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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. darn it! I was willing to pay a c note for it! I can dream can't I
  2. One of my favorite shots of "The People's Republic" Of Madison, WI
  3. Another vote here for "Good Humor Man"! I enjoy the entire Blue Mitchell set emensely but "Good Humor Man" speaks to me like no other, I don't know why but I think this tune is one of my all time favorites.
  4. My picture shows I have 18 Mosaics also, damn, I guess I need to order a couple more to keep up!
  5. Thanks, I got some serious RVGing to catch up on!
  6. As a seller, I only leave fb after I receive fb that everything is ok. As a buyer, I leave fb as soon as I receive item and am happy with it. Seems to work best that way. I am currently dealing with a confused (to be polite) buyer from Taiwan. He, up until recently, has been bidding high on a huge number of jazz cds and only paying for ones he feels like I guess. He has been suspended by ebay but still needs to settle up with 3 of my 7 auctions that he won. I'm pulling my hair out trying to work with him but something seems lost in translation. I first reported him for invalid bid retraction. He would bid high to see were things were at then retract for wrong bid entered without rebidding correct amout immediately, 37 bid retractions in the last 6 months! What a pain in the arse!
  7. I feel your pain! I had planned on leaving work at noon today (Fri). My package was supposed to arrive on Thursday so I figured taking off early on Friday would be no problem (had package shipped to work). I called DHL this morning asking where it's at. They said, we appologize...it should have been delivered yesterday but it's out for delivery today. Well if it's late, don't you think it should be the first to be delivered the next day? I ended up pacing the floor cussing and swearing till 4:30pm today when the package finally showed up! Damn you DHL! Oh well, I now have the package and am enjoying Teddy.
  8. As Carly Simon sang, well sort of.. We can never know about the Mosaic boxes to come But we think about them anyway, yay And I wonder if I'm really ever goin to receive it now Or just chasin' after some finer day when DHL decides to deliver An..tic..i..pation, an..tic..i..pation Is makin' me late Is keepin' me waitin'
  9. Finally got my Teddy Wilson today. A Day Late! Damnit, DHL should know better than to take their sweet ass time with people's Mosaic Boxes! I was tempted to strangle the delivery person, ok time to calm down and listen to Teddy Just starting disc 1, I wasn't really sure what to expect but is sounding pretty good.
  10. Beer, now thats good food! I had to go with Bud Light since I'm on a "low carb" diet The homemade snot boorger with nose flem (green) mayo sounds appetizing also.
  11. I'm not so sure anything in the $200 range will make much a difference but here's a couple to consider Super Companion AC Power Bar I use the Vansevers Model 85 which I am quite happy with, but it costs a bit more than $200.
  12. Another Running Low Set = another purchase. Just ordered Teddy Wilson and after flipping a coin a few times, had them send the Mobley set along for the ride.
  13. Ya, I've been eyeing that for a long time, just haven't been able to pull the trigger on it yet! That one is definately in the procrastinator category Already got the JJ so I'm good there.
  14. Damn it, another endangered species. I feel a mosaic purchase about to happen. So who's the odds on favorite for the next running low? If I'm going to pick up Teddy, might as well get another....who should it be?
  15. Anytime, but should probably wait till it's built Just in the blueprint stage right now.
  16. My Auctions Thanks for looking, and even more thanks for bidding! Gotta finance my new house somehow!
  17. Mine is one of them! Bid high, and bid often
  18. sent pm for TAL
  19. When I ran out of space, my wife suggested ebay as in SELL now! Actually, I think it was a bit more than a suggestion!
  20. Hmm...This is the first that I've even heard of Steve Lacy. I guess I got a bit o catchin' up to do! Makes me wonder how many other great artists are out there that I don't have a clue about!
  21. revisiting Thad Jones from end to beginning. Haven't listened to this one in a while, I think Sam will be next.
  22. Hopefully, nothing for a while! My "last chance" fund is deeply in the red right now!
  23. For a mere $500 you could have this nice BN watch! Once Free BN watch!
  24. I agree, great cd! I was fortunate to see Roy Haynes Birds Of A Feather live. What a great show, I'd never guess Roy was in his upper 70's! He still had the energy of someone half his age and then some! Long Live Roy!
  25. Didn't think to look there but yep the numbers are on there. Morgan/Shorter - 1743, Kelly/Chambers - 1769.
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