off the capital that is highly recommended but is a bit pricey. Cd stores here suck, in my opinion. Exclusive company has gone down hill, Bside isn't bad but their jazz selection is pretty small. However, I did find a copy of Snurdy McGurdy there. Mad City Music doesn't have much for jazz cds either.
  6. There's always Daisy Dukes in the Quad cities and Dolls in Iowa city! Be sure to bring lots of dollar bills
  7. oops, I meant I sent Hank a pm.
  8. Well, I'll try it again. I listed my ZT blues for a reasonable $75 buy it now ! It worked for Morgan's Rajah, can lightning strike twice? I don't get why anyone would pay so much for a single cd!
  9. jacknife

    Help Wanted...

    I've never heard or seen this one but it does have a remote. ASL I use a preamp that has a remote with my cayin TA-30, sounds great. All you need to do is max the volume on the cayin and add a preamp. The Cayin comes with standard binding posts that accept banana's and\or spades so biwiring is possible just depends on how you want to do it.
  10. Wish I had the guts to go for this but I took a bit safer route and bought the Giuffre set at "buy it now" for $135. I've been wanting this one for a while, hopefully it's in good shape!
  11. Looks like Hiroshi gets a good chunk of business from us organissimoites! He's only given me a total in yen, it would be nice to pay in $ but no biggie. just received Three Sounds - Feelin Good On its way: Jack Wilson - Easterly Winds jrvg Three Sounds - Moods jrvg Kenny Dorham - Trompeta Toccata jrvg Three Sounds - Good Deal tocj Leo Parker - Let Me Tell You Bout It jrvg
  12. jacknife

    Help Wanted...

    Here's an interesting link for 2 channel speaker placement.
  13. jacknife

    Help Wanted...

    Tube friendly speakers need to be efficient, meaning about 90db or higher @8 or 4 ohms. I have Soliloquy 6.2 speakers which are 89 db efficient @ 8 ohms and the cayin TA-30 has more than enough power at either the 30 watts a channel or the single ended mode of 4 watts a channel. I have yet to turn it up even half way. I'm not sure if you are in the US but if you are and if you might be interested in this amp, be sure to give Paul at Bizzy Bee a call. He is a great guy to deal with and will talk to you at length on the phone if you like.
  14. jacknife

    Help Wanted...

    If you might be considering a 2 channel tube amp, be sure to check out the Cayin TA-30. It's a real bargin at $599 stock or $850 fully modded. Great sound, awesome build quality for the price.
  15. jacknife


    Just ran across Snurdy at a local cd store, after 1st listen...very cool
  16. I'm looking foward to picking this set up. How's the sound quality?
  17. Thanks Dave. And instant payment from the buyer, can't beat that! Looks like it's time to place a Mosaic order
  18. Thanks Evan for at least bidding it up, sooner or later you should be able to find this box for much cheaper. Dave...no commission for you, I'm a greedy SOB....second thought, Evan keep bidding...this set is well worth thousands!
  19. Now $170.52, I don't understand why this is going for so much now but hey I'm not complaining!
  20. jacknife

    Three Sounds

    Feelin' Good is on it's way to me from Mr. Tanno
  21. here's my new collection, I wish!
  22. I do believe so! The copy I have that sold lickity split for $75 is the domestic McMaster from 1988. nuckin' futs is ruckin' fight!!!!!!
  23. Just bought my tickets for Herbie, Jack Dejohnette and Dave Holland at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee on April 15th. Usually after the show the artists will come into the lounge and mingle with the crowd. Can't wait!
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