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Everything posted by jacknife

  1. At 4 bucks, don't pass this one up! Great disk, one of my favorites of the lot so far.
  2. I went back for more, at 4 bucks a shot, it's a great opportunity to explore stuff I've never heard of! Picked up: Louie Bellson Quintet with Blue Mitchell Bud Shank - Sunshine Express Scott Hamilton & Bucky Pizzarelli....remember Zoot Sims Peter Leitch Trio The Heath Brothers - Jazz Family The Ruby Braff Trio Now if only all cds were 4 bucks apiece!
  3. Haven't you seen the movie?
  4. I see that the Mosaic mis-recorded Grachan Moncur disc just sold on ebay for $23.50! Is this disc going to become a collectors item? I just received the Moncur set with the free screwed up disc, I'd gladly sell it for that! Maybe in a year or two it will sell for more, who knows! I wonder how may of these faulty discs were produced.
  5. Thanks p.d., I'll look for them.
  6. Let's not be sad about the world we live in, but optomistic for what the future holds. We have have a great opportunity here to surpass what was good about bnbb, thanks to b3-er! It's all what we make of it. Who knows, mabe in a few months nobody will even remember what bnbb stands for! You want a piece of me? Lets go!
  7. Anyone take advantage of the Concord Jazz titles on sale at B&N for $3.99 each? I picked up a few, Chick Corea, Scott Hamilton, Jack McDuff. Since my jazz knowledge is rather limited, I didn't recognize many of the titles. Any recomendations? I might have to go back for more!
  8. makin' my way through the 2 Mosaic Selects which I just got, great stuff!
  9. The IASW box is great, the album is contained on disc 3, but the single disc sacd in multichanel sounds awesome!
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