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Neal Pomea

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Everything posted by Neal Pomea

  1. Love the iPOD. Wish it were easier to go through my menu when it's plugged into the car radio. Can't wheel around quickly. Gotta click a million times to go through my alphabetized playlist arranged by artist or album. I am not as distracted as someone text messaging, but it can't be good. Sweet set up, Mr. Marcello!
  2. Recently got a new computer and don't know how to handle this. I used to connect an RCA cable from my stereo to my computer and digitize lp records, 45s, cassette tapes, etc. The cable ended with a red and a white prong that I inserted into a Radio Shack attachment that I inserted into my computer. It went from 2 prongs to one and I plugged that in. But now when I try to plug the cable in to my new computer (I tried several such possible spots), nothing happens. I don't know if the new computer is going to accommodate this. Do I need to switch to an RCA cable that can be plugged into one of the USB ports on my new computer? Does it matter which USB port I plug it into? (This might be a simple Radio Shack question, so don't laugh at me for not knowing!)
  3. Prolly (yes, that's very prollable) I am just glad it's ok to pronounce February without the r after the b, or Connecticut without the c after the e!
  4. It comes from the recorders in response to their market at large imo. This goes almost double for Cajun French music. Some musicians I know of have even asked to hide their identities out of a sense of cultural shame. I don't think the regional recorders of the music had much pride in preserving this information. Probably not an uncommon phenomenon around the world.
  5. Balfa Brothers Play Traditional Cajun Music (their first 2 Swallow lps plus some singles that never made it to the lp era much less CD): http://www.amazon.com/Traditional-Cajun-Music-Balfa-Brothers/dp/B005UXV5TM/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1337630514&sr=1-1-catcorr Floyd's Early Cajun Singles: http://www.amazon.com/Floyds-Early-Cajun-Singles/dp/B00002M7YE/ref=cm_cr-mr-title Nathan Abshire, Pine Grove Blues and Good Times Killing Me http://www.amazon.com/Pine-Grove-Blues-Times-Killing/dp/B000026EX4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337630383&sr=8-1 A few others in the area of Cajun French music.
  6. RIP. That Fantastic Expedition lp is an all-time favorite. Much more "progressive" than his stuff with The Darlings. Remember The Darlings on the Andy Griffith Show? the Dillards were in those episodes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVzPkSzb6jI
  7. 2-1 score in Cincinnati's ballpark is kind of rare! Good series win over the Redlegs, who are a pretty tough team. (Fingers crossed for no rain outs or rotation disruptions over the next few days, because I am going to a day game on Tuesday in the Columbian District with Strasburg scheduled to pitch against the Padres.)
  8. I want to be clearer about the sense in which I meant the Monk comment above. Of course we can talk about music. We do it all the time on this board and elsewhere! One of my heroes is Dick Spottswood, who jokingly calls his radio show the Obsolete Music Hour. No offense, Dick (or clander), but I just think that calling any genre of music either obsolete or relevant is as off point as dancing about architecture. Obsolete and relevant do not apply, imo.
  9. Cute. Trying to insult some kind of music (more precisely, the people who like it) by saying it's irrelevant. "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture." -- Monk.
  10. What's this stuff about one strike zone for rookies or unproven players and another one for veterans and stars? That system needs to be done away with immediately, and any umpire upholding such inconsistency should be disciplined/fired. (That'll be the day! Ha! But I think the zone should be consistent.) Anyway, taunting Werth when he got hurt was worse than throwing at Harper, in the long run.
  11. That was a nice play! We are wondering about Ramos and some of his errors on home slides like that. It's not the first time. So far it really looks like Jesus Flores is having the better season of the two. I admit to being crazy superstitious. Once the team got off to a winning streak, I stopped initiating any conversations about them and would only respond if directly asked. As if that had any effect on the situation!! I like the comparisons of Harper to Pete Rose so far. Whenever he hits the ball to an infielder, that man had better hustle it all the way through 'cause Harper is FLYING to first base!!
