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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. Pink Floyd Obscured by Clouds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoeR7Tb_ItE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKz-1fx-liw
  2. There's the bathroom on the right! (Would have made a good Cajun tune!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrvFIwpAzUU Tiger by the Tail. (My brother told me this was kid stuff in the country-western field)
  3. Big fan of Clara Smith here!
  4. When Houston moves to the American league, who's supposed to be the natural inter-league rivals for the Astros and the Rangers? There are none. There are really only very few lucrative "natural" rivalries for inter-league play, and you can probably figure them out on a set of functional fingers fewer than Django Reinhardt's. You are a 1%er, Bud Selig. Why is "interleague" being spell checked as wrong, but "inter-league" is not? It's pretty clear that nobody writes this word with a hyphen anymore, if they ever did.
  5. If I like the music on a 78 then learn that the remastering job on the cd is fine, yes I will go out of my way to hear it. Really enjoying Fremeaux recordings lately, upon some recommendations on this board. I am spoiled, too, to hear good 78s on Joe Bussard's system in his basement. Sound never persuades me to listen to music I don't like.
  6. The new logo will take elements from the previous cartoon birds but will be a little different. Like the O's on the cap.
  7. The article says there will be more inter-league play, which is something I think MLB should be getting rid of, not adding more. I rooted for the Astros since they were Colt 45s until 2005 when baseball came back to DC and I switched allegiance to the Nationals. It was the only year Houston went to the World Series! Now I will have to root for the Orioles over the Astros as my American League favorite, but I don't see the Orioles or the Astros going to the World Series for the AL any time soon.
  8. Thanks! really enjoyed these.
  9. Washington Nationals Catcher Wilson Ramos Free in Venezuela Police shoot out with kidnappers did it.
  10. Soon to come, SonEMIversal!
  11. Same here! Get it through CD Universe? Worked in my case.
  12. Just got this today and I'm hearing this growling trumpet solo for my first time now. WOW! Sound is nice. Everything I have heard so far on Vol. 1 blows the sound of JSP's Breaking Out of New Orleans (a pretty good collection) out of the water.
  13. I will be mortified if I, a grown man, learn about the outbreak of WWIII on something called a Tweet. Hugo "No man can stop me now" Chavez killed. Dominos fall. North and south call alignments. Intercontinental ballistic missiles on the way!
  14. What are these kids rioting about at Penn State? The football coach getting fired? They probably don't represent the majority of students at PSU. In College Park the frat boys riot whether the U of Maryland beats Duke in basketball OR loses!
  15. Thanks! CD Universe had it and is shipping it today. Can't wait to hear it!
  16. Lot of November birthdays! Have a good one!
  17. Enjoy yourself!
  18. Amazon cancelled my order for Chicago: South SIde 1923-1930, no suppliers. Anyone know where to get this, even used?
  19. Thanks for the good wishes! Day was spent very pleasantly.
  20. Nationals sign again Chien-Ming Wang. Comeback player of the year? (do they still vote on Comeback player of the year anymore?) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/nationals-journal/post/chien-ming-wang-set-to-re-sign-with-nationals/2011/11/03/gIQAIi1VjM_blog.html
  21. That's a very memorable image! I saw a special on the Marichal-Roseboro incident. Not only did they become friends, but didn't Roseboro speak in favor of Marichal being inducted into the HOF? Something like that. You know, Marichal was even a Dodger at the end of his career.
  22. LaRussa announces retirement! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/post/tony-la-russa-steps-down-as-manager-of-st-louis-cardinals/2011/10/31/gIQAnRWJZM_blog.html?hpid=z1
  23. Washington, DC getting ready to name Davey Johnson manager for 2012.
  24. In the spirit of Yogi Berra, baseball has the 1% (NY, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago), and then it has the other half!
  25. Nice story about your dad! The KC Athletics were just about a farm team for the Yankees. It was close to a scandal. I just recently learned that the Philadelphia Athletics' color was blue. Whoever moved them to KC changed to green and yellow in order to have something different and stand out on color TV. I still remember Bert Campaneris playing for them. Ed Charles.
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