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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. Ryan Zimmerman signs with Washington through 2019! Might make his whole career in DC.
  2. Small world! I have known Randol's for years!
  3. Maybe you're confusing a pressed CD with a CD-RW? CD-RW technology works with a combination of magnetism and laser light. Thanks Kevin! That's probably what I was thinking.
  4. What restaurant? My sister lives in Lafayette. I grew up south, in Vermilion parish.
  5. Always cover yourself with a disclaimer. I said a magnetic storm "the likes of which we have never seen before!" Hey, if people on this board can play fast and loose with the language as they are known to do, then beware! It goes both ways. I just know that an ordinary magnet can wipe out a cd, so it's vulnerable. An lp or other record is vulnerable to heat, but not magnetism as far as I know. And I never said Anon. could start a magnetic storm. But they certainly could hack a cloud. A cloud source is even vulnerable to the FBI, as we saw with Megaupload being disrupted. A cloud of data could be interrupted or destroyed without us all losing electric power, too. Doesn't keep me from buying cds and downloads, and used records when I can find them.
  6. Get some Professor Longhair! And some Rebirth Brass Band. Or celebrate the Cajun way with Cajun music. Nathan Abshire with Dewey Balfa on vocal. http://npmusic.org/Nathan_Abshire_Mardi_Gras_Song.mp3
  7. When some kind of magnetic storm the likes of which we have never seen before wipes out all information on our cds, and our Internet grid is wiped out or damaged in a future terrorist (or Anonymous) attack against our cloud hubs instead of the financial center of NY, vinyl and shellac records may be all we have.
  8. Time is on my side. Yes it is.
  9. rip Whitney. Seems to have already eclipsed tonight's loving tribute to Glen Campbell, a very deserving lifetime achievement award winner. Going away due to Alzheimer's disease. Can't find ANY discussion of him on boards about the Grammys.
  10. It's just what James Madison probably meant when he said that in order to have a well-ordered militia, we should have the right to bear arms. Wonder how Scalia would argue this point. I would run away from home if I were the girl, before he puts a bullet through her head.
  11. Let me guess. He has a firearm for self-defense.
  12. But the people who need to hear this message will probably reply "Get off my lawn!" or tl;dw (too long, didn't watch). That's what passes for an utterly devastating rebuttal these days!
  13. I think Manny killed Barney Quill on the Upper Peninsula! (Anatomy of a Murder). What an actor. Thanks, Mr. Ben! RIP
  14. Actually it's "post-modern," which means it came after the "modern" period -- a period that spanned roughly from the end of the late Middle Ages until some time last year.
  15. Clarence Williams and His Orchestra, Speakeasy Recorded August 1928, Long Island City, NY, Broadway 1347-B (heard in Joe Bussard's basement) Outstanding tuba again by Cyrus St. Clair, and a lot more of course! Red Hot Jazz Archive has this at http://www.redhotjazz.com/williamso.html
  16. Google responds to privacy policy criticisms from the text of Wash Post: "use different accounts for different services, so that data is not shared between them. For example, use one Google account for your mail, another for YouTube and one more for Google+. Additionally, there are always the granular privacy changes you can make within some of the products." I don't use Calendar so I don't know, but maybe you could have a separate account for that? I am glad to learn that I can have separate YouTube accounts. I hope they will not force consolidation of those accounts in the future. I think the Post coverage was warranted. Electronic Frontier Foundation and EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) were also concerned and are keeping an eye on this.
  17. Good point! Worth more research. I looked at Slashdot for perspective and don't feel it's objective. Too many Google connections there. Worth looking into what the advocacy groups for privacy are reporting.
  18. There is this FAQ "What kind of information are they collecting and integrating?: Google collects and can integrate almost anything that’s already in the Google ecosystem: calendar appointments, location data, search preferences, contacts, personal habits based on Gmail chatter, device information and search queries, to name a few. " You may want to consider a different email system if you do not want Google to know your calendar.
  19. Experts: Google privacy shift will have greater impact on Android users "But Opsahl said that because Google account holders cannot opt out of the new policy, he fears that the company’s efforts to compile information about users won’t accommodate those who want to separate their personal and professional digital lives. The policy change also alarmed some lawmakers and consumer advocates." Opsahl is Kurt Opsahl, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation I want to keep my personal and professional digital lives separate. I hope I can continue to have multiple YouTube accounts, maybe one for professional purposes and another for music videos. I don't want people I work with to track which music videos I saw lately and liked.
  20. Eric Dolphy and Booker Little Live at the Five Spot. What a rhythm section!
  21. I didn't think Fielder would be a good match for DC, but now we need to face it that our offense is not improved whatsoever. Maybe we can go for Votto in a couple of years.
  22. Meh. Sounds like a 2012 glorified version of mail fraud. Only the govt. doesn't own the Internet, though it would love to. Sorry, Anonymous. Can't get excited and call you a bunch of Robin Hoods over this. For a bunch of people who chastise "old people" for not knowing how to use the Internet, what a bunch of rubes making comments on Reddit. If you have legit files to share you don't need Megaupload, a well known host site of illegal downloading. Just buy yourself some server space and upload your files to it. Get a domain name and make yourself traceable under a real name rather than an Internet handle like nedsexy or shitwhistle32. Who are the people who don't know how to use the Internet? It's just part of information literacy to know how to use information and data in a legal and ethical manner.
  23. Post of the day! Thanks for those thoughts.
  24. I wish I could get a good 20-25 song collection of Johnnie and Jack. I don't want to have to buy their 6 CD box set to get all the major hits. Even a 2 CD set would do me fine.
  25. It's funny I forget about them! I was even born in Abbeville. They are sort of obscure.
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