  12. Bluebird B-6918 Clarence Williams' Washboard Band Top of the Town/More Than That Didn't care for Eva Taylor's vocal, but the ensemble playing is fantastic! See this lineup: http://www.redhotjazz.com/cwwbb.html. Easy tempos with a lot of New Orleans feel, even though Top of the Town is about Manhattan.
  13. Sign of my culture's assimilation into American homogenization when swamp pop singers like Rod Bernard and Dale and Grace appeared on Bandstand. Local TV with French bands like Aldus Roger and the Lafayette Playboys and even Happy Fats was more my kind of thing. But I also enjoyed the same kid stuff being heard around the nation.
  14. Well, Lidge was not supposed to be our closer this year, but Storen is hurt. Yes, it is a big concern. I think we will audition Henry Rodriguez and Sean Burnett.
  15. 10th inning walk off 3-2 over Miami! That team has killed us for so many years. Hope it is turned around this year.
  16. The won/loss record today for relievers can be misleading. On one side there's the "vulture" win -- a starter pitches masterfully for nearly the whole game but leaves when the score is tied or his team is behind, then a reliever comes in and pitches to hardly any batters at all but his team scores, goes ahead, and he ends up being the winning pitcher. The Nationals had Tyler Clippard last season "win" 11 games like that before the All Star break. (Anybody know how Elroy Face won something like 18 wins in relief one season? Were they mostly "vulture" wins like this, or did he appear for more like 3 innings at a time when he relieved a starter, thus more deserving of his wins? Clippard most commonly appeared in one inning hold situations.) To me Gagne's value that year didn't come from how many games he won or loss, but from how many he saved or held. I'd trade an 11-0 won-loss record of vulture wines for 80 saves, or whatever he ended up with.
  17. I liked the episode with Lamont's botched wedding. Get away from there, kid. This table's for drinking! Your mama and me never had a honeymoon, and now look, you and me's going! Esther, you never looked sweeter!
  18. Great duet with Richard Manuel on Whispering Pines! I remember Marcus Van Story of the Sun Rhythm section telling us in the kitchen at the Twist and Shout club in Bethesda Maryland that everyone knew him as luh VONN in Arkansas, but the Hawks could not pronounce his name so it morphed into LEE vonn.
  19. Houston will be in the AL West beginning next season in order to even out the divisions. Currently there are only LA of Anaheim, Oakland, Seattle, and Texas. It's the only division like it. It will be fairer to the other divisions if there is more competition for the top spot. I felt that Milwaukee should have been the one reassigned to the AL since they started there.
  20. After their current four game series with Washington is over, I sort of wish the Astros would stun MLB and go on a rampage! If they made it to the post-season or even won it all it would serve Selig right for moving them to the AL West next season.
  21. I think it's fitting that baseball honors Jackie Robinson this way. Seems like I know next to nothing about the first blacks in the NFL and NBA.
  22. OT. I remember thinking Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum was a belly-rubbing "swamp pop" song a la Rod Bernard, Johnnie Allen, T.K. Hulin, Warren Storm, Tommy McClain, Charles Mann, and G.G. Shinn! Guess I was not paying attention to those creepy lyrics. Haven't kept up with the "prog rock" my friends introduced to me, but I still hear the countrypolitan music I used to hear on the radio in my pre-teen and teen years. The dancehall Cajun music of the 60s-70s has really not been equalled, surpassed, or improved upon by the bands of Renaissance era of the 70s and beyond, imo.
  23. This is the most footage I have seen of IoW! Thanks for the link.
  24. Sounds like the bartender put money in the jukebox, then he matched that amount just to keep it going.
  25. NL East Braves NL Central Cardinals AL West Giants WCs Phillies, Dodgers (long shot) AL East Yankees AL Central Indians (long long long shot) AL West Angels WCs Rays, Tigers
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